My dear Mr. Siefert,Originally posted by Aldan Romar:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Mark A. Siefert
What? Me become scornful of women when they choose hunky or well-off men over fat, geeky, lower income me? Why should I be cynical when I her women claim that all they want is guy with humor and sensitivity, then they end up with Mr. Six-Pack-Of-Abs-And-Seven-Figure-Salary? Why should I be afraid of taking social risks? It's not like it's a foregone conclusion that they're going to laugh in my face and/or reject me outright.
I'm sorry to again read a message of yours which seems so - unhopeful (no insult intended). I can't help wondering, if you are aware of the fact, that people can change? (again no insult intended). I once was in a similar position (as far as I can grasp it - mentally, that is - again no insult intended). I then decided that looking at it, thinking about it would not change a thing. So I grabbed myself and made myself change. That wasn't as easy as it reads here, but given some time... (and an awful lot of Determination-Rolls

But perhaps I'm missing the point.
Have a nice day,
Aldan Romar </font>[/QUOTE]Let me give you the long and short of it.
I never had a girlfriend until my third year of college. Back in high school I was at the bottom of the social pecking order so asking another of my female classmates for a date was not only unthinkable, but laughable. As a matter of fact, my very first date ever asked me out. This relationship latest about a year-and-a-half when the woman who had become the moon, sun, and stars to me decided that I no longer fit her critera for affection. After only one other failed attempt at a relationhip with another class mate that lasted two dates, I have not been with a woman in a social situation for 4 years.
I can't just "stop" thinking about it. It plagues me when I see my friends and co-workers with their SOs. If depresses me that every other woman I have asked has flat out rejected me. I've even gone as far to put out personal ads... none were ever answered (although the amount of ⌧-related spam certainly increased).
I think I've earned the right to be cynical when it comes to "love" (if such a thing really exits which I am seriouly begining to doubt) and relationships. I think have I can speak with authority about being the jilted social misfit and why people choose shack up with whom they do. I think I can be a little angry at a gender who has played me for a chump.
Or am I supposed to act like the last 10 years of my life never happened for political correctness sake?