The humble type 23 corvette was created as a cheaper alternative to the classic type T patrol corvette, intended to fulfill many or the roles of the type T at a lower cost per craft. Coming in at under 3/4ths the cost of a type T, the type 23 (named for its mobility profile: Jump 2, 3G maneuver) is a classic “small ship for small tasks”, such as presence patrols or convoy escort. In these roles, the higher performance of the type T is often unneeded, as the ship is often tied to protection of merchants with 1g or 2g drives and J2 at best.
By using smaller engines, significant savings in cost are achieved (62 Mcr vs 78 Mcr), and the missile barbette gives it almost the same offensive firepower on a smaller hull, which is also better armoured than the type T. The type 23 also boasts a better sensor and EW system than the type T. The type 23 retains the small craft and boarding team concept form the type T, allowing boarding and inspections while maintaining stand-off distance with the main craft, although both are smaller, and the G-carrier deleted, to keep the tonnage and cost down.
In service with subsector navies throughout the imperium, the type 23 is a familiar sight in backwater systems and in quieter frontier zones, and a welcome sight for the free traders that ply their trade in those areas. The inability of the type 23 to keep up with the main fleet has the beneficial side effect that it is rarely seconded for fleet duties, which keeps it free for anti-piracy and presence patrols, or escorting convoys (they are a mainstay of the Fist-Tyokh convoys in the Trojan Reach). For many minor systems, the type 23 is often the only Imperial Navy vessel that is seen more than once a year, and is considered the "face" of the Third Imperium.
stats (MgT 2nd Ed)
300 ton hull (15mcr)
Streamlined: 3Mcr
Armour : crystaliron, 8 pts (30 tons, 7.2 Mcr)
M Drive: 3G (9 tons, 18Mcr)
J Drive: J2 (20 tons, 30Mcr)
P plant: 210PP, TL 12 Fusion (14 tons, 14 Mcr)
Fuel: 64 tons: (1x J2, 4 weeks P-plant plus 2 tons small craft fuel)
Fuel processors: 1 ton (20 tons/day, 0.05 Mcr)
Basic systems: 60 pp
M Drive: 90 pp
J Drive: 60 pp
Weapons: 18pp
Sensors: 4 pp
Bridge: standard, (20 tons, 1.5 Mcr)
Computer/15: 2 Mcr
Fire control/1
Total cost: 4.2 Mcr
Sensors: Improved (3 tons 4.3 Mcr)
Captain: 1
Astrogator: 1
Engineers: 2
Medic: 1
Gunners: 3
Small craft crew: 2
Ships troops: 5
Total: 15
Total staterooms: 10 (40 tons, 5Mcr)
Common areas: 10 tons 1Mcr
Missile Barbette: 5 tons, 4 Mcr
Triple turret: Pulse laser/Pulse laser/ sandcaster (1 ton, 9pp, 3.25 Mcr)
Triple turret: Pulse laser/Pulse laser/ sandcaster(1 ton, 9pp, 3.25 Mcr)
25 missiles in barbette, 84 in magazine (7 tons) (2.25Mcr)
24 sandcaster barrels in turrets (12/each), 100 in magazine (5 tons) (0.17Mcr)
Armoury: 2 tons 0.5Mcr
Medbay: 4 tons 2 Mcr
Gig (6.732 Mcr),
20 ton Full hanger (40 tons, 8Mcr)
UNREP system: 20tons/hour ( 1 pp, 1 ton, 0.5 Mcr)
Cargo: 23 tons
Total 300 tons.
Cost “empty” = 124.75 Mcr
Cost with small craft and ammo : 133.902Mcr
monthly mortage cost: 519,791 Cr/month
life support: 10,000 Cr/month stateroom costs
15,000 CR month crew costs
maintance costs: 10,395 Cr/month
monthly upkeep costs : 35, 395 CR/Month
first ship ive designed for ages, so I probably made quite a few errors in its design. any comments, critiques and such are welcome.
As mentioned, the ship is intended to be a slower, cheaper type T. it's somewhat inspired by the numerous destroyer escort/corvette/frigate type designs of the second world war, medium capability designs that were cheap enough to produce en masse, and capable enough for the job they were needed for.
I have also heard that they was a disinclination for using full sized fleet destroyers like the Fletcher class for convoy escorts, because they were overkill for it, and not really any better at it than the smaller, cheaper ships.
By using smaller engines, significant savings in cost are achieved (62 Mcr vs 78 Mcr), and the missile barbette gives it almost the same offensive firepower on a smaller hull, which is also better armoured than the type T. The type 23 also boasts a better sensor and EW system than the type T. The type 23 retains the small craft and boarding team concept form the type T, allowing boarding and inspections while maintaining stand-off distance with the main craft, although both are smaller, and the G-carrier deleted, to keep the tonnage and cost down.
In service with subsector navies throughout the imperium, the type 23 is a familiar sight in backwater systems and in quieter frontier zones, and a welcome sight for the free traders that ply their trade in those areas. The inability of the type 23 to keep up with the main fleet has the beneficial side effect that it is rarely seconded for fleet duties, which keeps it free for anti-piracy and presence patrols, or escorting convoys (they are a mainstay of the Fist-Tyokh convoys in the Trojan Reach). For many minor systems, the type 23 is often the only Imperial Navy vessel that is seen more than once a year, and is considered the "face" of the Third Imperium.
stats (MgT 2nd Ed)
300 ton hull (15mcr)
Streamlined: 3Mcr
Armour : crystaliron, 8 pts (30 tons, 7.2 Mcr)
M Drive: 3G (9 tons, 18Mcr)
J Drive: J2 (20 tons, 30Mcr)
P plant: 210PP, TL 12 Fusion (14 tons, 14 Mcr)
Fuel: 64 tons: (1x J2, 4 weeks P-plant plus 2 tons small craft fuel)
Fuel processors: 1 ton (20 tons/day, 0.05 Mcr)
Basic systems: 60 pp
M Drive: 90 pp
J Drive: 60 pp
Weapons: 18pp
Sensors: 4 pp
Bridge: standard, (20 tons, 1.5 Mcr)
Computer/15: 2 Mcr
Fire control/1
Total cost: 4.2 Mcr
Sensors: Improved (3 tons 4.3 Mcr)
Captain: 1
Astrogator: 1
Engineers: 2
Medic: 1
Gunners: 3
Small craft crew: 2
Ships troops: 5
Total: 15
Total staterooms: 10 (40 tons, 5Mcr)
Common areas: 10 tons 1Mcr
Missile Barbette: 5 tons, 4 Mcr
Triple turret: Pulse laser/Pulse laser/ sandcaster (1 ton, 9pp, 3.25 Mcr)
Triple turret: Pulse laser/Pulse laser/ sandcaster(1 ton, 9pp, 3.25 Mcr)
25 missiles in barbette, 84 in magazine (7 tons) (2.25Mcr)
24 sandcaster barrels in turrets (12/each), 100 in magazine (5 tons) (0.17Mcr)
Armoury: 2 tons 0.5Mcr
Medbay: 4 tons 2 Mcr
Gig (6.732 Mcr),
20 ton Full hanger (40 tons, 8Mcr)
UNREP system: 20tons/hour ( 1 pp, 1 ton, 0.5 Mcr)
Cargo: 23 tons
Total 300 tons.
Cost “empty” = 124.75 Mcr
Cost with small craft and ammo : 133.902Mcr
monthly mortage cost: 519,791 Cr/month
life support: 10,000 Cr/month stateroom costs
15,000 CR month crew costs
maintance costs: 10,395 Cr/month
monthly upkeep costs : 35, 395 CR/Month
first ship ive designed for ages, so I probably made quite a few errors in its design. any comments, critiques and such are welcome.
As mentioned, the ship is intended to be a slower, cheaper type T. it's somewhat inspired by the numerous destroyer escort/corvette/frigate type designs of the second world war, medium capability designs that were cheap enough to produce en masse, and capable enough for the job they were needed for.
I have also heard that they was a disinclination for using full sized fleet destroyers like the Fletcher class for convoy escorts, because they were overkill for it, and not really any better at it than the smaller, cheaper ships.
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