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world worksheet double check please


Check out my figures.
Turku a442899-c pbg 100
Stars M (red dwarf) 3 ?? third in how far along it is V size.
G2v G= yellow 2 range V = normal size.
Orbit of planet 4
Natural resources 12-7 = 5 +4 (size ) = 9 + 2 (Atmos of 4) = 11
World climate at 30 latitude tropical 25 C day
Night 0 degree
Bio diversity dc 16 due habitable zone. no mods
Made Dc check Roll 8 on 2d6 = Diverse.
Since there is 2 columns on the sheet I assume
2nd one is for water borne critters?
Trade Class = poor
World trade balance
11 (natural resources) - 8 (pop digit) = 3
3 + 1 (tech c) = 4
4 +2 (star port A) = 6
6 - 1 ( poor class) = 5
5 - 1 ( law 9) = 4
4 - 1 ( gov 9) = 3
So Turku is +3 so it exports more than import.
Since poor world it exports raw materials and imports everything else.
pages 372- 379
Are you asking a question, or making a statement?

It's not unusual for poor worlds to export more than they import. You can see this happening on our own ball of rock. Exports could be mined materials, food crops, gases, or local crafts and furnishings in high demand elsewhere (eg., think 17th-18th C Japanese ricepaper paintings that craftsmen were using as PACKING MATERIAL for furniture and porcelain - Europeans where paying good money for this packing material).

Imports are usually things that can't be locally manufactured or maintained - advanced medicines, replacement parts, high-tech components, etc.

Another way to look at it is that, because the world is TL13, they may be importing in raw materials, and exporting finished hi-tech products. (Again, think of Japan - they import a range of raw components, assemble electronics, and export finished products. In effect, their real primary export is knowledge and technical skills since their islands have so little in the way of natural resources.)

<editted for typos.>
Yes double check the firgures and if ?? means i unsure about it.
So a class M star is red dwarf?
G= giant 2 yellow v =normal size