Entry #5
The Elizabeth II, Mark 7 Imperial Ministry of Intelligence (IMI) Issue
Body Pistol.
The Elizabeth II, Mark Seven IMI Issue Body Pistol (E2M7BP) is the
current (IY 1100) issue body pistol for Agents with Branches Five or
Six, and other Individuals at Request or Order of the Minister of
Intelligence, the Subsector or Sector Duke, HIM or the Moot's Office of
Special Affairs. This media presentation will cover multiple areas of
interest regarding this new weapon.
The E2M7BP is a replacement for the previous IMI Issue BP, the
Vindicator, Mark 14, Modification 69 (VM14M69).
The Vindicator was a body pistol crafted by the Engineers of the
[REDACTED] according to IMISPEC 1000-001-56BP-Q-BP-XO23845. The supposed
"Thousand Year Pistol" as it was touted in the Company Literature as the
BP that would "..Last the Imperium One Thousand More Years!" It failed
miserably and it would appear only the Bureaucracy's resistance to
Issuing a New Specification that kept it in service a full century. The
Vindicator used a hyper-pressure-micro-aerosol-trinary-propellant system
which any sensible being could look at the specs for and realize that it
would develop problems down the lane. Problems it did develop, it was
found that the weapon would malfunction in the field in most explosive
of fashion. Numerous Agents and Officers of the Imperium were killed or
maimed when the propellant system failed during the firing cycle.
With Complaints and multiple attempts failing to fix the problems of the
Vindicator it was Decided that a new Specification was Required by Order
of the Moot and Minister. The new SPEC required that the weapon be
designed and built entirely in-house and Q-Branch began it's work. The
E2M7BP was named after a Terran Imperial Majesty of the 20th Century who
may or may not have employed a early generation chimera geneered Agent
in her employ. It is something of an egghead in joke among the Q-Branch.
The E2M7BP is approximately the same and mass as a standard Civilian
body pistol. However, its appearance is somewhat different. The design
is multifunctional and completely rounded to prevent it from getting
caught up on surfaces, (another problem of the blocky structure of the
previous body pistol and the various attachments most Agents used in the
Field). The streamlined form has lead to it being dubbed "the Ray Gun",
it is not however an directed high energy weapon. It is advanced TL F
hyper-material micro machine firearm.
The Elizabeth II has had seven major refits and as thus is in Mark 7
Series, current Modification 0. The basic structure consists of a round
ended cylinder and an angled hand grip containing the ammunition
magazine. Connecting the muzzle end of the cylinder and the forward end
of the hand grip is what is commonly referred to as "the Sail", but is
in fact a brilliant material used to break up the shape of the weapon
and fool pattern recognition systems. The brilliant material is used a
morphic reservoir of material to form a protective finger guard.
The Security/Fail-Safe vary according to the Tech Level (TL) of the
Issuing Ministry. They range from cybernetic IDent Implants, to quantum
particle capsules to the Seed.
The lowest (third grade) technological security/fail-safe features is
the Cybernetic IDent Implant (TL A-). These implants contain electronic
micro-data chips created in pairs on the same machine. They contain
IDent Information on both the weapon and the individual issued that
weapon. One chip is implanted in the weapon, the other in the person
being issued the weapon. They function by using a cybernetic connection
created when the Agent grips the weapon closing physical IDent
connectors and engaging in an electronic callback handshake protocol
between the Security chips. Failure of this system prevents the weapon
from functioning and engages various other user defined contingency
functions and programs.
The second grade technology uses a pair of quantum entangled particles
contained in TL B-D) capsules with nano-field-circuits, and a
manufacturing process (two particles created at one time in one
accelerator) and security protocol similar to the third grade technology
(CII), however the hand shake is done via encrypted wireless. Due to
the wireless system, an Agent can use the dedicated micro-computer to
fine control and tune the weapon and its systems.
The final and most secure security/fail-safe system is the Seed (TL E+).
Though most Citizens believe that the Psionic Suppressions wiped all
psionic technologies and sciences, this is not true. Various Secret
Edicts and Warrants have allowed certain continuing programs to function
over the centuries and to use those developments to Aid the Imperium.
One of those is the Seed, the Seed is a psionic semi-organic crystalline
technology. Seeds are created again in a pair by [REDACTED]. Once
created they are stored in Null-Space Stasis Containers in certain
Ministry Buildings and aboard The SEEDRON Fruit Tree Series SEED
Vessels. Once an Agent and Weapon are to be United, they are left in a
CYCLONE shielded room and allowed to Bond. Once a firm bond is created,
the Seed is split, and one half is placed in the weapon and one in the
subject. From that point on the Seed will collect regular psionic
imprints and will always know its being and weapon and will allow
psionic control of the weapon with out the Agent actually having an
appreciable Psionic Rating and it grants no other psionic abilities.
The final security/fail-safe feature is common in all E2M7BPs. That is a
micro-carbon tube network containing an extremely stable and highly
energetic explosive timed to detonate in order to destroy the limb
holding the weapon. It is designed to deal a fatal wound on the
individual who attempts to use the weapon with out the proper security
permissions. Also most of the weapons will have control features or
programs that allow it to be remote fired.
The E2M7BP has several built in features to aid the Officer in the
Field. The weapon is constructed of several TL F hyper (brilliant)
materials. These hyper materials are mostly micro-machine network
structures and infrastructures allowing morphic memory programs to be
used, the "Sail" structure material reservoir is merely one example of
its use.
The Elizabeth II also has an integral sound suppression system and a
folding electronic combiner optical 3d simulatation sight. This allows
the Agent to use the E2M7BP in stealth situations and tends to grant
higher hit percentage with E-Sight use.
The last and in some Agents' opinion the best feature is the morphing
magazine well, receiver and bore. The morphing parts allow the Agent to
use Standard Ammunition in Emegencies. The Standard BP ammunition is a 5
mm round, the E2M7BP uses a 5 mm caseless round containing a 2.7 mm
payload. The base of the round uses a special hydropolycarbon long chain
polymer substance that uses the shell as the charge igniter for the
primary accelerant and thus all the shell is consumed and leaves no
trace and is in fact extremely hard to detect and most detectors that
could would know what it was and give a pass or assistance.
"Crystal" is an ammunition type that is constructed of pre-stressed
crystal that is designed to shatter upon entry creating multiple
penetrating wound tracks and causing massive internal bleeding in most
humanoid subjects.
"Slippy" is an ammunition which uses a fin stablized, discarding sabot
round of Durasteel to penetrate armors. This Durasteel penetrator is
approximately 1.2 mm in diameter and travels at hypersonic speeds. It
will not penetrate BattleDress but most other Combat Armors will be
defeated by this round, unfortunately it does less trauma to the
"Boom" is the name for the Explosive round used in the E2M7BP. It uses
the same explosive compound as found in the micro-carbon tubes discussed
in the Security Features Section. It will blast about a 0.2 meter hole
in most organic matierals and soft targets.
"Track" is the non-lethal round which delivers a micro-wireless tracking
device which can be tracked for about 5 Km by standard IMI or ImpMil
tracking devices, greater range and sensitivity of Orbital Sensors may
allow greater tracking range.
"Gello" rounds are used to deliver biologic agents and other non-lethal
agents, including CS, DM, or other BioChem or nerve agents.
"Zap" rounds launch a ultra capacitor powered electrical shock device
designed to stun most Humanoid Species with the first round, however it
has been shown that two or even three rounds may be needed to deal with
highly agitated subjects.
There are multiple Accessories for the the E2M7BP. These include a butt
mounted Shock Absorbing Recoil Stock and a Barrel Extender with integral
fore-grip and sound suppression technologies.
Miscellaneous. SEEDRON (Special Engineering and Equipment Distribution
Squadron) are Squadrons that 'Ride Circuit' and manufacture and
distribute those Technologies that the local Subsector Government does
not have access to due to TL constraints. They are composed of the
Primary SEED Starship, (which carries the Manufacturing and Storage
facilities and are named after varieties of Fruit Trees Native to
Important Worlds of the Imperium), 2 Destroyer Escorts, 2-4 Corvettes,
and several Support Vessels, including Oilers and Tenders.
