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Who are we?

Name: Joe
Age: 30
Country: USA, Pennsylvania
Favorite version of Traveller: MT
Military Service: Yes, Lt(jg) US Navy 4 years
Favorite Suppliment: MT Rebellion Sourcebook
Favorite Sector: Corridor
Favorite Race: K'Kree, Vargr close second
Favorite Empire: The Two Thousand Worlds
Name: Christopher Corbett
Age: 30
Country: USA, (Cambridge, MA)
Favorite Version: CT
Military Service: n/a
Favorite Supplement: Tarsus
Favorite Sector: Hinterworlds
Favorite Race: Hivers
Favorite Empire: 3I
Name: Alan Nuss
Age: 47
Country: Georgia, USA (born and raised in Michigan)
Favorite Traveller Version: toss up between CT and T5 (I have draft rules from Marc Miller)
Military Service: U.S. Navy
Favorite Supplement: Scouts
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Humand and Vargr
Favorite Empire: The Third Imperium
Name: Gatsby (real: Mike)
Age: 5 terms (38)
Country: Massachusetts, USA South Shore
Favorite version of Traveller: LBBs with Striker, MT tasks
Military Service: Just a civ
Favorite Suppliment: There's a bad one?
Favorite Sector: Gimme the Spinward!
Favorite Race: Darrians
Favorite Empire: The Imperium (Long live Strephon!)

[This message has been edited by Gatsby (edited 21 December 2001).]
Name: Michael E. Landon (no relation)
Age: 36
Country: US (Iowa)
Favorite version of Traveller: CT
Military Service: None
Favorite Suppliment: Citizens of the Imperium
Favorite Sector: Solomani Rim
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Empire: Rule of Man
Favorite Adventure: Secret of the Ancients (modified to make them a REALLY advanced race)
Name: Robert J. Brown
Age: 38
Country: Ohio
Favorite version of Traveller: CT w/bits of MT,T4 & parts of the T5 character gen posted on the Downport
Military Service: Army,Infantry
Favorite Suppliment:to hard to decide,but I use the Scout materials alot
Favorite Sector: Solomani Rim
Favorite Race: Virushi
Favorite Empire: The Imperium & The Solomani
Fravorite World: Maggie's Nipples/The Beyond
Name: William Barnett-Lewis
Age: Old Enough to know better but not behaving any better... (38)
Country: God's (aka Wisconsin)
Favorite version of Traveller: MT in the GT variant Milleau
Military Service: 3 years active (Armor), 13 years reserves (Infantry, Cav Scout, Military Intel)
Favorite Suppliment: Either GT:First In or GT:Ground Forces
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: K'kree in beer batter...Yum! Hm? Oh, well, in that case, the Ael Yael
Favorite Empire: 3I. Strephon Lives!
Name: Elliot
Age: 29
Country: England
Occupation: Barrister
Military Service: None
Favourite Version: MT
Player or Gentleman? (i.e. ref): Ref
Style of play: Freeform, little combat (one 'set piece' per session), avoidance of dice rolls, lots of role playing
Favourite Sectors: Spinward Marches,Trojan Reaches, Solomani Rim,
Favourite 'Empire': Solomani Confederation
Favourite aliens: Droyne
Favourite adventure: Twiglet's Peak
Favourite supplement: SORAG, Library Data
From Above:

Name: Elliot
Age: 29
Country: England
Favourite 'Empire': Solomani Confederation
Favourite adventure: Twiglet's Peak

(Sorry: Couldn't resist it...)
Now, with you being from England and your favourite empire being the Solomani AND your favourite adventure being 'Twiglet's Peak'....

Is that the one where players get embroiled in Twiglet's career just as it reaches it's height? Twiglet is, of course, Twiggy's far future descendent....

Hey, that COULD make a good adventure....I LOVE Traveller!

Name: Boris
Age: 32
Country: United States of Greater Toronto (when not actively travelling to the back and beyond)
Occupation: Information Professional (read: librarian)
Military Service: None
Favourite Version: a heavily modified MT
Player or Gentleman?: Referee (but wanting to join the ranks of being a player)
Style of play: Freeform, little combat, prefer long epic campaigns over single shot adventures, avoidance of dice rolls, lots of role playing plus lots of background storylines
Favourite Sectors: Solomani Rim & Hinterworlds
Favourite 'Empire': Terram Merchantile Community & Zhodani Consulate
Favourite aliens: Droyne, J'daide
Favourite adventure: Knightfall
Favourite supplement: DGP Alien Modules: Aslan & Solomani + Vilani & Vargr
Favorite Magazine: Third Imperium & Travellers Digest
What I want to see: a Traveller gaming community that would dwarf D&D
Favorite authors: Swycaffer, Asimov, MJD (if he would commit himself to a print format!)
Sorry for the long silence. My computer has been fried. So I must rely on 32K Modem on a laptop backup.

[This message has been edited by kafka47 (edited 25 December 2001).]
Name: Colonel Mac
Age: 43, which is old enough not to care if someone laughs at my games!
Current TAS accomodations: High Desert of Arid-Zona, USA
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller w/ emphasis on Mercenary
Military Service: Imp. Marine Commandos
Favorite Adventure: Night/Divine Intervention, Expedition to Zhodane
Favorite World of Conquest: Quiru (Lunion 0701)
Favorite Race: Aslan
Name: ScoutCadet469 a.k.a Kelly a.k.a Legs LaRue etc...
Age: 32
Apparent Age: If I shave my goatee, I still get carded when buying alcohol
Country: Chicago Suburbs in the USofA, Terra, Solomani Rim
Favorite version of Traveller: I've played CT & MT the most, but I liked them all and got them all.
Military Service: Wet Navy, but I was stationed shore duty so it felt more like COAAC
(I was Aviation Maintenance Administration in the Navy - aircraft logs & records)
Favorite Suppliment: CT Scouts or Robots
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches/Domain of Deneb
Favorite Race to Play: Humans
Favorite Major Race: Hiver
Favorite Minor Race: Dolphins
Favorite Empire: The 3rd Imperium
Name: Christopher Hopler Sr.
Age: 29
Current TAS accomodations: Schenectady NY
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic
Favorite Adventure: a mofified Annic Nova
Favorite Race: Aslan

[This message has been edited by Crimson Cat (edited 30 December 2001).]
Name: Trent
Age: Not so young anymore (27)
Location: Los Angeles
Favorite Traveller: MT (+ house-mods)
Favorite Supplement: The Traveller Adventure
Favorite Sector: Gateway
Favorite Race: K'kree (love to hate 'em)
Favorite Empire: Terran Confederation
Name; Kevin Brooking
age; 34 (could pass for mid to late 20's)
Sector accomodations: Forest City (thats London Ont 2hrs from GTA)
Favorite Traveller: Classic with T4 a close second
Style of play: rules light with heavy on the roleplaying
Favorite Sector: any frontier is good
Comment: I spend 99.9% of my time planning to play traveller, and tend to collect everthing traveller.
bryan gibson... professional freelance artist
military service- 6 yrs air force 81150, SPECS(sniper)
6 yrs US Army MP, Cav Scout

reside in Atlanta, US

favorite traveller- all of em, heavy RP, with miniatures(!)

favorite sector- does it really matter?all good
Name: Larry
Age: I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys-R-Us Kid... (33)
Country: Virginia, USofA
Favorite version of Traveller: MT, TNE, CT, G:T
Military Service: Yes, Armor Crewman (highly mobile, pre-encapsulated battlefield sarcophagus for 4)
Favorite Suppliment: The Spinward Marches Campaign, The Regency
Favorite Sector: Whereever I can dock my beat up free trader, it'll be like home
Favorite Race: Vargr
Favorite Empire: 3I, Reformation Coalition

[This message has been edited by DaddyDragon (edited 11 January 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DaddyDragon:
Name: Larry
Military Service: Yes, Armor Crewman (highly mobile, pre-encapsulated battlefield sarcophagus for 4)

Feh, you're a young'un. M-1's or M-60's? If the former, you haven't seen a scarcophagus yet...

(Though I admit, of late old M-60A3's such I once served in have been showing up on gate guard or in front of local VFW posts... Very mixed feelings seeing that.)


[This message has been edited by William (edited 10 January 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by William:
Feh, you're a young'un. M-1's or M-60's? If the former, you haven't seen a scarcophagus yet...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

19K, the whole M1 family. Though my favorite was the M1-A1Hvy, drove a mineplow, so I'd certainly be the first one to know if I missed one.
That being said, we retired the 8th Army's M-60's in South Korea. It was kind of sad, really. Having grown up imagining and dreaming of those things, driving down to the port, knowing we were taking them on their last drive on active duty.


"They'd have labelled it an accidental shooting. If he hadn't changed the magazine. Twice."
Name : Darryl Adams
Age: 32
Country: Sydney, Australia
Favorte Version: GURPS Traveller
Military Career: School Army Cadets
Favourite Supliments: Ring of Fire/ Far Trader
Favourite Race: Solomani
Favourite Empire: Third Imperium, Terran Confederation

SOLSEC makes Echelon look like a joke!