Also on the laptop was the history of the Equality War. In 1111 of the Imperium calendar, the Society of Equals had caught wind of the death of the king of the Thirz Empire an ally of the still further Spinward Zhodani Consulate. Thinking the new, young ruler weak and insufficient of charisma to command the Empire, the Dzen Aeng Kho attacked over three major zones from the Empire’s Trailing borders. At first the campaign went well with the Society gaining ground deeper into the Thirz Empire. But the young monarch turned out to be an effective and educated tactician. Though the file’s authors claimed that there was suspicion that the Humans of the Zhodani Consulate lent forces, conventional and psionic, to turn the tide and a rally occurred. The fleets of the Empire slipped between the three fleets of the Society and two pincers, one to Coreward and the second far to Rimward, all cut off the jump routes back to the Dzen Aeng Kho. Once done, the authors claim that the Zhodani bulwarked the remainder of the Empire while the smaller fleets rejoined and cut down the Society’s three and then proceeded into Equal territory. By 1116, the Society of Equals had not only lost half their worlds, the polity capital and the Council of worlds had to be relocated deeper Trailing where the fighting had not reached. When the smoke cleared from the worlds, the Society of Equals was ready to sign an armistice end the Equality War, so named because an equal amount of territory was taken for the worlds initially lost to the Thirz Empire early in the conflict.
Years later, after the Society of Equals was able to make due on its armistice of peace and through heated meetings with Emissaries on both sides, the Thirz Empire offered the captured worlds of the Dzen Aeng Kho a chance to vote whether they wished to count themselves once more among the Society or be left independent and undefended should the Society wish to reclaim them. Many voted for independence. A few, like Dzuerongvoe, the Cannagrrh homeworld chose to return to the Society out of need for any polity’s safety net. The Thirz were returning to their Empire regardless.
Zhevra could read between the lines even if the books or files had nothing for her Awareness to latch onto. There was propaganda, embellishments and half-truths in the articles, the telling of the tale by the losing side. In order to get the real story, the Suedzuk decided she would have to dig deeper and that meant grilling the most trusted news source in the subsector of space, the Dame herself.
“Orange,” Zhevra said to herself. Damn.
Therapy continued through the next two weeks and Zhevra found herself liberated from the grav-chair at last. Now in arm crutches anchored at her forearms, she could limp her way around the bedroom. At the end of the week she took supper with the present Pack in the dining hall by ambling on the crutches. Smiles and nods of congratulations welcomed her continued rehabilitation. Yet all she could thank them with was, “Orange.”
Still escorted by the dark-furred triplets, Zhevra visited the grand ball room in the rear of the keep. Heavy purple drapes pulled and tied to columns let in the light of the day to spill the light of the pale blue and pale orange stars across the granite, sectioned floor. The young females practiced dancing with each other.
Anglla suddenly curious of Zhevra when it was not her turn to practice dancing asked her, “Do you dance, milady Zhevra?”
Zhevra recalled the last time she was asked to dance. It was aboard the Sixth Horizon, when she was still Gevaudan’s slave concubine, before their marriage. The Suedzuk nodded absently while fingering the gold heart pendant on her lavender collar that she now wore daily. Gevaudan had asked, almost ordered, the concubine to fan dance. Nervous with stage fright before her white owner, she shook her head to beg off. So, Gevaudan had gone first by moving his white-furred body as he clumsily contact juggled two transparent acrylic balls over his claw and digits. Then Zhevra had danced for him. It really was just randomly shifting of her form as she pretended to manipulate the two fans he gave her to do so. The affirmative nod Zhevra gave at the memory brought smiles to the triplets.
Years later, after the Society of Equals was able to make due on its armistice of peace and through heated meetings with Emissaries on both sides, the Thirz Empire offered the captured worlds of the Dzen Aeng Kho a chance to vote whether they wished to count themselves once more among the Society or be left independent and undefended should the Society wish to reclaim them. Many voted for independence. A few, like Dzuerongvoe, the Cannagrrh homeworld chose to return to the Society out of need for any polity’s safety net. The Thirz were returning to their Empire regardless.
Zhevra could read between the lines even if the books or files had nothing for her Awareness to latch onto. There was propaganda, embellishments and half-truths in the articles, the telling of the tale by the losing side. In order to get the real story, the Suedzuk decided she would have to dig deeper and that meant grilling the most trusted news source in the subsector of space, the Dame herself.
“Orange,” Zhevra said to herself. Damn.
Therapy continued through the next two weeks and Zhevra found herself liberated from the grav-chair at last. Now in arm crutches anchored at her forearms, she could limp her way around the bedroom. At the end of the week she took supper with the present Pack in the dining hall by ambling on the crutches. Smiles and nods of congratulations welcomed her continued rehabilitation. Yet all she could thank them with was, “Orange.”
Still escorted by the dark-furred triplets, Zhevra visited the grand ball room in the rear of the keep. Heavy purple drapes pulled and tied to columns let in the light of the day to spill the light of the pale blue and pale orange stars across the granite, sectioned floor. The young females practiced dancing with each other.
Anglla suddenly curious of Zhevra when it was not her turn to practice dancing asked her, “Do you dance, milady Zhevra?”
Zhevra recalled the last time she was asked to dance. It was aboard the Sixth Horizon, when she was still Gevaudan’s slave concubine, before their marriage. The Suedzuk nodded absently while fingering the gold heart pendant on her lavender collar that she now wore daily. Gevaudan had asked, almost ordered, the concubine to fan dance. Nervous with stage fright before her white owner, she shook her head to beg off. So, Gevaudan had gone first by moving his white-furred body as he clumsily contact juggled two transparent acrylic balls over his claw and digits. Then Zhevra had danced for him. It really was just randomly shifting of her form as she pretended to manipulate the two fans he gave her to do so. The affirmative nod Zhevra gave at the memory brought smiles to the triplets.

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