So, if I had someone I could do that with, I wouldn't be asking here.
You can do it with yourself, to understand how it works.
The TCS tournament fleets don't look very practical to me. They seem weirdly random: TL12, Jump-3, 1G. Who flies that? Why?
Yes, it's completely arbitrary, but it forces a different designs. It's a minimum, at least it's not always TL-15?
The more interesting part is the campaign, e.g. the Old Islands or the Imperium where different TLs are pitted against each other. A single world has very different priorities from a massive imperium. Building a fleet to fight lower tech fleets is very different to building fleets to fight higher tech.
Yeah, the rock-paper-scissors thing became apparent to me also. Missile bays can't be stacked up high enough because of the 1 bay per 1000 ton limit, and Nuke Damper 9 making them nearly useless. I can see Missile bays being a factor at lower tech levels.
Yes, they are expensive, but spinals are more expensive...
They force the enemy to play honest, otherwise unarmoured (much cheaper) meson riders can be effective. They are also useful to clear out fighters.
They degrade enemy spinals, reducing their hit chances in later turns. PA spinal craft are probably bigger, using less armour, so more vulnerable to missiles.
The Smallest Spinal planetoid SDB I could make was a bit under 40,000T. Cost and mass-wise is wasn't competitive with the 20,000T SDBs, and of course you get only half the weapons, so ignoring missiles and particles, while awesome, doesn't seem to be in the cards.
You don't need all the armour, just enough to avoid size crits from particle spinals, e.g.:
BR-K906D93-G49900-230J9-0 MCr 10 212 19 000 Dton
bearing H HH 11 Crew=204
batteries H HH 11 TL=15
Cargo=7 Fuel=2518 EP=2518 Agility=6
Defeats PA spinals, loses to smaller, less armoured meson spinals...
A regular planetoid configuration leads to a smaller and cheaper rider, but offers no defence against mesons, e.g.:
BR-K806G93-G49900-230J9-0 MCr 8 144 11 500 Dton
bearing H HH 11 Crew=163
batteries H HH 11 TL=15
Cargo=14 Fuel=1933 EP=1933 Agility=6
Yeah, I'm just trying to work out where the balance is. Fuel isn't a problem if I can tank up after jumping insystem and before engaging their defenses. But I imagine an enemy will try and prevent that if they can, so I don't like to count on it. Transferring fuel to a ship after the fight is fine, if you win the fight. But in the middle of a fight, that's hard.
That is what the reserve is for. Stick a tanker in the reserve, or just transfer fuel between two ships:
TCS, p39:
Streamlined or partially streamlined ships are also capable of refueling from a gas giant during battle. The ship must be part of the reserve during the operation, and if interrupted is considered not refueled. One pass through the gas giant's atmosphere is sufficient to fill all tanks and takes 7 turns. Fuel may be transferred between ships in two turns.
If you are assaulting a fixed position, use drop tanks to arrive with your internal tanks full?
So, this is absolutely the case. Fair fights are for tournaments, warfare should be as unbalanced in your favor as you can make it. That said, I'm still not sure how to compose the fleet to maximize capabilities and shore up any holes.
Build a few fleets with different offensive strategies. Think about how to counter them. Build a few more fleets to defeat the first fleets. Iterate until bored...