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GT Universe Only: Where to start?


SOC-14 1K
Throwing up my hands with the other systems, I figure I'll try GURPS. I've stayed away from it for years since I distrust universal systems but WTH. I bought the 4th edition Space book a couple years ago and it's fantastic. And I own a ton of the Traveller supplements for GURPS since the fluff is so excellent...

So, GT is only out for 3rd edition. But GURPS is now on 4th edition.

Which way to go?
Get GT:ISW and GURPS 4ed lite.

Those two will give you a pretty good idea how to use the system to run any Traveller based game, and then you can decide if you want to lay down the cash for GURPS 4th
I think it all depends on what group of people you plan to adventure with. If everyone has Gurps 3e stuff, why the need to spend more money and get 4e? Unless that's what you and your fellow adventurers want :)
No one except me has any rulebooks.

Any issue with using GURPS 4th with all of the 3rd edition material including ships, weaponry, tech etc?
My suggestion would be to select a system that works well for you and then use Traveller books (including GT books) for setting material.

I've been using my own house rules for decades, but perhaps something like Basic Role-Playing would work. Or some of the newer generic systems.

That's what I've been trying to do... Alternity, Silhouette, Interlock... Too many of the mechanics I DO want (mostly having to do with economy) are tied up in actual Traveller systems.

I figure might as well add GURPS to the pile.
Very little difficulty creating 4e characters using 3e templates. A few mandatory skills are eliminated in 4e SKILL sets. 4e characters usually get a lot more points than 3e characters, that helps. My only issue is with 4e combat, the rules are fine but they genericized the weapons so much that the only difference between a M-14 and a M1911 at 10yds (or 100, or a 1000yds) is 3 points of accuracy, no individualized range bands, all use same basic grouping for range. In 3e the Acc difference was about 7.
Get GT:ISW and GURPS 4ed lite.

Those two will give you a pretty good idea how to use the system to run any Traveller based game, and then you can decide if you want to lay down the cash for GURPS 4th

Little late, but +1 on this. GT:ISW is really excellent, and quite complete. It's 3BB in one.

It is missing a personal weapons list though. Gurps Lite has some very basic stuff, short sword and a .45 -- staples in Traveller since forever anyway.
Personally, I recommend GT's Rim of Fire, Sword Worlds and Nobles books.
Personally, I recommend GT's Rim of Fire, Sword Worlds and Nobles books.

Own them. Along with ground forces, starports, mercs, behind the claw, far trader... you name it. Just never actually looked at GURPS as the actual system.

I've shelved the idea momentarily due to work but will look into when life returns to normal.