Bob Weaver
This reminds me of a problem I've wrestled with on a number of occasions - non-jump tug boats (or dirtside grav cargo vehicles) need high-G M-drives to move their loads, but when unloaded they are capable of ridiculous speeds. Today's tugs/fork trucks are limited by gearing to low speeds - what could limit G-vehicles? I really don't want tugs and fork trucks running around at fighter velocities IMTU. Any ideas?
The other factor to consider besides raw speed is maneuverability or control. For vehicles that reach high speeds, its more important to be able to make small changes in vector. At low speeds, it's easy to avoid running into a tree (or whatever). At aircraft speeds, it's harder since you have less time, and you don't want to throw yourself into flat spins at every obstacle.
For Traveller vehicles, just determine the velocity at which the 'lugger' vehicle becomes uncontrollable, and pile on the negative DMs for operating the vehicle. If your PCs want to go ballistic on a grav-forklift, they'll have to make some very hard task rolls to avoid crashing.
I'd be willing to argue that the "top speeds" listed for most Striker/MT vehicles is not their true maximum velocity, just the fastest they can go without risk of losing control.
Best Regards,
Bob W.