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Which Traveller should I buy?

CT is fine, but a bit dated in parts.

MT added a far better task & combat system, and more detailed ship design.

TNE (via FF&S) gives you cyberware and non-Traveller tech.

Buy 'em all and just use the bits you like!
The other thing is the reprints are available, CT and MT so far with more to come, on CD from Far Future Enterprises. At $35 a pop it is cheaper than buying those sets as individual PDF.

For chargen the way you seem to want it, T20 is actually one of your best choices. You can use the material from CT as background without using the rules as T20 feels quite a bit like CT. Since you are already playing D&D then playing Traveller using the T20 rules is a natural switch and easier on your players and the GM. One point though, your D&D characters that want to rush right into combat, as D&D players tend to do, they will find that they lose characters in a hurry here. And some street punk with a shotgun will cut them down in a heartbeat.

For D&D players I do recommend setting up a group of characters and run them through a boarding action before they spend time building characters.

One other point in T20. It pays to specialize. Max out skills don't take one level here and one level there becoming a Jack of All Trades, but master of none. In T20 that definitely is a bad way to go and players that create characters that way, (with 3 plus unrelated classes, skills all over the map, etc.) get very frustrated with the game quickly.
I think I'm with Supplement Four on this. I don't think CT is going to give you what you are looking for. D20 Future is probably more what you're looking for. And you should be able to bring a lot from Alternity in as well. They already stat the aliens from Alternity in the d20 Future book. And have the Alternity universe as one of the 'Realms' to play in. Plus it also lets you bring in most things from T20 as well (with a little bit of tweeking). And even bring in things from Star Wars d20 if you want. There's a complex skill check in Unearthed Arcana which I think might be in the d20 SRD. I have a feeling it'll have all that you're looking for.
I will tell you that the main reason I am looking into Traveller right now is that my current sci-fi system of choice, Alternity, has a really bad Progress Level system in place of Traveller's Tech Levels. They are clunky and don't accurately simulate the smaller differences between technology levels in my opinion.
if that's the main reason, then why not just amend the alternity progress level system to what you need?

some versions of traveller break out overall tech level into various independent tracks - medical, jump drive, weapons, power generation, etc - and rate them independently. perhaps you could import that to alternity.
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
CT is fine, but a bit dated in parts.

MT added a far better task & combat system, and more detailed ship design.
I agree, but y'know, in retrospect I think MT's Striker-derived shipbuilding system was a bit much for casual gaming.

I could see using MT's chargen and task resolution and sticking with high guard for ship gen. Or using the built in ships (and fan ships you can find online) if building ships isn't a big deal to you.

TNE (via FF&S) gives you cyberware and non-Traveller tech.[/QB]
Yeah, I loathed TNE, but picked up FFS just for the gearheaded goodness.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone. Star Wars d6 was actually the first RPG book I bought, and I still own most of that line. Great, great game with an awesome system (well, except for the Wookiee-in-armor eating a thermal detonator issue...not that you can't fix that with Logic and GM fiat, but still, that was wonky). I own a bunch of Fading Suns stuff...doesn't really do it for me. Too many d10s, reminiscent of the Storyteller system which isn't my favorite.

S4--I'm more than familiar with Traveller's hard-SF roots. I insist on "harder" sci-fi even in my Alternity games, letting go fully of science only for Star Wars type games (which I usually call space fantasy, to even further differentiate from space opera, which can have harder SF elements). I think my feeling is that Traveller these days isn't so much insisting on hard sci-fi, so much as its just dated. Nanotech is probably more realistic now than ever before, and obviously Traveller computers are somewhat laughable considering what exists now. Cybernetics I do not consider to be particularly "soft" either, especially given recent advances in mating nerve cells to silicon chips (fascinating mechanisms too, if you've got the biology background).

I think I will just end up modding Alternity to suit my needs. I've already started on an alternate combat system to be a little bit more logical than the normal version is. The tech levels is probably just a matter of plugging in the tech definitions from another system. There are some difficulties involved, but nothing I can't work around given some time.

Thanks for all your comments and enjoy your Traveller! I'll be back when T5 is released...
Originally posted by apoc527:
Great, great game with an awesome system...
It certainly is. WEG hit a homerun with that one. Definitely captured the feel and atmosphere of the movies like few licensed games ever have.

Too bad SW switched over to d20.

I think my feeling is that Traveller these days isn't so much insisting on hard sci-fi, so much as its just dated.
It is dated, in one sense. In another, it's as vibrant as the day it was published.

Still goin' strong after 30 years. Huge presence on the internet. It still captures the imagination of a lot of role players (and, it's not like there isn't a lot of choice out there).

It's still my favorite rpg of all time.

I think I will just end up modding Alternity to suit my needs.
Given your desires, I think this is the best route for you to take as well.

I don't know much about Avenger's Translight other than its name, but that might be something you'd be interested in.


I feel it depends on what version & what gaming system you prefer, understand and/or enjoy. I prefer CT, but collect Gurps Traveller for background (I took TNE serious when they said if you don't like rebellion or the virus-ignore them). I also run a campaign based off Paranoid Press & FASA material because I liked those books.
By the way, for those looking for a points-based CT character generation system, I heartily recommend "Traveller Plus" which can be found at Crucible Highport. Also some interesting alternative combat rules along with vehicle & weapon construction.