The only Traveller art featuring "Great Apes" I'm familiar of is part of the Solomani & Aslan sidebar discussing the "Gene wars". IIRC, the illo shows an orangutan signing.
This was a color pic that had some humans in the forground. They were in action RPG splash page pose. They may have all been wearing the same uniform? I want to say it was a hardtimes setting?
I think the GURPS Uplift books have an intelligent gorilla in them.
I think the GURPS Uplift books have an intelligent gorilla in them.
Nope. I'm still looking. I remember when I saw it, I thought at first how dumb it was for Traveller to have gorillas as crewmembers. But now I'm used to it. I didn't remember about the uplifting that was being done in the universe (until I saw a couple lines about +2 strength for apes mentioned in Mongoose Traveller). Maybe there was a time when uplifting in RPGs was popular (say around 1994-96)? So the product would have come out around then.
Maybe there was a time when uplifting in RPGs was popular (say around 1994-96)? So the product would have come out around then.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but the uplift thing was big in the late 60s, early 70s, too. (Remember Planet of the Apes - 1968?)