Alright, I'm at something of a quandry. What TWO LETTER descriptor from B6(HG)1980 would you use to describe a Dreadnought?
BH = Battle /Heavy
BL = Battle /Leader
Alright, I'm at something of a quandry. What TWO LETTER descriptor from B6(HG)1980 would you use to describe a Dreadnought?
Also - anyone tell me why the darn table is creating all that white space above it?
So I was thinking about this. I agree D seems linked to Destroyer. But thinking about Dreadnoughts were originally just the top of the Battleship food chain. What if you used something like the Battleship BB? Maybe BB-D or BD or maybe give them a single letter and a number B02 is the Dreadnought "ISS Daniel" a Tigress Class Dreadnought...
Well just some brain storming to help your effort.![]()
I believe Dreadnought is either "BH" (Heavy Battleship) or "BI" (Battleship/Imperial - implying top-of-the-line), IIRC.
In which case I guess BBH or BBI would work if you want to add the extra identifier letter.
They're line of battleships, whether obsolete or bleeding edge.
BB would be appropriate for dreadnoughts; large ones like the Tigresses with their own fleet carrier air group might be BBCV.
I say go with whulorigan's idea of BH or BI. They both could work.![]()
BH = Battle /Heavy
BL = Battle /Leader
It has to do with "SPACE" and "ENTER" characters between the bracketts of the codes (which are easy to overlook). They get interpreted as characters outside the table and get "bumped up" in front of the table. I have found it helpful to type out the code and text for the table as a single line in a text file and then copy and paste it back.
Basically, you want to remove any extraneous [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]"SPACE" and "ENTER" characters between or after bracketts (and especially at the end of a line of text). [/FONT]
Then there has to be consideration given to Book 5, HG, 1980 ed, pp 26, for Primary and Secondary identifiers. Dreadnought doesn't fit in that listing either, which is interesting. That said, you could make the case for ZH (unassigned, Heavy), but that clashes with the national identifier for the Zhodani Consulate! :rofl:
Gonna be interesting, solving this one!
Ideas welcome, naturally![]() - In the wiki we rebuilt the ship types codes to capture more types of ships. - So we derived the Dreadnaught as "BA"
Hum, odd that they do not list the Tigress Class Dreadnought in that list of "BA" ships. - In the wiki we rebuilt the ship types codes to capture more types of ships. - So we derived the Dreadnaught as "BA"
Don't forget to post the final product.Time to fire up Campaign Cartographer, then...![]()
Anyhow, time for a few specifics...
As mentioned above, per a comment earlier regarding redeployments during and immediately after the FFW, I tend to agree at least in part, thus I think the 130th won't have any BAs. It WILL have a lot of other ships, but some major elements of the B- and maybe (undecided on this atm) C- classes will be lighter than they would otherwise be.
Additionally, I bit the bullet and bought a copy of MgT "Sector Fleet" as an e-book following the recommendations earlier; it was good advice (pp38-46 refer). Thus far, I'm looking at this, and I'm pretty sure I'm well heavy on the DesRons...
Here's my tentative thinking thus far...
130th Imperial (Subsector) Fleet
Nominal Type:.........Battle Fleet
Nominal Peacetime Strength:
The thinking is: 3 BatRons, one of which is the command BatRon for the Fleet Admiral; the rest of the fleet will then be mix'n'matched into flotillas to spread the firepower and capabilities about to even things out across the subsector, with the fleet's primary mission being subsector security & Reft border patrol, so long legs on patrol ships would be the key, and in a region where there's little threat, a few DesRons could do the whole border patrol routine, freeing up the rest of the fleet to perform their show-the-flag Imperial Security patrol thing.
In relation to the above, I've identified a few things that would be done with the border patrols, classes would be DSs & DPs, with a sprinkling of CSs for added gravitas here and there (and to act as flotilla command ships), and that's about as far as I've reached thus far; tentative specifics for core shipping are as follows:
2 x BB, 2 x BT
659th BatRon (Kokirrak Class Dreadnought) - DETACHED FOR DURATION
433rd Batron (Grendal Class Battleships)
758th BatRon (Olympica Class Battle Tender c/w 4 x Cleon Class Battle Riders & 7 x Staban Class Light Battle Riders)
821st Batron (Olympica Class Battle Tender c/w 4 x Cleon Class Battle Riders & 7 x Staban Class Light Battle Riders)
1 x CLC (Blue Ridge Class Command Cruiser)
2 x CB (Majestic Class Battle Cruiser)
6 x CS (Fulda Class Scout Cruiser)
6 x DD
12 x DP
1 x (based around the Maxwell Class Troop Transport)
Not yet assessed
Not yet assessed
Not yet assessed
Thoughts & suggestions?
Dreadnought implies a very large battleship which doesn't compromise on performance, armour or armament. Except for speed, in that it's not as fast as a battlecruiser
Super dreadnought is the same, only inflated.
Fast battleship is a super dreadnought with close to battlecruiser speed, which is now superseded.
And the Death Star is a space station.