I think that if a world was so infected (or by any other unknown disease) the IN would have standing orders to blockade it.
That would seem likely, although it might depend on the noble running the sector. Norris would take a very rational approach to a blockade, where someone like Dulinor might order certain cities be "cleansed" of the affliction.I think that if a world was so infected (or by any other unknown disease) the IN would have standing orders to blockade it.
I think that if a world was so infected (or by any other unknown disease) the IN would have standing orders to blockade it.
A person assimilated by a brain slug will be likely to speak in a monotone voice and do everything to further the spreading of brain slugs throughout the universe, but the easiest way to tell a person is infected is by the brain slug sitting on their head. The person assimilated retains awareness of his condition, which Hermes referred to as a "nightmare". The recommended procedure of dealing with a brain slug victim is to act natural and switch to a garlic shampoo. Another way to deny attachment is wearing a helmet. Fortunately, brain slugs are not very intelligent and can be easily removed without harming the affected person, minimizing the risk. Once removed from the afflicted person's head, the person returns immediately to normal.
It's loosely based on the real phenomena of a parasite eating gray matter of a host, and altering motor functions and behavioral patterns. I can imagine in a sci-fi vein an order of species a bit higher may attempt to take over the host.I've just had a Futurama inspired thought!
Brain Slugs!!!
Hmmm whay if that wasn't Futurama inspired but Brain Slug inspired?
Anyway the sci-fi trope of the parasite or alien that takes over the host turning it into a zombie-like character might be a way of explaining how it spreads and how the zombies retain technical knowledge.
How would you do a Zombie Apocalypse in the Third Imperium?
Why would you want to do so?
Because zombies are all the rage with the young hip crowd.