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WTH and FFS1

I'm just getting back into Traveller after a long hiatus.

Has anyone done anything with the Economic Model in WTH to make it work on a macro scale?

Is there a collection of FFS1 errata that brings it more in line with the corrections of FFS2?

I've tried with WTH to use real world figures, but some of them are difficult to research. What figures did you use, and how did you convert credits?
If it's off by a factor of two on food production, that's really quite sensible; it can be chalked up to "alien biosphere" and the difficulty of raising off-world foods.
Originally posted by thrash:
As a test case, I applied current world figures for population, arable land, etc., to the model in World Tamers' Handbook. The results were lower than their real world counterparts, by a factor of two.
A factor of two is no biggie. At least it's the right order of magnitude. (Yes, I do have a sideline in theoretical physics. Why do you ask? ;) )
Geez, I did something simple myself: I looked at how many sqkm of land it would take to feed the world's current population (6 billion) at TL8, and maybe I can't count, but the answer I got was that we needed 30 Earth's (or only 10 if we used the water's surface).

I was making a spreadsheet to do this stuff on a whole-world scale, basically to make it possible to build an entire world quickly, but of course, I never got done, half the problem being that there were an awful lot of calculations to do with a single hex, and then to go and make something able to handle all 490-500 hexes of a world was a bit more than I could handle.