Recommendations on Imperial Fleet Dispositions - Week 2
Very good analysis
A single Sword World Fleet would overwhelm the Sub-sector Fleet, despite the TL advantage held by the Imperial Fleet. Worse, even if the Imperial Fleet won a significant side engagement, battle damage could mean the Heavy Cruiser would have to seak repairs at Glisten:Glisten (6 weeks away at J4) or Mora:Mora (4 weeks away at J4). In effect stripping the Sub-sector of its core asset for several months at least, giving the Sword Worlds a strategic victory..
Given the attack scenario you have laid out (I'm again ignoring numbers/budgets etc & I'm happy to accept your assumptions at face value), the Imperial Analysis will be as follows.
Week 0, News of the 6th Frontier War with Zhodani has arrived. All dates given will start from Week 0.
Week 1, Sword Worlds launch thier attacks into Lunion Sector. Imperial Command is oblivious due to the communications lag adding to the "fog of war". Assaulted front line worlds are on thier own. Base couriers & patrol assets jump to Flag HQ to report the attacks. By the time the news arrives, it is already a week old...
Week 2, multiple reports arrive at Flag HQ of Privateers (200-400tn range) across the Sword Worlds front, preliminary counts are a dozen. Adabicci reports an Assault Fleet (3 Batron, 6 CruRons + Escorts & Troop Ships). A Cruiser led Strike Force is at Tenalphi.
News from outside the J3 range of Patrol Cruisers may still be en-route and worlds that have not reported cannot be assumed to be ok, Patrol Cruisers may have been destroyed or arrived on patrol to find the refueling points already captured - potentially stuck there without sufficient fuel to leave. (this last scenario should be rare, SOP's dictate where possible limit patrols to J2, keeping J1 worth of fuel in the tanks for emergency. However even this will add a weeks delay to news, assuming the second system is not also occupied by Privateers. Sword Worlders can be expected to be sneaky...)
Initial intel suggests the Privateers are J2 capable, they are mixed civilian and military ships operating in small groups. Thier intentions are likely to move through the Sub-sector to the rear areas to cause havoc and tie up Imperial assets.
Recommendation - report activity (NB: all activity, recommendations & intentions are reported to Sector Fleet and the surrounding Imperial Sub-sectors as a matter of course using J6 Fleet Couriers). Report activity and assumptions on Privateers to Mora Flag HQ and request they position thier assets on the Trailing worlds of Lunion with the inention of destroying any/all Privateers, limiting damage in Lunion Sub-sector and blocking attempts to move into Mora Sub-sector.
ETA of Privateers to trailing worlds of Lunion Sub-sector Wk 5-8.
ETA of request to Mora Flag HQ Wk 4 (at J6).
ETA of Mora Fleet (if available) to vicinity of Capon Naval Base Wk 6 or 7 (at J4).
ETA of Mora Flag HQ denying request Wk 6 (to Lunion Flag HQ at J6).
Task Colonial Destroyer/Escort groups of 3-4 ships with hunting down Privateers.
Assault Fleet at Adabicci
3 BatRons, 6 CruRon, Escorts and Troop ships. Whilst an Assualt on Lunion is a possibility, it would be here already. Assuming they won refueling points in Adabicci which is likely. Other targets given a J3 range are not as attractive as Adabicci itself with a combination of high population, high tech level (pop 8, TL11) and easily supported from the Sword Worlds. Targets further afield may be options, but the presence of sizeable quanities of troops indicate they intent to occupy and hold a world. One close to thier borders, high tech & high population is easier to hold and easier politically to get the Imperium to concede.
Other considerations, the PDF at Lunion with its TL advantage is at sufficient strength to defeat or at least seriously damage this Assault Fleet. The same can be said for the PDF at Strouden. The result would be Sword Worlds perhaps winning the battle, but being cleaned up by limited Imperial re-inforcements. Adabicci's PDF, whilst sizeable, is defeatable by this force. In addition Sword World damaged ships are only a jump away from home and repair facilities, whilst defence Fleets will be available to replace losses.
In conclusion we believe the Sword Worlds intention is to claim Adabicci.
The Flag Fleet is not sufficient to relieve Adabicci and is better used elsewhere limiting damaged from other raiders.
Support for the defenders of Adabicci - The Colonial Fleet needs to be mobilized. This will produce a small fleet of predominantly TL12 & 13 ships. A 2nd line Light Cruiser from Lunion with two IN Escort Destroyers (on station at Derchon & Shirene) will jump to the outer system of Adabicci and co-ordinate the marshalling, supply and repair of surviving SDB's from the PDF. In addition psy-ops will conduct a support campaign for the resisting population. ETA wk 3
Redeployments - blocking forces in Derchon and Shirene are still vital. The main threat is from Privateers wanting to refuel before raiding Lunion. Colonial Fleet assets should be redeployed to replace the Escort Destroyers sent to Adabicci. ETA wk 3
Adabicci will not be relieved until Sector Fleet Assets have arrived in sufficient strength to defeat the Assault Fleet and any Sworld World re-inforcements. ETA unknown
Strike Forces
A Cruiser led Strike Force is reported at Tenalphi, more are likely. They will be intent on harming or capturing third tier worlds where PDF's are light. More may be coming, possibly already at Arba or the worlds of Wardn, Olympia & Smoug. Reports on these worlds will not arrive till next week. Of course no news may mean the Patrol Cruiser stationed there was destroyed, rather than there being nothing to report. And it is possibe one or more Strike Fleets may be at Adabicci with the Assault Fleet.
It appears they are second line ships (TL11) capable of J2. A squadron of Fleet Destroyers (TL15) would have difficulty defeating such a Strike Force. Capital Assets in the Sector are limited to the IN Heavy Cruiser, a Colonial Light Cruiser (TL13) from Lunion and a Colonial Heavy Cruiser (TL13) from Strouden.
Position Stroudens Heavy Cruiser with Colonial escorts at Spirelle ETA wk 5. If attacked by sizeable Sword World Fleets, withdraw to Penkwhar. Preservation of the Colonial Heavy Cruiser as a fighting threat to the Sword Worlds is vital.
Position Colonial Destroyers at Penkwhar ETA wk 4
Position the IN Heavy Cruiser and a IN Fleet Destroyer Sqn at Spirelle ETA wk 3, as a blocking force until Colonial assets arrive in Wk 5. Orders after that are to hunt down and destroy Strike Fleets. Preservation of the IN Heavy Cruiser as a fighting vessel however is the first priority.
Patrol Assets
Intel on developments is vital, but limited by the J3 range of Patrol Cruisers and J2 range of called up scout ships. Fleet couriers are barely sufficient to report to Sector and neighbouring Sub-sector Flag HQs. The Xboat route spinward of Lunion is about to close shop. And the J4 Escort Destroyer is the only high jump vessel remaining.
We need a steady supply of intel from all Imperial worlds spinward of lunion. Including weekly confirmation that all is well.
We need patrol intel on operations and fleet dispositions within the Sworld Worlds border. We do not have the assets for a recon in force.
Strip the Patrol Cruisers from the trailing worlds (adds 6 Patrol Cruisers), ETA wk 4-5 at Lunion. With the intent of allocating a second Patrol Cruiser and a re-fueler at every world spinward of Lunion within J3 that does not already have the capability to maintain constant comms and watch for developing events.
Task Colonial escorts with patrolling the trailing worlds.
Task existing Patrol Cruisers spinward and based in Lunion (9 total) with patroling and reporting on Imperial Worlds spinward. Encounters with Privateers should be avoided and left to Colonial assets. Impressed merchants, Fat & Far traders should be tasked with sitting in the outer system as refueling points for Patrol Cruisers in occupied systems. Fleet Fuelers and large impressed merchants will endeavour to keep them supplied with fuel and supplies.
Task the two Escort Destroyers patrolling spinward (based at Adabicci, but currently on patrol) with jumping into front line Sworld Worlds and reporting back with naval dispositions, this will aid in establishing future Sworld World intentions and staging posts. ETA first reports back to Lunion wk 8-9.
Task the Escort Destroyer based at Strouden (currently on patrol) with the same. ETA first report back wk 10-11. (Total three J4 Escort Destroyers jumping 2 hexes into Sword World territory & back, passing intel to Patrol Cruisers/Scouts for passing onto Flag HQ)
Flag Fleet disposition.
With the Heavy Cruiser and a Fleet Destroyer Squadron sent to Spirelle to block Strike Fleets and the Escort Destroyer and Patrol Cruiser used for high jump courier duties, the Flag Fleet is now the remaining Fleet Destroyer squadron, based at Lunion.
Rear Admiral Matt
Lunion Colonial Navy
Recommendations on Imperial Fleet Dispositions - Week 2