Obviously, an "implausible" UWP of the type we're talking about will only be "implausible" in it's social aspects; port, government, law level, and (perhaps) population. I listed those aspects in the order in which I believe they can be "plausibly implausible", if that phrase even makes sense. Perhaps a better phrase would be "incorrectly reported".
But, you see, that's just the point. You're mixing up "implausible" and "incorrect". If a UWP hasn't been updated in 30 years, obviously it can be wrong (Come to that, it could be wrong even if it was updated yesterday, but that would be due to a reporting error/deliberate lie; I'm talking about how a world with a UWP that was right 30 years ago easily could have changed under it: Population grown a level, government changed, laws changed, technology improved, atmosphere pollution passed a threshold, canal cut to flood a low-lying basin, no, I can't come up with a way the size could change[*]). But if it was implausible 30 years ago, it will still be implausible today.
[*] Oh, wait: Population of secondary world surpassed the mainworld in those 30 years and the Scouts now consider it the new mainworld
So, we have Arglebargle-IX which, during the Second Survey, was noted as having a Class C starport. Sometime in the near past, Arglebargle-IX upgraded that port to Class B or, more accurately, was reported as upgrading it to Class B.
You mean, 30 years ago the starport class was upgraded based on an erroneous report? Why not use that explanation straight up instead? "Arglebargle-IX starport was erroneously reported as being upgraded two months ago and nobody have fixed the error yet." Much more plausible that the error is a recent occurrence than that it remained undetected for 30 years.
(OK, with the same UWPs being reported for 1105 (TSM), 1111 (SMC), and 1117 (RgS), the "it's a mistake that just hasn't been corrected yet" explanations get a lot weaker.)
The Filing Cabinet Commandos of the Department of Redundancy Department duly make their updates to the Pilot's and Bartender's Guide of the Bargleargle Subsector that a Class B port exists and the universe moves on in a greased groove.
Trouble is, the Argelbargle starport really isn't Class B. It can't do what it claims it can do or what it should be able to do. The port's SPA managers, mindful of both their pensions and necks, are spending more time hiding the truth than fixing the problems.
And it's more plausible that they've been able to hide this for 30 years than that it's only been going on for a year?
Of course, such a situation can't last forever, but it can last long enough to involve the players.
No argument there. I've never said a UWP couldn't be wrong. I said that if a UWP is implausible, claiming that it hasn't been updated recently won't make it plausible.
Actually, that's not quite true. If the implausible condition was caused by war or catastrophe, the question, "How come Entrope's starport hasn't been brought back to Class B in the two decades since 1084?" is, indeed, answered by "It has; the UWP just hasn't been updated since 1084".
Provided, of course, that you think it is plausible that the Scouts wouldn't've updated Entrope's UWP in 19 years. IMO you're much more likely to arrive at a starport and find that it's no longer Class B because the rock termites ate it yesterday[**]
[**] Joke. A Class B starport would have orbital facilities. Hit by a yardworkers' strike, perhaps.
Be that as it may, we were talking about high-tech, decent-population worlds with Class D starports (I was, anyway). As Wil said, there are ways to explain those (the religious dictatorship of Dodds probably has something to do with its starport rating), but I can't think of any explanation that is improved by adding the claim that the UWP hasn't been updated in 30 years.