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When was the last time you did it online?

When was the last time you played Traveller (any version) time over the Internet

  • 1 day ago

    Votes: 6 6.5%
  • 1 week ago

    Votes: 9 9.8%
  • 1 month ago

    Votes: 7 7.6%
  • 6 months ago

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • 1 year ago

    Votes: 10 10.9%
  • 5 years ago

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • More than 5 years ago

    Votes: 10 10.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 42 45.7%

  • Total voters
This time I want to poll those who use the Internet and play in real time. Please comment with details of software you use. PBM and PBeM players please be patient your turns next.
Last edited:
Can't spell or iPhone predictive faux pa

Question should read "played" not "laid" although some of us do view traveller with great affection!
1) Edited the poll-header to be less racy.

2) To answer the question...

I ran several sessions of my FTF game via skype due to one or more players being quite sick. Software used was Skype and catchyourhare.com shared screen dieroller.

Currently play in a Burning Wheel Skype game using same software. I want a headset, but can't afford one. Maps are sent as files, usually small PDF's, when needed, tho I'm likely to switch to SVG's. (Smaller files, and can be opened with FF, Chrome, Safari, and Opera; IE can't open them without a plug-in, and Firefox can't open them inline, only as separate files.)
My neolithic computer won't handle lots of software and graphics, my neanderthal brain won't handle lots of new systems and procedures, and being in the UK, most of my potential players are separated by an annoying 5 to 10 hour time zone mismatch that makes real time gaming rather awkward.

I could find some suitable software, buy it (££*@&$!!&!), buy a computer to run it (££&$%*!!), hope to find someone with the time and determination to play at a pre-arranged time, and then stay up until the small hours to play, but why bother when there's perfectly good PbP games to play with no cost and no hassle and I can go to bed when I choose?
I've got an old computer as well. The software we use is free, it's called gametable, it's opensource and you get it from sourceforge.


The GM also uses obsidianportal for the campaign, which he has a nice log which he updates regularly:


We are all around the world, the timezone thing isn't a big deal for me, I think it's evening for people in the UK when it's just afternoon for me (1300).

A portal for Traveller like obsidian portal would be nice for CotI to have, it would help generate interest in playing Traveller.
A few years ago I experimented with MapTool and Skype. Never ran an actual session but it seemed promising. I will definately be revisiting this option soon ... as soon as I upgrade my computer (in a couple of months from now).
About a year or two ago in Second Life - with a Suleiman-Scout that was nicely scripted (engineering, flight control, sensors, turret weapons) and took some time to learn how to use. On a character scale, scripts were used which were able to differentiate between the classic character stats, calculating damage by (ranged) weapons applying it to the stats, healing - and we saw scripted NPC (monster) usage. All in all, nicely done and far beyond my own capabilities.