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Preamble. This is the rule I use when determining whether something is canon, and whether something is overstepping canon. This regula proceeds from (1) loyalty to Marc, (2) loyalty to Traveller, and (3) guidance from Don's Hermeneutic.
Now, my job is not to create canon. My job is to enforce what is determined to be canon. My job does not require that I be nice. So I'll go to training for that particular skill.
My job is also not to be an expert in anything in Traveller. I rely on specialists when something needs to be dug out.
The rules of Traveller canon:
1. Authority. What Marc says is canon, is canon.
2. Priority. FFE is primary. T5 is first, and CT/MT are next. Material Marc had a direct hand in have high priority. The third party materials from FFE can be treated as non-binding sources.
3. Clarity. All of the major concepts for Traveller are clearly communicated in the rules. If it's not there, it's not Traveller. Marc brings new things in when he's ready.
4. Distinction. Each ruleset creates OTU distinctions, binding only in those rulesets.
5. Non-Binding Sources. Secondary sources have useful ideas, but do not trump canon or ruleset distinctions. Mongoose, SJG, DGP, GO, HIWG, and online discussion forums.
It goes without saying that Marc "is" canon, and may change or create exceptions in the above rules. Here is his list of Things that Are Non-Canonical:
1. Spacecraft under 100 tons can't jump. (T5 lays this out clearly, so this is addressed in #1 in the above list). I believe this actually and clearly clobbers what was a TNE distinction.
2. Almost all Aslan art has the hands and paws wrong.
3. All the major races are identified. Don't add another one.
4. DGP is not canon; e.g. the pre-Ancient Primordials/Sparklers are not what Joe Fugate wanted them to be. (This is a addressed in #1 in the above list).
5. Light sabers and Ansibles don't exist. (These are addressed by #2 in the above list).
Preamble. This is the rule I use when determining whether something is canon, and whether something is overstepping canon. This regula proceeds from (1) loyalty to Marc, (2) loyalty to Traveller, and (3) guidance from Don's Hermeneutic.
Now, my job is not to create canon. My job is to enforce what is determined to be canon. My job does not require that I be nice. So I'll go to training for that particular skill.
My job is also not to be an expert in anything in Traveller. I rely on specialists when something needs to be dug out.
The rules of Traveller canon:
1. Authority. What Marc says is canon, is canon.
2. Priority. FFE is primary. T5 is first, and CT/MT are next. Material Marc had a direct hand in have high priority. The third party materials from FFE can be treated as non-binding sources.
3. Clarity. All of the major concepts for Traveller are clearly communicated in the rules. If it's not there, it's not Traveller. Marc brings new things in when he's ready.
4. Distinction. Each ruleset creates OTU distinctions, binding only in those rulesets.
5. Non-Binding Sources. Secondary sources have useful ideas, but do not trump canon or ruleset distinctions. Mongoose, SJG, DGP, GO, HIWG, and online discussion forums.
It goes without saying that Marc "is" canon, and may change or create exceptions in the above rules. Here is his list of Things that Are Non-Canonical:
1. Spacecraft under 100 tons can't jump. (T5 lays this out clearly, so this is addressed in #1 in the above list). I believe this actually and clearly clobbers what was a TNE distinction.
2. Almost all Aslan art has the hands and paws wrong.
3. All the major races are identified. Don't add another one.
4. DGP is not canon; e.g. the pre-Ancient Primordials/Sparklers are not what Joe Fugate wanted them to be. (This is a addressed in #1 in the above list).
5. Light sabers and Ansibles don't exist. (These are addressed by #2 in the above list).
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