I see a trend with MadMike's and DangerousThing's experience with ladies playing characters with medical skills. My 23-yr old daughter likes to play a Medic also.
My housemate who has been gaming for many years now used to always play medics, doctors, and healers. Lately she's been branching out and trying other things though. She hasn't had much chance to play Traveller yet (except once as a Hiver doctor, that usually creeped out the patients

) because her husband doesn't like it


, but he's going to give T5 a chance so we'll see what she does then. She's also said that she usually likes making characters more than actually playing. She's spent hours on the MT chargen program on her computer.
I had an interesting experience with a woman in one of my Traveller games, she was only in the one session. The group picked up a Droyne technician who was the sole survivor of a crash landing. She thought he was "cute", including the voice that I did for him (although that wasn't my intention, but it was amusing). Not long after, the Droyne tried to commit Krinaytsyu, but they caught him before he was done. When she asked him why he was doing it, in his limited grasp of Anglic he just said: "Useless." which to a Droyne is quite normal to do this after losing one's oytrip. But between the translation and the funny voice (that at this point made him sound depressed), she was all "Awwww!" and made it her personal mission to make him feel needed and wanted. Very amusing.
I love having women in my games because it changes the dynamic of the group from when it's just all guys. They often bring a whole new dimension to the games that I find very refreshing. (I've got better stories from other games that could occasionally get practically soap-opera-ish.
