Name: Mike Davis (do you have any idea how many Mike Davis' there are in the world? There are 2 in my PRECINT in a town of 50K!)
Age: 33
Country: (It says where I'm from right down there...Do I have to type it in? I hate typing.

Military: Family AirForce, Personal No
College: Dropped out <sigh>
Profession: Restaurant Manager
Favorite Version: CT
Favorite Supplement: that one over there next to the TV
Favorite Sector: Ghoekhnael
Favorite World: Seghyeg (Ngathksirz 0401) -It has an awesome brewpub that servs..nevermind...
Favorite Ship: Duh... Mine
Favorite Major Race: Vargr (like you didn't know)
Favorite minor Race: Anything that tastes good with red wine
Favorite Adventure:The Drenslaar Quest
Dream Date: Shego