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You are a Subsector Fleet Admiral

That'd be hard to do since I'd like to know the budget stuff to determine what my resources/fleet strengths are as well as the resources/fleet strengths possible for each world. Mr. Ranke [sic] and I would not agree with each other because I feel he greatly underestimates costs ( he seems to assume there will be only those ships and their crews in the squadron with no support or bases to maintain )...
No, I feel that the 10% figure is a simplification that subsumes all expenses, including that of bases and auxiliary vessels. Which does, of course, present problems when we want to deal with a higher resolution than TCS does.

...and I'm certain he feels I over estimate costs...
Well, yes, but I'm open to persuasion (In a separate thread). If you can present me with a breakdown of costs that shows that it would cost more than 10% of original price to maintain a fleet, I'd welcome it, since such a breakdown would also help to figure out details at this level of resolution.

The problem with budget discussions is that not everyone can agree upon what constitutes a proper budgeting system. GURPS STARPORTS for example, gives us rules on how to build starports based upon using the ship building rules outright. The assumption being, that starport buildings will have costs comparable to ship themselves. Whether or not this makes sense to anyone, it does bring into focus the problem of using the 10% maintenance fee and what that means to the bean counters. (and I don't mean that in a negative manner either)
The 10% figure is a simplification for the purpose of running a wargame without bothering with the little details. Which becomes a problem when you want to go into the little details. At the moment I'm using it as a "best available answer", not the "absolutely correct answer". In "reality" the cost would be 8% for one navy and 12% for another navy and 10.76% for a third. Could even be 5% for one navy and 20% for another depending on composition, purpose, and corruption level. How much does it actually cost to maintain a single SDB? Annual maintenance (0.1%), crew salaries and support, shore establishment of a couple of dozen people, training and pensions, minor repairs. There's no way you're going to get the maintenance cost up to 10%. Ships maintained at a distant base where everything has to be shipped in, OTOH, will cost you tankers and transports in addition to the ships themselves.

In a way, I see this vagueness as an opportunity. If you want one world with 100,000 inhabitants to be able to fend for itself, and another with the same population to have to rely on the kindness of strangers, you can fiddle with the figures. But there's a limit to how much you can strecth them either way, of course.
A $15,000 car - does it require $1,500 in maintenance costs per year, or is it somewhat less than that? If so, then the 10% maintenance costs for equipment might in fact, be overstating it. Oil changes, lubes, and tire replacement tends to be the bulk of the maintenance costs, until later on, the cost of repairs up to $500 to $600 come into play. So, I'm not sure how to run a reasonable approximation of maintenance costs for equipment, let alone naval vessals.
Randomize it. Throw dice and adjust the maintenance figure up or down from 7.5% to 12.5% (or 5-15% or 10-25% or whatever range you think is plausible). The Wardn Navy has a maintenance figure of 8%, the Spirelle Navy has one of 14%, etc.

Or you can work out more detailed rules for maintenance.

What a Great Thread!

This is a great thread. I had a similar idea a few years ago and drafted a naval campaign for the Lanth subsector navy (which unfortunately never got off the ground, but hey).

I chose Lanth because it has a lot of draws, proximity to enemies, a lot of systems to patrol, some instability. However, with no high pop worlds in the subsector Lanth only has a fraction of the resources of many other subsectors. This was ideal.

Using Striker, I built an Excel spreadsheet to capture the subsector GWP. I then decided that 10% of total military spending was reasonable for the subsector navy (with 40% to the Imperium and 50% retained by the planet - yes I realize it departs from canon).

The result was a total annual buget for the LSN of roughly $16,500MCr. This was apportioned to the following force structure:

1 Lanth (ex-Hagen) Class 50kton cruiser (note 1)
1 undersized sqdn of Equus Class destroyers (note 2)
1 sqdn of obsolete Cogri class destroyers (in mothballs, wartime reserve)(note 3)
1 sqdn Fer de Lance Class DEs (in mothballs, wartime reserve)
1 sqdn Broadswords (note 4)
1 sgdn Gazelles
2 sqdns Torch class patrol cruisers
2 sqdns couriers
1 sqdn assorted auxiliaries (2 tankers, 1 salvage tug, several Type R2s, etc)

1) LSNS Lanth was inspired by the real world Polish destroyer Warsawa. Once, in a conversation with a Polish naval officer, I mentioned the Warsawa. He quipped, "Yes, it is a destroyer of fuel and money." I ruled LSNS Lanth was a war prize captured from the Sword Worlds in the 4th FW. No spring chicken when captured, she is growing more qand more expensive to maintain with each passing year. Additionally, other than political value, LSNS Lanth lacks an operational rationale.

2) The Equus class replaces the lower tech Cogri destroyers. For budget reason the Cogris have already been mothballed, but the production run on the new Equus class is not yet complete.

3) The war reserve ships suck up some budget, but have a valid rationale for being retained. Reactivating and effectively using the TL-15 Fer de Lances would prove challenging.

4) considering the large number of low pop worlds in the subsector, the Broadsword's troop contingent is a worthwhile force. Unfortunately, the troops must be drawn from the armies of subsector worlds, which presents political and operational challenges.

Maintenance is 10% of purchase price, except for a house rule to impose cost penalties on old ships (Lanth herself for example cost 16% at the start of the campaign). I have seen enough figures on the service life costs of Perry class frigates and Spruance class destroyers to convince me 10% is close enough.

To make a long story short, Lanth subsector has 27 systems. Three red zone are patrolled by the IN. Some others (Equus, Extolay, Treece, etc) have sufficient planetary forces to not need patrol. About 18-20 systems remain to be patrolled by 48 ships (not counting couriers or auxliaries). That may sound acceptable, but I established a 50% underway time benchmark. Remember, this is not the IN. Members of the LSN have families, close regional ties, and a more humane operating environment (believe me, having done 10 months underway in a given year, I can authoritatively state it sucks and, in my opinion is not sustainable by any force in peacetime).

So, with 24 ships away from homeport at any given time, one third to one half will be in jumpspace. Others will be showing the flag at mainworlds. That leaves about twelve to patrol all the asteroid belts, outsystem gas giants, moons, etc in 18-20 systems. The force is stretched thin.

The player characters would play officers at the top echelon of the Navy's headquarters staff. Additionally, they would play the crews of ships in operation on an ad hoc basis. The headquarters guys would deal with issues like convincing the Marquis to retire LSNS Lanth, determining how best to replace her, dispatching forces to political crises, etc. Their play as the officers and crews of ships in action would provide more traditional adventuring opportunities. Over time the headquarters characters would have a hand in the careers of the younger characters, which I thought could have been interesting.

Anyway, I like the campaign model, hope my comments help, and am interested in Hal's experiences running his idea.

Hi Guys,
I thought I'd spice things up a little with an exercise <evil grin>

Greetings, I'll play Hal.
The location: Lunion Subsector

Situation: YOU are the Lunion Subsector Fleet Admiral. Your job is to patrol the subsector with the following assets:

Usually remain in the Lunion Subsystem as the Flag Admiral's ship.
1 Heavy Cruiser
1 Fleet Escort
2 Close Escorts

DesRon 1:
3 Fleet Destroyers

DesRon 2:
3 Fleet Destroyers

Independent Commands:
6x Escort Destroyers
20x Type T patrol cruisers

I recognise the basis for your exercise as being from "Grand Fleet". This suggests a Sub-sector Imperial Fleet tasked with (IIRC) acting as trip-wire forces for the Sector Fleet plus patroling and local defence in concert with Planetary Navies and the Colonial Navy that will be called up at need.

As the ship assets are allocated to me from high, I'll not concern myself with the budget issues. I will of course complain bitterly that I do not have enough assets to hold back the imminent Sword Worlds, Aslan & Zhodani threats. But this is more to do with ensuring I retain my existing assets, rather than have them striped for a "more needy" Sub-sector Commander. & you never know, I might actually get something :)

Support ships such as Fleet couriers, Maintenance & Supply vessels and Marine Transports I'll assume are outside the scope of this exercise. Thier presence is assumed where required. Ditto for Planetary or IN SDB's of any size (200-200,000tn plus). Jump capable Planetary Navy vessels are automatically in the Colonial Fleet (using the Grand Fleet model of the Imperial navy) and subject to immediate call up at need by the Sub-sector Fleet Admiral.

Bases play an important role in this Sub-sector. Standing orders for bases will be to support Patrol assets and get news of attacks to the Fleet Admiral as thier first priority, before self defence. It can be assumed Scout and Naval bases have jump capable ships suitable for pressing into this role.

Standing orders for Patrol assets are similar. Ship presevation is the Captains first priority, the second is getting news to the Fleet Admiral. If neither the ship nor the trip-wire function of the Patrol asset will be compromised, other events may be dealt with according to SOP's and the Captains judgement. Captains that get my scarce Patrol assets destroyed, will likely not get another command...
The main mission of the Sub-sector Fleet is to prevent the destruction of the Sub-sector economy "on-the-cheap". (Refering to small-ish raiders under 1000-5000tns) The broad principle is to hold the Heavy Cruiser detachment and 2 Fleet Destroyer squadrons centrally, using Patrol Cruisers to patrol and report problems as required. Escort Destroyers will be used as Guard ships and heavy patrol assets. The Heavy Cruiser will undertake major diplomatic missions, often with the Sub-sector Duke.

Sword Worlds (Ignoring other Interstellar powers, such as Aslan & Zhodani)
Worlds with wavering Imperial loyalty

The Sub-sector comprises of;
25 worlds, the Sub-sector Capital is Lunion
- 6 worlds of Population 8 or greater, 3 of which have a Naval Base, 4 have a Scout base (Lunion has both). These worlds can be assumed to have a SDB force.
- 2 worlds, Lunion & Strouden are technologically advanced (TL13) and hold the Spinward Marches main Shipyards. Many PDF forces in the Sub-sector will be at TL13, supplied by these two yards. By comparison, the Sword Worlds first line fleet will be at TL12, whilst the Imperial Fleet at TL14/15 cannot repair many forms of battle damage without leaving the Sub-sector.
- 10 worlds Spinward near the Sword Worlds, of which 5 Imperial worlds need constant patroling, 5 already have a constant Imperial presence (Scout, Naval or Xboat bases)

Patrol Assets
For patrol assests, at any given time in any given week, we have;
20 Patrol Cruisers, 1 undergoing maintenance, 18 available for deployment, 1 available for immediate tasking (the "gofor") by the Fleet Admiral.
6 Fleet Escorts, 1 undergoing maintenance/exercises/available to the Fleet Admiral, 3 available for deployment, 2 based at Lunion but on standing patrol at Derchon and Shirene

Flag Fleet -
Heavy Cruiser (& 3 support ships), 2 Fleet Destroyer squadrons, 1 Escort Destroyer, 1 Patrol Cruiser. The Lunion Fleet operates together as the striking arm of the Sub-sector Fleet. Assets within the fleet may be tasked on missions by the Fleet Admiral, but the general principle is to hold the heavy hitters together. If assets are deployed, at a minimum the Flag Fleet will contain 1 Fleet Destroyer Squadron with the Fleet Admiral and it will remain central in the Sub-sector.

The Flag fleet will generally be held at Lunion, Derchon or Shirene where with its J4 capability it can reach the majority of the Sub-sectors worlds. A Squadron of Fleet Destroyers may be dispatched to deal with malcontent governments, commerce raiders or Pirate bases. The Heavy Cruiser detachment may undertake Flag showing missions or on occasion escort the Sub-sector Duke, but with a view to spending more time with the Flag Fleet than not.

Patroling -
Spinward, based at Adabicci. From Ianic & Spirelle towards the Sword worlds, are 10 worlds, 3 have Bases and 2 more are on the Xboat route. 5 worlds remain without a constant Imperial presence in system. These five have Patrol Cruisers on standing patrol 4-6 weeks at a time. The remaining 5 get 4 weekly visits. This requires 6 Patrol Cruisers for the standing patrols plus 2 on roving patrols. 2 Escort Destroyers will conduct roving patrols of the entire area, checking the status of standing patrols and showing the flag.

Rimward, based at Strouden, A cluster of three worlds (Penkwhar, Harvosette, Persephone) plus the major world of Strouden. 4 Patrol cruisers on roving patrols, led by an Escort Destroyer. Two worlds will have a presence in any given week.

Trailing, based at Capon. The main from Carse to Drolraw (trailing) and Quiri (coreward), 8 worlds in total. A visit every 2-4 weeks on average (2 have Xboat stations and bases). 6 Patrol Cruisers on roving patrols. 3 systems will have a presence in any given week.

Central, based at Lunion. The three worlds of Lunion, Derchon & Shirene. Lunion is the prize in the Sub-sector. Whilst other patrols are looking for and dealing with or reporting problems, this central fleet is aimed at preventing or denying small enemy fleets or raiders from occupying and refueling in a neighbouring system to Lunion. The threat is that they may jump into Lunion with virtually full jump tanks enabling easy escape after wreaking commercial havock. 2 Patrol Cruisers on roving patrols, 2 Escort Destroyers on standing patrol at Derchon and Shirene.

Sword World Strategy
Any attack from the Sword Worlds is limited by thier J3 capability. The thrust of the attack will be either toward Lunion or Strouden. Thier goals will likely be limited to destroying local shipbuilding and high tech industrial capability, before withdrawing in anticipation of a large Imperial response. Albeit several months later.

Politically the aim will be to weaken the local Imperial presence, highlight the delayed Imperial response, encourge neighbouring Imperial worlds to seek Sword Worlds rule and force concessions from the Sub-sector Duke. To get concessions will require a fine balance of destroying (or threatening) Imperial Industrial & ship-building assets whilst not commiting mass civilian murder.

Whilst Lunion is two jumps away at J3, via Rabwhar, Adabicci or more likely Zaibon, any attempt to strike so hard and fast may result in the destruction of the Sword Worlds Fleet as it will have no ability to withdraw via Jump. A more prudent Sword Worlds strategy would be to take Derchon first as a refueling point and staging post for the attack on Lunion. The speed this attack will develope at, is apparent. Without warning, Lunion could be laid waste 2-3 weeks after war is started. It is imperative the Flag Fleet is held close if it is to influence or delay the Sword World strategy.

To attack Strouden requires refueling at Spirelle then likely Penkwhar (planetary refueling only) before striking Strouden. Whilst also reachable in 3 weeks/jumps, the risk for the Sword Worlds is that in order to escape by jump, the only place in range is Drolraw, making thier destination, in the event of defeat or a draw, a known quantity. Of course this assumes they still have sufficient fuel after combat damage. Weighed against this risk however is that they may anticipate that the Rimward Hook is less expected by Imperial forces.

Spirelle is the key to any Sword Worlds deception plan utilizing a threat on Strouden. From Spirelle the Rimward Hook may be carried out, or an attack on Derchon, keeping the Imperial Fleet guessing.

Imperial Sub-sector Strategy
vs Major Attack
Any major Sword Worlds threat must be able to face and defeat a Planetary Defense Force in Lunion or Strouden. The Flag Fleet, despite its technological advantages, would be likely be destroyed in attempting to defend either system. And there is a fair chance, both will be threatened at the same time. Preservation of the Fleet is the first priority, second is reporting the developing situation to the Sector Fleet and neighbouring Sub-Sectors. Futile last stands will lead to the Commander being censured, a propaganda coup handed to the advensary and a lack of intel & co-ordination of Imperial re-inforcements.

The Colonial Fleet will be mobilzed, consisting of all jump capable ships. This will result in a motly collection of vessels from various Planetary Navies. Formed into mixed Squadrons, these will be deployed by the Sub-sector Fleet Admiral as he sees appropriate with the aim of disrupting Sword World operations. For example deployment to Drolraw or Rabwhar to take on damaged Sword World ships and defend the Refueling points. Main Fleet battle will be avoided. Merely being present and a threat dilutes the attackers main thrust and aids the Planetary Defence Forces. Opportunities to destroy Sworld World stragglers or re-inforcements will be pursued.

The Flag Fleets goal will be to cut the lines of communication for the invading Fleet, by actively patrolling Zaibon, Spirelle or Penkwhar, looking for damaged ships returning home, supply ships and courier ships. If assessments indicate a raid or abmush opportunity presents itself with a high success probability of crippling the Sword Worlds offensive, it should be taken. But otherwise the Fleet needs to preserve its strength, gather Intel and co-ordinate support (From neighbouring Sub-sectors in 4-6 weeks, from the Sector in 8 weeks plus). Support from Sub-sector Fleets, if insufficient to tackle head on the main Sword Worlds fleet, should be sent on deep raids into Sword World space, aiming to disrupte commerce, destroy lightly protected instalations and destroy shipyards and heavy industry where the opportunity presents itself. The Sword World response will be to withdraw fighting ships from the front line to defend home assets.

vs Commerce Raiders and Pirates
Commerce raiders will very rarely exceed 800-1000tn. A Fleet Destroyer Squadron will be deployed to chase down the commerce raider or pirate, whilst PDF's are under instruction to deny refueling opportunities. This will either corner the raider or force the raider to use nearby systems for refueling, cutting down dramatically the search area.

Against larger threats, the Fleet Heavy Cruiser will attend, but with a view to larger ships likely being state sponsored and an attempt to pull the Fleet Leadership out of its central control position.

vs Political Threats
Patrol assets will regularly "show the flag" at systems, collect Imperial Diplomat reports, monitor local news and public feeling whilst in-system. Systems that need reminding of the Imperiums presence will get courtesy calls on occasion by the Flagship (Heavy Cruiser detachment), without the Fleet Admiral, but often with the Sub-Sector Duke on board. In most cases, this one Heavy Cruiser could crush the entire PDF of the troublesome world. The Marine contingent on board will act as bodyguard or strike force for the Sub-sector Duke as need be.
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I hope people find this of interest enough to pull out maps of the Sub-sector & critique my assumptions & deployment. That of course assumes you made it this far! I know Hal wil :)

Obviously I like & follow the Grand Fleet vision of the Imperial Navy. If you haven't already got it and are interested in Naval issues, I can highly recommend it. As with everything Traveller, pick and choose what you like, personally I adopted it wholesale.

I've never had a post too long to preview or post before! I'll check it for spelling & inconsistencies tonight & edit them as appropriate, my apologies for any spelling/grammer errors in the meantime.


PS. I've focused on the Sword World threat to the exclusion of other Interstellar powers, purely because of a time comitment problem - I don't have enough of it!
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PS. I've focused on the Sword World threat to the exclusion of other Interstellar powers, purely because of a time comitment problem - I don't have enough of it!

I think you're right to focus on the Sword Worlds threat. The others, I think, can be regarded as Lesser Included Cases (LICs).

Would it be helpful if I red celled the Sword Worlds threat?


The SW Confederated General Staff analysis branch has identified the following strategic imperatives and courses of action in future conflict:

1) Preserve the territorial Integrity of the Confederation. Beset on all sides by enemies, the continued survival of the confederation can not be assumed and must be carefully guarded.
2) Continue Strategic Alliance with the Zhodani Consulate. The Consulate acts as a vital counterweight to the Confederation's primary threat, namely the Third Imperium. Offensive action against the Imperium without the concurrent deployment of Consulate forces to tie-up the bulk of Imperium forces is not considered feasible at this time.

Possible major COAs:
1) Offensive operations coreward to gain/regain Margesi, Saurus, Tavonni, and possibly Lanth and Arba.
2) Offensive trailing to gain Adabicci, Zaibon, Tenalphi, Wardn, and possibly Spirelle.
3) Offensive trailing to inflict unacceptable damage to Lunion and Strouden and force Imperial concessions.
4) Offensive rimward to liberate Caladbolg, Gunn and Caliburn.
5) Offensive rimward to seize Flammarion, preventing the re-deployment of forces in the Five Sister's subsector.
6) Offensive operations against the Darrians.

Entering Assumptions when weighing COAs:
1) The Confederation's strength is based on a total population of forty billion sophonts and TL-C, at best.
2) No more than fifty percent of Confederation forces available for offensive operations. The rest must be retained to defend the Confederation.
3) Imperial force deployment will largely be governed by reaction to concurrent Zhodani operations. Unless vital strategic interests are threatened, the Imperium tends to regard the Confederation as a secondary or tertiary threat.
4) Regardless of COA advocated, an intensive, Navy supported campaign of commerce raiding and privateering will be implemented in other theaters.

1) Experiences in the 5th FFW demonstrate that, despite initial operational successes, operations close to the Zhodani thrusts enabled significant Imperial forces re-deploying from the rim to engage and defeat Confederation forces at Lanth enroute to planned deployment against the Consulate. Additionally, as the bulk of Imperial forces are concentrated in the coreward areas of the Spinward Marches, offensive operations coreward move in the direction of the enemy's greatest strength. This is in violation of the principles of Sun Tzu.
2) Adabicci, Zaibon, and Wardn are worthwhile targets for Confederation expansion. Tenalphi also offers an opportunity to seize and examine TL-E, but the volume of technology present on such an underpopulated planet is severely limited. Holding the planets listed against Imperial counterattack would prove difficult.
3) With nine and eight billion inhabitants, respectively, the planetary defenses of Lunion and Strouden are significant. In addition, the Planetary Defense Forces of both worlds boast a technological edge over the Confederation's most advanced units, which experience has shown would give the enemy a 3:1 qualitative edge in engagement. The route to Lunion would require conquest and subjugation of Adabicci, or Zaibon, and Derchon. The route to Strouden would require conquest and subjugation of Spirelle and Persephone. Adabicci, Spirelle, Persephone, and, to a lesser extent, Derchon, all boast robust PDFs. Therefore, reduction of either Lunion or Strouden may be possible with maximum effort, but not both. Additionally, Imperial response from Mora, Glisten, and Trin's Veil subsectors must be expected and Confederation forces could not be expected to hold either system against concentrated Imperial counterattack.
4) Imperial forces in the Caladbolg pocket are not sizeable and local forces limited. Imperial forces in Lunion and Glisten subsectors would be forced to choose between responding to relieving the Caladbolg pocket or redeploying to coreward. Liberation of Calabolg, Gunn, and Caliburn would be of limited economic value, but immense political value within the Confederation. Additionally, liberation of the Cladbolg pocket would link Enos to the Confederation and pave the way for further operations against Flammarion.
5) Flammarion has no local forces to speak of, making Imperial presence the only opposition. The nearby Five Sisters subsector also boasts only limited local forces. Imperial forces in the subsector are under strong pressure to maintain blockade of Andor and Candory. Lunion and Glisten subsectors are not positioned to effect immediate reinforcement.
6) Offensive operations against the Darrians are not recommended.

1) COAs 4 and 5 present the best opportunities for the Confederation to gain territory at the least risk to Confederation fleets and the polity as a whole. Limited ofensive operation to coreward and trailing, as well as intensive commerce raiding in those theaters, should be undertaken to tie-down enemy forces and prevent reinforcement of Flammarion, Calabolg, Gunn, and Caliburn.
Sword Worlds Capabilities (cont)

Continuing to Red Cell the Sword Worlds:

1) Given that Sword Worlds population is about 40 billion
2) Using Striker as source material
3) Assuming a 5% GWP outlay for military

Therefore, the Sword Worlds total military budget is about 26TCr.


4) Assuming Army soaks up 40%
5) Postulating that System Defense Forces get half the remainder

Then, the Sword Worlds star navy burdget is about 7TCr.

A TL-B/C fleet (3 Batrons, 6 Crurons, 10% added for escorts) might cost about .65TCr per year to maintain. So, the Confederation navy (or combined navies of members worlds to be more specific) might be about 10-12 fleets plus some assault and tanker forces.

Postulating that one fleet is held at each Narsil, Gram, and Sacnoth as a strategic reserve, and that three fleets are scattered about the Confederation in defensive postures, 4-6 fleets remain for offensive ops. If the Sword Worlds go rimward as I recommend in my last post, Lunion subsector would probably have to deal with, at maximum, one fleet, plus assorted marauders, in opposition. They might be employed as follows:

1) wide dispersion of privateers
2) One major strike force to hit Adabicci
3) Several minor strike forces (with marines and troops) to conduct a series of raids against `third tier' planets.

That should keep the forces in Lunion busy.

Recommendations on Imperial Fleet Dispositions - Week 2

Very good analysis :)

A single Sword World Fleet would overwhelm the Sub-sector Fleet, despite the TL advantage held by the Imperial Fleet. Worse, even if the Imperial Fleet won a significant side engagement, battle damage could mean the Heavy Cruiser would have to seak repairs at Glisten:Glisten (6 weeks away at J4) or Mora:Mora (4 weeks away at J4). In effect stripping the Sub-sector of its core asset for several months at least, giving the Sword Worlds a strategic victory..

Given the attack scenario you have laid out (I'm again ignoring numbers/budgets etc & I'm happy to accept your assumptions at face value), the Imperial Analysis will be as follows.

Week 0, News of the 6th Frontier War with Zhodani has arrived. All dates given will start from Week 0.

Week 1, Sword Worlds launch thier attacks into Lunion Sector. Imperial Command is oblivious due to the communications lag adding to the "fog of war". Assaulted front line worlds are on thier own. Base couriers & patrol assets jump to Flag HQ to report the attacks. By the time the news arrives, it is already a week old...

Week 2, multiple reports arrive at Flag HQ of Privateers (200-400tn range) across the Sword Worlds front, preliminary counts are a dozen. Adabicci reports an Assault Fleet (3 Batron, 6 CruRons + Escorts & Troop Ships). A Cruiser led Strike Force is at Tenalphi.

News from outside the J3 range of Patrol Cruisers may still be en-route and worlds that have not reported cannot be assumed to be ok, Patrol Cruisers may have been destroyed or arrived on patrol to find the refueling points already captured - potentially stuck there without sufficient fuel to leave. (this last scenario should be rare, SOP's dictate where possible limit patrols to J2, keeping J1 worth of fuel in the tanks for emergency. However even this will add a weeks delay to news, assuming the second system is not also occupied by Privateers. Sword Worlders can be expected to be sneaky...)

Initial intel suggests the Privateers are J2 capable, they are mixed civilian and military ships operating in small groups. Thier intentions are likely to move through the Sub-sector to the rear areas to cause havoc and tie up Imperial assets.

Recommendation - report activity (NB: all activity, recommendations & intentions are reported to Sector Fleet and the surrounding Imperial Sub-sectors as a matter of course using J6 Fleet Couriers). Report activity and assumptions on Privateers to Mora Flag HQ and request they position thier assets on the Trailing worlds of Lunion with the inention of destroying any/all Privateers, limiting damage in Lunion Sub-sector and blocking attempts to move into Mora Sub-sector.
ETA of Privateers to trailing worlds of Lunion Sub-sector Wk 5-8.
ETA of request to Mora Flag HQ Wk 4 (at J6).
ETA of Mora Fleet (if available) to vicinity of Capon Naval Base Wk 6 or 7 (at J4).
ETA of Mora Flag HQ denying request Wk 6 (to Lunion Flag HQ at J6).

Task Colonial Destroyer/Escort groups of 3-4 ships with hunting down Privateers.

Assault Fleet at Adabicci
3 BatRons, 6 CruRon, Escorts and Troop ships. Whilst an Assualt on Lunion is a possibility, it would be here already. Assuming they won refueling points in Adabicci which is likely. Other targets given a J3 range are not as attractive as Adabicci itself with a combination of high population, high tech level (pop 8, TL11) and easily supported from the Sword Worlds. Targets further afield may be options, but the presence of sizeable quanities of troops indicate they intent to occupy and hold a world. One close to thier borders, high tech & high population is easier to hold and easier politically to get the Imperium to concede.

Other considerations, the PDF at Lunion with its TL advantage is at sufficient strength to defeat or at least seriously damage this Assault Fleet. The same can be said for the PDF at Strouden. The result would be Sword Worlds perhaps winning the battle, but being cleaned up by limited Imperial re-inforcements. Adabicci's PDF, whilst sizeable, is defeatable by this force. In addition Sword World damaged ships are only a jump away from home and repair facilities, whilst defence Fleets will be available to replace losses.

In conclusion we believe the Sword Worlds intention is to claim Adabicci.

The Flag Fleet is not sufficient to relieve Adabicci and is better used elsewhere limiting damaged from other raiders.
Support for the defenders of Adabicci - The Colonial Fleet needs to be mobilized. This will produce a small fleet of predominantly TL12 & 13 ships. A 2nd line Light Cruiser from Lunion with two IN Escort Destroyers (on station at Derchon & Shirene) will jump to the outer system of Adabicci and co-ordinate the marshalling, supply and repair of surviving SDB's from the PDF. In addition psy-ops will conduct a support campaign for the resisting population. ETA wk 3
Redeployments - blocking forces in Derchon and Shirene are still vital. The main threat is from Privateers wanting to refuel before raiding Lunion. Colonial Fleet assets should be redeployed to replace the Escort Destroyers sent to Adabicci. ETA wk 3
Adabicci will not be relieved until Sector Fleet Assets have arrived in sufficient strength to defeat the Assault Fleet and any Sworld World re-inforcements. ETA unknown

Strike Forces
A Cruiser led Strike Force is reported at Tenalphi, more are likely. They will be intent on harming or capturing third tier worlds where PDF's are light. More may be coming, possibly already at Arba or the worlds of Wardn, Olympia & Smoug. Reports on these worlds will not arrive till next week. Of course no news may mean the Patrol Cruiser stationed there was destroyed, rather than there being nothing to report. And it is possibe one or more Strike Fleets may be at Adabicci with the Assault Fleet.

It appears they are second line ships (TL11) capable of J2. A squadron of Fleet Destroyers (TL15) would have difficulty defeating such a Strike Force. Capital Assets in the Sector are limited to the IN Heavy Cruiser, a Colonial Light Cruiser (TL13) from Lunion and a Colonial Heavy Cruiser (TL13) from Strouden.

Position Stroudens Heavy Cruiser with Colonial escorts at Spirelle ETA wk 5. If attacked by sizeable Sword World Fleets, withdraw to Penkwhar. Preservation of the Colonial Heavy Cruiser as a fighting threat to the Sword Worlds is vital.
Position Colonial Destroyers at Penkwhar ETA wk 4
Position the IN Heavy Cruiser and a IN Fleet Destroyer Sqn at Spirelle ETA wk 3, as a blocking force until Colonial assets arrive in Wk 5. Orders after that are to hunt down and destroy Strike Fleets. Preservation of the IN Heavy Cruiser as a fighting vessel however is the first priority.

Patrol Assets
Intel on developments is vital, but limited by the J3 range of Patrol Cruisers and J2 range of called up scout ships. Fleet couriers are barely sufficient to report to Sector and neighbouring Sub-sector Flag HQs. The Xboat route spinward of Lunion is about to close shop. And the J4 Escort Destroyer is the only high jump vessel remaining.

We need a steady supply of intel from all Imperial worlds spinward of lunion. Including weekly confirmation that all is well.

We need patrol intel on operations and fleet dispositions within the Sworld Worlds border. We do not have the assets for a recon in force.

Strip the Patrol Cruisers from the trailing worlds (adds 6 Patrol Cruisers), ETA wk 4-5 at Lunion. With the intent of allocating a second Patrol Cruiser and a re-fueler at every world spinward of Lunion within J3 that does not already have the capability to maintain constant comms and watch for developing events.

Task Colonial escorts with patrolling the trailing worlds.

Task existing Patrol Cruisers spinward and based in Lunion (9 total) with patroling and reporting on Imperial Worlds spinward. Encounters with Privateers should be avoided and left to Colonial assets. Impressed merchants, Fat & Far traders should be tasked with sitting in the outer system as refueling points for Patrol Cruisers in occupied systems. Fleet Fuelers and large impressed merchants will endeavour to keep them supplied with fuel and supplies.

Task the two Escort Destroyers patrolling spinward (based at Adabicci, but currently on patrol) with jumping into front line Sworld Worlds and reporting back with naval dispositions, this will aid in establishing future Sworld World intentions and staging posts. ETA first reports back to Lunion wk 8-9.

Task the Escort Destroyer based at Strouden (currently on patrol) with the same. ETA first report back wk 10-11. (Total three J4 Escort Destroyers jumping 2 hexes into Sword World territory & back, passing intel to Patrol Cruisers/Scouts for passing onto Flag HQ)

Flag Fleet disposition.
With the Heavy Cruiser and a Fleet Destroyer Squadron sent to Spirelle to block Strike Fleets and the Escort Destroyer and Patrol Cruiser used for high jump courier duties, the Flag Fleet is now the remaining Fleet Destroyer squadron, based at Lunion.

Rear Admiral Matt
Lunion Colonial Navy
Recommendations on Imperial Fleet Dispositions - Week 2
PS. quite enjoying this.

As an aside, I was pleasantly surprised that the deployment of IN Naval bases in Lunion actually made sense. Perhaps its a co-incidence, but I think someone back in 1979 actually put some serious thinking time into where bases should go in the Marches or Lunion Sub-sector at least. I always figured they were randomly generated, more respect to Mr Miller!

I am also re-appraising in my mind, the size of the IN Naval Base typically portrayed. Here I have used Naval bases to support 4-9 Patrol Assets consisting of Patrol Cruisers and perhaps 1 or 2 Escort Destroyers in the 1000tn range. Not much of base is needed in this case, basically some admin and possibly a recruitment centre.

Maintenance of TL15 craft in the Marches is an issue. Whereas I've assumed a week for maintenance, in fact the nearest TL15 maintenance yards to the Lonian sub-sector is at Mora:Mora, (@ J4) 4 weeks travel from Lunion:Lunion. This pushes time out for maintenance to 9 weeks. At any given time 1 Escort Destroyer and 1 Fleet Destroyer is away undergoing maintenance. Equally the Heavy Cruiser is also away for over two months of the year, likely longer (2-4 months of the year) as there is a dual need to randomise the maintenance period for security purposes and ensure in the event of conflict maintenance is up-to-date.

Patrol Cruisers at TL12 can be maintained at Lunion or Strouden. Arguably they would be TL13 Patrol Cruisers made locally to the same specs but slghtly cheaper & easier to maintain.

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Sorry for the delay in responding to this - as I had all but given up on the idea of anyone responding with anything other than "We need budgets!". I will have to take some time to read the responses from OIT and Matt and see where I agree/disagree - and what the background material on generating "FIFTH FRONTIER WAR" stats (ie planetary defense values and army values and the like) will be like.

For what it is worth, the idea of having a mini-campaign set OUTSIDE of the Fifth Frontier war, and more focused upon smaller craft engagements is what I hope to achieve one way or another. Also, I had pondered what might happen when the balloon goes up - to all those Third Imperium merchants on the wrong side of the border. Presumably, Swordie ships not connected to the Navy might find themselves placed in prisoner of War camps until hostilities cease - but the same would hold true of Impies in Swordie space. Thing is? What would happen if an Impie trader returns from Swordie space with its transponder intact, but a new crew aboard the ship? What if that ship were used to launch attacks against merchant ships - without actual intent to capture the ships outright?

Just random musings before I hit the sack.
In effect what OIT & I have generated is a small ships war with a few big hitters floating about. Mostly, at least until IN reserves turn up, it will result in Adabicci being captured, lots of Privateering and 2 or 3 Cruiser led Strike Forces being chased by 1 or 2 Heavy Cruisers.

The stance of the Capital Ships on both sides will be to avoid combat with small ships in order to preserve at 100% thier own fighting capabilities for the inevitable Capital ships engagement. In effect this means the PC's in an armed merchant in a system with a Sword Worlds Strike Force, might be chased by Escorts. But the Cruiser has more important things to do than chase random small craft. Many Task Force Commanders would save its Escorts for use against small craft actually attacking the Cruiser, effectively choosing to ignore the PC's.

PC's jumping into Adabicci right now, however would face a differant reception.

Privateering in an environment where Capital Ships are otherwise occupied, provides an ideal small ships scenario. The biggest IN asset likely to be interested in them (outside of PDF's) is the 1000tn Escort Destroyer. Meantime our PC's can be shanghied from thier merchant and pressed into operating a Colonial Navy Escort (200-600tn) rushed into service and of dubious vintage & maintenance history. At least 2-3 months of chasing down & combating Privateers should result before the IN has the spare capacity to take over.

Otherwise Sword World merchants in Imperial space would likely get back providing they can avoid any PDF's on the way. Imperial Merchants in Sword World space would have a harder time as the local authorities will have been instructed to detain ships before hostilities began. Meaning the Imperial merchants are likely dirtside & tied up in red tape when the news hits, the locals cheer & Sword World Marines appear out of nowhere. It would be extremely difficult for PC's to escape, especially with their ship. However they are not likely to be abused, the Sword Worlds know they will need to be friends again after the dust settles, Its part of the pragmatic mind-set of the weaker side. Sword World merchants captured by the Imperium however may face very harsh treament.

BlackBat, we need you too, us Admirals are too busy to clean the Freshers...

As an aside, relating to my last post, I found a CT referance indicating Naval Bases have sufficient maintenance facilities to maintain IN ships (Library Data N-Z). I take that to indicate that most Naval Bases in Lunion Sector are ground facilities with the capacity of maintaining ships up to 1000tn, whilst the Lunion Naval Base also contains orbital facilities capable of maintenance of the 75,000tn Heavy Cruiser and 3,000tn Fleet Destroyers. Solves the travel time issues.

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