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White Dwarf Spectral Class

Hi, folks:

I'm working on an Excel/Visio generator for subsectors using the rules from the T20 Handbook. I'd originally done a simple one using the LBB3 rules and am now adapting it for T20.

I'm having a bit of trouble dealing with some of the notes in the tables. On page 372, under Step 4 - Star Spectral Classification, the text reads "If the star size result was a White Dwarf or Red Dwarf, this step should be skipped." Prior to this, the text notes that White Dwarfs are automatically spectral class W. Yet, later on, in the Minimum Orbit (the errata notes that "Dwarf" in this table should be "White Dwarf") and Habitable Zone tables, there are rows for White Dwarf stars with Spectral Classes B,A,F,G,K,M, but no W.

In other words, as I read the text, White Dwarf stars are automatically Spectral Class "W," yet the Minimum Orbit and Habitable Zone tables suggest the possibility of White Dwarf stars with Spectral Classes of B, A,F, G, K, or M. Is this a mis-print or am I reading it wrong? I'm no astronomer, so forgive me if the solution is obvious -- I'm just working with the table data.

Can anyone clarify this for me?

Gratefully yours...

Well a White Dwarf is a stellar remnant of a giant star that has come to the end of its life, possibly quite violently.

I would suggest that you can forget about any habitable zones and possibly use the appropriate inner zone for its previous incarnation as a giant star. Though I suspect you would only find asteroids and distant rockballs in any orbits.