Yes. Put another way, the rules state a stateroom takes up 4 dTons - including those other related volumes - and can accommodate up to 2 humans.Hi,
I guess that since it says that they "average" 2 dtons, they all won't necessarily be the same size and that some may be larger than 2 dtons and some may be smaller than 2 dtons.
Assuming good recycling, the 'backup' volume of water and O2 for a single human would be - a little less than the volume of a human.As for my third point, from the stuff I've looked at for the USCG 378ft cutter I still have my concerns especially for ships that may be on independent deployments (like has been suggested for some of the Azhanti High Lightning class). for situations like this, the need to sustain life support in the event of damage etc would seem to suggest to me the need for back up oxygen and fresh water etc.

So not much in relation to even 2 dTons. [Noting the volume of space occupied is much greater, but then O2 and H2O concentrations in atmo are small percentages...]
Likewise, food is recyclable - starships being a closed system, after-all.
Of course, depending on TL and cultural assumptions, the degree of efficiency would surely vary. Nothing prevents, nor even suggests, that fleets wouldn't have supply and repair tenders, not to mention even recreation (and prison, psych, etc.) vessels as normal parts of their complement - depending on mission and durations...