Timerover - all the gangways should be part of stateroom space except those entirely within a compartment dedicated to some other element... but there are almost none of those on the 378 WPG.
Also, ship's laundry, tho' it looks like you included that.
It looks like you cut out the Peacoat stores or the stores abeam them. Both of which should be included. I'm not certain if you included all the study areas, either.
Also note, the bottom deck might not be full height. It looks to be mostly bilges and sumps, which are often not full height; it looks like you may have treated it as a full height deck. Also, most of the deck is outside the dotted full height line.
Nice work, tho'.
Here’s a figure where I’ve tried to overlay the areas that I’ve considered ontop of the original dwg for the ship. I’ve made the borders a bit bigger to help make them stick out more.

Link to larger scale image http://www.mnvdet.com/Other/378-2.png
Anyway, what I’ve tried to include, starting from the topmost deck is;
02 Level - The Captain & (I believe Chief Engineer’s State Rooms and cabins. These items were not included on the original drawing but I estimated their fore & aft extents from a separate report I had on sanitary spaces and I believe that what is shown is close to the area provided on this deck.
01 Level – The EO and XO staterooms and attached meeting rooms, plus a fan room to port and starboard
Mn Deck – 8 Officer Staterooms plus the passageway between them, the wardroom, the ward room pantry, the CPO Mess, the sick bay, and the passageways between them, the ship’s store and scullery and the passageway immediately around them, the crew’s mess and the galley. On this deck I did not include the Supply Office, the Ship’s Office, the Ex Office, the DC Office or the passageways in way of those spaces.
2nd Deck – the General Stores space (including the screened off portion forward), the Laundry, Barber Shop and 1st LT’s Office (and passageways in way of these spaces), the Officers? And CPO staterooms on this deck plus the passageways in way of them, plus the Crew’s Berth spaces and Studies both fore and aft of the Engine Room and associated spaces. On this deck I did not include the Hawsers Handling Room (or anything forward of it, the Ord Office (near the Barbershop), or anything aft of the aft Crew Berth space.
3rd Deck – the Sea Bag Stg Space, the Pea Coat Stg space and the Store Room and Stores spaces (plus passageways adjacent to that space, the Crew’s Berth’s and Study, the Air Conditioning Shop, the Freeze and Chill (Food) Storage spaces, plus the passageway and vertical trunk that access those spaces. I did not include the Flammable Stores, Bosun’s Stores, the Cargo Space or the Bow Prop Rm, as well as the Fire Control Room, the unlabeled space across from it, nor the passageway that separates them, the EE Shop and Stores, the Machinery Shop and Tool Rm, the Comm Stores, the ISS Rm, or the Engineering Stores.
For the tankages, as noted previously, rather than trying to scale something off the picture I took some info that I had from a Sanitary/Sewage study for the ship.
I hope this helps clarify what I did.
PS. Its PFVA not Timerover, but no problems, I have trouble with names all the time