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Wiki update: Traveller News service 1117 to 1130

Cryo thread revival.

Is there a canon TNS feed for the period 1112-1117 (Post-FFW to CT/MT timeline fork)?
Regrettably, no. I already tried that. There appears to be a glaring gap between 1112 and 1116, and no source to fill that gap elsewhere that I can find.
It's a great shame that the setting hit the fast forward setting, but then a few years of FFW TAS bulletins were not exactly riveting reading.

This thread has prompted me to re-read the TAS bulletins before the fast forward -
the tales of a hyperspace survivor, shenanigans aboard a liner and a strange follow up investigation have 'new campaign. written all over them.

I have found this year's summer project :)

Just in case you don't know what I am talking about here is a link to the wiki page with the TAS bulletins:

Four years of TAS articles is going to make for an interesting summer project, that's for sure ;)

I look forward to seeing the results :D
So... let's kick this into gear...

|: REGINA/REGINA (0310 A788899-A) 188-1112

¶ A dispatch from Terra/Sol (0207-A867A69-F) dated 188-1112 reads: "An in-depth investigation by the Imperial Navy and Specialist tech reps from Beta Draconis Industrie, have released a brief statement on the in-jump incident on board the Passenger Liner Tyrol.

¶ The statement provisionally concludes, with very little detail given, that a violent explosion caused the partial hyperspace intrusion and loss of pressure, resulting in vacuum and J-Space exposure to the cargo and engineering spaces of the ship, resulting in the injuries and fatalities onboard.

¶ Forensic material examinations have concluded that a conventional commercial explosive - PE-54 - available in most parts of the Imperium to Imperial member governments, licenced demolitions and Private Military Companies, was the cause of the blast; such explosive material was not on the cargo manifest of the Tyrol, as it is prohibited from carriage on exclusively passenger liners by Imperial Space Flight Regulations.

¶ The examination is now moving to a Criminal Investigation on grounds of sabotage and murder." Ω

Carry on the TNS entries for the four year gap, folks :)