No. Cyberpunk emphasises the punk, the breakdown of society, the struggle to adapt to a changing world etc.
Soft to hard transhuman is how I would describe the T5 setting now. On some worlds there will be little evidence of augmentation, bioengineering, wafer tech etc.
On others you can't get moved for chimeras, synthetics and clones, not to mention alien races not derived from human or earth based animal stock.
Hmm - I wonder what the other races in charted space do with synthetic, chimera, guest, relict, augmentation and wafer tech?
Why not play Eclipse Phase as it delves into these questions more intensely.
Two reasons
1 the game system is not very good, although I have heard the next edition will solve some of the issues - it plays much better as a setting for a different rules engine.
2 the game is really a CoC variant, the slow slide to insanity; it's a horror story.
I should say I have all the EP books and I love the setting, but when I run it from time to time it has been with BRP rules. May give it a try with Genesys...
(and I did steal bits for my Traveller Culture game - but with the revelations about the OTU from AotI and T5 perhaps a lot more will make it into my other Traveller games now}
To me Cyberpunk, especially Eclipse Phase tech, is not Traveller. Traveller is 1950s (60s? 70s?) people put into strange adventures.
To me the OTU third Imperium is set in the 57th century, any similarities to any current or near current human culture are purely coincidental and a way for us in the real world to make sense of it.
I mean if everyone has a backup, or multiple backs, no one "dies" they just respawn and start over. Reminds me of some of my friends FRPG games in the 70s and 80s. Everyone got resurrected if they were so unfortunate as to "die" so no penalty.
Everyone doesn't, only those that can afford them. Makes quite a character hook to gain enough money to afford a wafer back up, and then enough to pay for a clone body.
All you have to do is find a TL13+ world that offers the services, and have a few million credits to spare.
Also remember roleplaying - remind the player that if their character dies they are dead. relicts are not immortality in the sense of continued existence, there is just someone else out there that thinks they are you and look like you.
Depends on how your players approach the themes.
Paranoia was fun with its clone bodies and ridiculous death traps.
Eclipse Phase is a horror story of the slow slide to insanity as you realise you are not 'you'
The OTU is a vast tapestry where just about any sci-fi theme you wish to include or explore can be found.
Out on the frontier in the Spinward Marches much of this transhumanist stuff will not come up too often, but Imperial core sector worlds are going to be a much wilder ride than I previously imagined.