Pulled from the G+ group posts I did in 2013. These are specifically deckplan appearances, and are limited to the Types and closely related ships.
Type A
Alexandria Free Trader, 200 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Beowulf Free Trader, "200" tons, MT, Starship Operator's Manual (off size)
Free Trader, 200 tons, CT, Starships and Spacecraft (Judges Guild) variant (I normally refer to this as the "Guilder" or the JG)
"Beowulf" Free Trader, 200 tons, CT, Snapshot variant
"Crystal Queen" Free Trader, 200 tons, MT, Explorer #1 (German license fanzine)
Free Trader, 200 tons, T4, T4 Starships
Free Trader, 200 tons, MGT, Core Rule Book
Fanzhienz Far Trader (Zhodani), 200 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Fanzhienz Far Trader (Zhodani), 200 tons, CT, The Stazhlekh Report (FASA)
Wilds Free Trader (1248), 200 tons, CT, Starships 1-Small Merchant Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Beowulf Free Trader, 200 tons, GT, GT Main Rule Book (hexes)
Trader (Droyne), 200 tons, GT, GT Alien Races 3 (hexes)
Type A2
Garu Far Trader, "200" tons, MT, The Flaming Eye (too big)
Garu Far Trader, "200" tons, MT, MegaTraveller Journal #4
Jayhawk Far Trader, 200 tons, TNE (2m plans), The Guilded Lilly (the RIGHT size)
Empress Marava Far Trader, "200" tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats Standard
Far Trader, 200 tons, T4, T4 Starships
Salamander Far Trader, 200 tons, T20, QLI "Forgotten War" and "Gabriel Enigma"
Far Trader, 200 tons, MGT, Core Rule Book
Wilds Far Trader (1248), 200 tons, CT, Starships 1-Small Merchant Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Empress Marava, 200 tons, GT, GT Far Trader (hexes)
Other "Traders":
Frontier Trader (1248), 300 tons, CT, Starships 1-Small Merchant Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Empress Marava Far Trader, 400 tons, MT, Empress Marava Seeker deckplan set
Diafrenzo Long Trader, 200 tons, TNE, Traveller Chronicle #9
Secure Trader, 200 tons, T4, T4 Starships
Type C
Type C-77 (two Pinnaces)
Cruiser, 800 tons, CT, Starships and Spacecraft (Judges Guild)
Type C-81 (two Cutters plus Modules)
Broadsword Cruiser, 800 tons, CT, JTAS #8
Broadsword Cruiser, 800 tons, CT, Adventure 7 - Broadsword
Broadsword Cruiser, 800 tons, MT, Challenge #38
Explorer Survey Cruiser, 800 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Mercenary Cruiser, 800 tons, T4, T4 Starships
Mercenary Cruiser, 800 tons, MGT, Core Rule Book
Broadsword Mercenary Cruiser, 800 tons, GT, GT Star Mercs (hexes)
Type CM (different subcraft loadout):
Lorimar Merchant Cruiser, 800 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 4-Merchant Cruiser (QLI)
Type MC (smaller, same role):
Javelin Mercenary Cruiser, 600 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 6-Mercenary Cruiser (QLI)
Caen Dropship, 1200 tons, GT, GT Ground Forces (hexes)
Type J
Seeker, 100 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats
Khazad Seeker, 100 tons, CT, White Dwarf #23
Seeker, 100 tons, MT, Traveller's Digest #21 DGP ad; partial plans
1248 Seeker, 100 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Seeker, 100 tons, MGT, Mongoose CRB
Type K
Animal class Safari Ship, 200 tons, CT, Adv 10:Safari Ship
Simba class Safari Ship, 200 tons, CT, Simba Safari (Judges Guild)
Leaping Snowcat Safari Ship, 200 tons, GT, GT Starships (hexes)
Type L: Lab Ships
Type L Lab Ship, 400 tons, CT, Dbl Adv3: Death Station
Type L Lab Ship, 400 tons, TNE, Challenge #71
Type L Lab Ship, 400 tons, MT, Lab Ship (Seeker deckplan set)
Type L Lab Ship, 400 tons, MT, Traveller's Digest #16 (Seeker ad)
Lab Ship M:0, 400 tons, T4, T4: Starships
Lab Ship M:0,400 tons, T4, Annililik Run
Kugashin Lab Ship, 400 tons, GT, GT Starships (hexes)
Calipso Lab Ship, 400 tons, MGT, Signs & Portents #87
Other Lab Ships:
Kurgilash Medical Scout, 400 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 (FASA folio)
Type M
Lord Somerset Subsidized Liner, 600 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Subsidized Liner, 600 tons, CT, Adv 13: Signal GK
Subsidized Liner, 600 tons, MT, Challenge #46
Pride of Vhodan, Subsidized Liner, 600 tons, TNE, Challenge #75
Subsidized Merchant, 600 tons, CT, Starships and Spacecraft (Judges Guild)
Subsidized Merchant, 600 tons, CT, Darthanon Queen (Judges Guild)
Subsidized Liner M:0, 600 tons, T4, T4: Starships
Subsidized Liner M:0, 600 tons, T4, Annililik Run
Subsidized Liner, 600 tons, T20, One Crowded Hour (Comstar/Avenger)
The T20 artwork does not appear to have made the jump to deckplans.
Other mid-size Merchants
Possum Merchant, 400 tons, CT, Variant v1n3
Maru class Merchant, 500 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol.1 (FASA)
Nymph Merchant, 400 tons, CT, Letter of Marque
Green Horizon Merchant Explorer, 560 tons, CT, White Dwarf #35
Type P (and other "Corsairs"):
Iron Fist Corsair, 400 tons, CT, High Passage #2
Raider, 400 tons, CT, Letter of Marque
Corsair, 400 tons, CT, Corsairs of the Turku Waste (Judges Guild)
"Jolly Roger", 400 tons, CT, Third Imperium (fanzine) #4
Corsair, 440 tons, MT, Traveller's Digest #15
Nightspeed Corsair, 440 tons, MT, Challenge #62
Corsair M:0, 400 tons, T4, T4: Starships
Corsair M:0, 400 tons, T4, Annililik Run
Buccaneer, 400 tons, T20/CT, Golden Age Starships 6-Corsair
Corsair, 400 tons, MGT, Core Rule Book
Chameleon Commerce Raider, 800 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 (FASA)
Shark Raider, 1000 tons, CT, Variant v1n1
Cobra Corsair, 200 tons, TNE, Challenge #75
Ueknou Corsair (Vargr), 400 tons, MT, Vilani & Vargr (DGP)
Type R
March Harrier Sub. Merchant, 400 tons, CT, The Traveller Adventure
Challenge Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, CT, Starships and Spacecraft (Judges Guild)
Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats (Standard)
Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, MT, MegaTraveller Journal #1 Seeker ad
Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, MT, Challenge #45, 46, 48, 49 Seeker ad
Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, MT, Challenge #62
Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, MT, Traveller's Digest #19, 20, 21 Seeker ad
Subsidized Merchant M:0, 400 tons, T4, T4: Starships
Subsidized Merchant (1248), 400 tons, CT, Starships 1-Small Merchant Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
"Fat Trader" Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, MGT, Mongoose CRB
Akkigish Subsidized Merchant, 400 tons, GT, GT Far Trader (hexes)
Type S
Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Starships and Spacecraft (Judges Guild)
Intrepid Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Snapshot
Sulieman Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats
Bounty Scout, 100 tons, n/a, The Traveller's Digest 4 (Seeker ad)
Monitor Scout, 100 tons, MT, Challenge #38
Ninz Scout (Zhodani), 100 tons CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 FASA folio
Ranger Courier (Imp.), 100 tons, CT, Space Gamer #81
M:0 Scout/Courier, 100 tons, T4, Starships (incomplete; nuff said)
Scout (Vargr), 100 tons, TNE, Traveller Chronicle #8
Serpent Scout, "100" tons, CT, JTAS #2
Serpent Scout (CS), "100" tons, CT, Scouts and Assassins pull out
Scout/Courier, 100 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 1-Stoner Express, Epic Adventure 2-Into the Glimmer Drift, and Epic Adventure 3-Chimera
1248 Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Scout/Courier, 100 tons, MGT, Mongoose CRB
Sulieman Scout/Courier, 100 tons, GT, GT Main Rulebook (hexes)
Scout (Droyne), 100 tons, GT, GT Alien Races 3 (hexes)
Other "Scout" ships:
X-Boat, 100 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats
1248 X-Boat, 100 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Express Boat, 100 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
Fast Courier/Blockade Runner (Sword Worlds), 130 tons, T20, QLI "Forgotten War"
Chatl Leader Scout (Zhodani), 150 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 FASA folio
CF Fast Courier, 200 tons, T20, Golden Age Starships 1-Fast Courier
Stayaow Combat Scout (Aslan), 200 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
EDSV Fighting Scout, 300 tons, T4, Gateway
EDSV Fighting Scout, 300 tons, T4, Long Way Home
Explorer Scout Ship, 300 tons, CT, White Dwarf #40
Donosev Scout Cruiser, 400 tons, MT, World Builder's Handbook
Donosev Survey Ship, 400 tons, CT, Grand Survey
Donosev Survey Ship, 400 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
Khadumir Fast Courier, 400 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
Telemon Survey Scout (1248), 400 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
St. Christopher Explorer, 490 tons, CT, White Dwarf #26
Kurgilash Medical Scout, 400 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Kon-Tiki Scout Cruiser, 800 tons, T4, Milieu 0 Campaign
X-Boat Tender, 1000 tons, CT, Traders & Gunboats
Purcell X-Boat Tender, 1000 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
1248 X-Boat Tender, 1000 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Qasar Scout Cruiser, 1000 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 5-Scout Cruiser
Machii Scout Cruiser (1248), 1000 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
System Defense Boats:
Dragon SDB, 400 tons, CT, Supplement 7 - Traders & Gunboats
Dragon System Defense Boat, 400 tons, MT, SDB and Jump Shuttle (Seeker Deckplan Set)
Dragon SDB, 400 tons, GT, GT Starships (hexes)
SDB Jump Shuttles:
Dragon Jump Shuttle, 200 tons, CT, Supplement 7 - Traders & Gunboats
Dragon Jump Shuttle, 200 tons, MT, SDB and Jump Shuttle (Seeker Deckplan Set)
Dragon/S Jump Shuttle, 300 tons, GT, GT Starships (hexes)
Type T
Lurushaar Kilaalum Patrol Ship, 400 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Patrol Cruiser M:0, 400 tons, T4, T4: Starships
Vayu Patrol Cruiser, 400 tons, GT, GT Starships (hexes)
Other related ships:
Type L (whatever that is; lumping it with the Type T) Ramada Corvette, 400 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 2-Into the Glimmer Drift
Valkarie Patrol Cruiser (Sword Worlds), 600 tons, T20, Golden Age Starships 2 (Avenger)