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Which Traveller Rule System(s) do you have, and which do you use in actual play?

Which Traveller Rule System(s) do you have?

  • GURPS: Traveller (GT)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mark Miller's Traveller (T4)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Traveller: D20 (T20)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another rule system

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Which Traveller Rule System(s) do you have, and which do you use in actual play? Do you possess alot of rulebooks you use only as reference, or do you play with most or all of what you have?
I'll let you guess how I voted... ;)

I use a frankenstein's monster like mish-mash of the best bits from every version of Traveller, add stuff borrowed from other games, and then some house rules just for good measure

I tend not to have to refer to the books during play, and have lotts of crib sheets for weapons, equipment, vehicles etc. (thank goodness for pdfs - it's dead easy to print out just the pages you need at the table).
For setting I use most books from all the Traveller version except for T20 whhich I have nothing from: I have products from Avenger which I list as "other" as they are rules independent.

But for game mechanics I use mainly TNE, but borrow from MT to flesh out the task system.
I've got in to Traveller recently (about a year ago - [EDIT] Just looked at my member since at the bottome of the posting. It looks as though it's two years. How time flies.) with the purchase of the T20 rulebook. I haven't yet run/played a game due to real life limiting roleplay opportunities.

I've collected a lot of other Traveller material from Classic, MegaTraveller, Gurps (GT:Interstellar Wars) to use for background. The era that most appeals is the early period (Interstellar Wars) and I'm working on an ATU in what little spare time I have based on this era (divergence point: before first contact). The next most appealing period would be MegaTraveller:Hard Times.
Yeah, I use a mixture as well. Basically MT+CT, with background etc from T4, TNE, GT, and T20 plus an increasingly number of House Rules that I steal from the 'net, for instance, Carlos' excellent Task System.

What might appeal to me is what the French version of Traveller has done which is essentially CT+, as best, as I can tell. Although, I do like the Advanced Chargen but would like it for all careers and a computer to do all the work. Much like the basic one that someone told me about it. As much, as I like the gen systems in Traveller, in my old age (36 going on 37), I find the mechanic interests me less and less, it ought only exist as a descriptor and if I can have computers do the grunt work, I am happy player/referee.
I own CT, MT, and the core rules for T4, having ditched all T4 supplements long ago.

Ditto the play mix. T5, with Book 2 for starships, T4 for psionics, and CT for background.
CT. Classic Traveller. CT. Nothing but. When 'Mega' came out, my group had gotten into Torg (amazing system) and WEG's other products.

I've been mulling over WJP's new combat rules, though, which look very compelling.
Strange, quite a few persons here seems to have T20 :D

I have all except T4. I used all but freely admit that I abandonned the classic books as soon as I got MegaTraveller. Maybe due to the classic books being the german massaker err translation.

I liked TNE's system (being a T2K gamer) but have used GURPS and T20 most often recently. T20 for convention games and quick pick-ups, GURPS for more complex set-ups.

Universe-wise I'd prefer the MegaTraveller way but can find a liking to the Gateway setting. Bored of the Marches.
Aside from Vilani and Vargr and the T20 trade goods table, my Traveller is classic!
I've run campaigns in CT, MT, TNE, SpaceMaster (ICE's product), Space Opera (SPI's long-dead but very cool product), and even that horrible system T$R put out...what was that called...? Oh, Alternity.

Also the Hero system modified for a sci-fi campaign.

Never did go to a future setting with GURPS, but I'm on the lookout for GURPS Traveller sourcebooks, as SJ usually has some good tidbits to steal.

And my next campaign (which begins SOON
) will be T20. It has just the right mix of Traveller's "feel" and d20's ubiquitousness (my players are familiar with d20, mostly) to work. It was near-perfect in hardcover; the pdf files I got from the Moot side of things make it Just What the Evil Doctor Ordered. (More classes, prior histories, and stuff...)
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I use a frankenstein's monster like mish-mash of the best bits from every version of Traveller, add stuff borrowed from other games, and then some house rules just for good measure
Me too. Especially borrowings from Striker (which I think of as LBBs 9, 10, and 11), Gurps and Shadowrun. And lots and lots of house rules.
I own them all

I use CT/MT to play, although T20 I would play and GURPS makes great references...

I would probably play any of them if the Ref is good ;)
Nearly pure MT, with just very few tweaks (tradesystem - variable base price for spec goods, space combat - simplified sensor rules, competative movement).
Background: the complete menue (yes, with Rebellion, Hard Times, Virus and of course 1248 now..)
I only own CT, and I use it for background and setting, as well as ship building. Actual play happens in BRP (RuneQuest III, to be precise).
MT with bits from T4 and T20. I steal T4 psionics, and T20 T&C. I'm also using T20 ship design in current campaign, but players neither know nor care.

I have core rules for all but GTIW. I have some stuff for each edition.

CT Bk0-8 (1-3 & 5 are second ed)
CT Supps 1-13
CT Adv 1-12
CT DblAdv Reprint.
CT TTB, TTA, AM1-8, BoJTAS1-4, SMC, Beltstrike

Old Games: Imperium, Invasion Earth, Imperium 3rd Millenium, AHL, Striker

MT PM, RM, IE, RC, RebSB, HT, AV, S&A, V&V, WBH, Knightfall, 101V, The Flaming Eye, Survival Margin

TNE Core, FF&S, BL, H&I, WTH, Striker II, RCVG, RCEG, RegSB, BL, BR

T4: Core, Pocket Empires, Psionics, Alien Archive, Squadrons, FF&S2, NAH.

T20: 2xCore, 3 items sent by Hunter (don't recall, but I think arsenal is one of them).

GT: core 3rd Ed, GTFT

T5: playtest Drafts.