SOC-14 5K
I posted here a while back, but figure that it is time to update things a bit.
Name: Dale, aka Timerover51
Age: Approaching 68, had my 50th High School Reunion in July, 2019
Country: Far North Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have not escaped from Illinois as yet.
Favorite version of Traveller: 1977 and 1981 Edition of Little Black Books with some Cepheus Engine mixed in, so best described as Home Rules for now. I also use The Traveller Book.
Military Service: ROTC scholarship in College, 3 years and 4 months as a U.S. Army Quartermaster Officer (see signature), then medically retired in July of 1978. Presently listed at 100% disabled.
Favorite Supplement: Toss up between Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium (additional careers and skills) and Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats (I like a small ship universe).
Favorite Adventures: ANNIC NOVA, Research Station Gamma, Twilight's Peak
Favorite Sector: Piper-Norton Out Rim Sector that I am building (slowly).
Favorite Race: Human (I also like the Droyne.)
Favorite Empire: Empire, what Empire?
Started Playing Traveller: Bought the 1977 version of the LBBs in 1979, and working with them ever since.
Favorite Authors: H. Beam Piper, Andre Norton, James Schmitz, Murray Leinster, Robert Howard, J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Bruce Catton, U.S. Center for Military History "Green Book" series covering World War 2 along with their other publications
I also am a military historian, especially naval, from the Sumerians to modern day. I have done some work for the government. (see signature). Not a great fan of flyboys.
Name: Dale, aka Timerover51
Age: Approaching 68, had my 50th High School Reunion in July, 2019
Country: Far North Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have not escaped from Illinois as yet.
Favorite version of Traveller: 1977 and 1981 Edition of Little Black Books with some Cepheus Engine mixed in, so best described as Home Rules for now. I also use The Traveller Book.
Military Service: ROTC scholarship in College, 3 years and 4 months as a U.S. Army Quartermaster Officer (see signature), then medically retired in July of 1978. Presently listed at 100% disabled.
Favorite Supplement: Toss up between Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium (additional careers and skills) and Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats (I like a small ship universe).
Favorite Adventures: ANNIC NOVA, Research Station Gamma, Twilight's Peak
Favorite Sector: Piper-Norton Out Rim Sector that I am building (slowly).
Favorite Race: Human (I also like the Droyne.)
Favorite Empire: Empire, what Empire?
Started Playing Traveller: Bought the 1977 version of the LBBs in 1979, and working with them ever since.
Favorite Authors: H. Beam Piper, Andre Norton, James Schmitz, Murray Leinster, Robert Howard, J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Bruce Catton, U.S. Center for Military History "Green Book" series covering World War 2 along with their other publications
I also am a military historian, especially naval, from the Sumerians to modern day. I have done some work for the government. (see signature). Not a great fan of flyboys.