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General What factions would you expect in the Tremous Dex system?

This blends CT and MT, and concerns the system before they became part of the Federation of Arden. So, it is after the 5FW, but before Arden.

During that period, it was a known Tortuga port, and even boasted a Pirate's Guild in the state it had fallen to after becoming independent following the 3FW. So, their collapse began in 986 TI, and has "so far" lasted 124 years.

The system is listed as Corporate Owned, but I see that as just the high and down ports and some resources they've fought to hold on to.

In addition to the Port faction, I decided that the surviving shipyards formed factions and one was over-taken by the pirates. I expect that the remaining shipyards and port grudgingly give the pirates a "den" in areas they control because of an uneasy alliance where "supplies" are brought in, or allied ships are not attacked.

Beyond those basic factions, I see the following factions but wonder what you would expect?
1D3 groups of Techers, who build or repair advanced tech items and are protected because of that

1D6 Growers, because even on Dex, they need food and there must have been leftover greenhouses/growing facilities. These are a constant pawn in shifting alliances and are only protected when "owned"

1D12 Free Companies: Firms or groups which were able to secure themselves when the collapse came, and who have been able to keep themselves free of other factions. This is sometimes, with covert(or even overt) support from forces outside the system, such as Imperial or Zhodani intelligence, Factors from those places or Arden, etc....

1D6 Makers, who took up (or were forced into) the old assembly plants where some of the world's population worked before being forced out of the Imperium. They are now small hordes of workers forced to make generic goods whenever supplies are available. They are forced to scrounge when parts are light, which leads to conflict with the actual "Scroungers"(See below)

1D8 Scroungers: groups specializing in digging into destroyed sections of the sealed city, or other sites which existed before the collapse. These places could have been shut down and shuttered, though finding any of those which had not yet been plundered are becoming fewer and fewer with time. They now also carry out "search and plunder" runs into the ruins, and will often "contract" with the pirates to scavenge any prizes brought back in-system

1D4 Mercenaries: Because some mercs want a base where they are free of Imperial or Zhodani limits. While some Mercs came to "The Dex" after it was released, to get hired by a faction for "security", they are now not interested in being part of the low-grade interfactional struggles and the factions can't pay much anyway. Of course, if a faction tries to mess with them, they hit back hard.

1D10 "Housers" A faction which works to keep their people housed in sealed environments with all the proper needs(Clean Atmo & water, etc...) These groups started out working for the public good, but have become subservient to any group which moves in with arms(even organized thugs with pipes and blades) to take control of a space. Still, they do get to live in a sealed, clean environment if they let some other faction take the "best" spaces

1D20 "Survivors": groups of the population who had a reason to stay, but have become cut off or disenfranchised. Now, without any means of leaving the system, they and their descendants have become beggars and slaves. Still, there is always an underground and there are always those splinters who might betray, rebel or steal from those currently holding them down.

Add in, Imperial, Zhodani, Ardeni and other political factions which would be either independent (1D4 each) or have infatuated the other factions. Their drives are to either push that faction closer to dealing with their polity or drive the faction away from projects and actions which their bosses would prefer to stop. Or, to drive those factions to actions/projects which hurt an opposing faction(IE: Imp-Intel driving the housers to ID and oust Teeps)

Are there any thoughts you have on what I might have missed?
Honestly ... I would expect Tremous Dex to wind up as a "balkanized system" rather than as a "balkanized world" (government code: 7).

Tremous Dex (wiki link)

What you have at Tremous Dex is a mainworld that is habitable only with sustainable interplanetary technology levels (world size: 5, atmosphere: 1) so right from the beginning you're looking at life support requirements not that far afield from what you would need onboard a spaceship. There is no (human) habitable biosphere to be had to fall back on ... meaning there is no overriding NEED to inhabit Tremous Dex (the world, proper) over any other location within the system.

If life ON Tremous Dex (proper) becomes intolerable, there are other locations within the system where habitats can be established and maintained, even with TL=10-12 equipment.

The wiki entry shows a Gas Giant in the system plus 8 other worlds ... with no mentions whatsoever for any of the other bodies within the system (so no LBB6 extended system generation has been done).

First thing that I would want to do, under these circumstances, if do a complete buildout of the reset of the planets and Gas Giant in the system, so you know what kind of "terrain" you're dealing with. Is Tremous Dex simply a large moon orbiting the Gas Giant? Given the fact that the economic codes for Tremous Dex are Ice Capped and Non-industrial, it would make the most sense for Tremous Dex to be a (large) moon of the Gas Giant so as to have easy/close access to a fuel source for ships via the starport.

However, if you take that stance as being the most reasonable/logical possibility, that still leaves you with opportunities for the other worlds in the system (8) and their moons (if any) but there is no planetoid belt. The one limitation you would have for these other in-system worlds would be, none of them can have a population code limit of 3- so they don't "overtake" Tremous Dex as the mainworld of the system.

By increasing the amount of "real estate" within the system like that, you make a number of possible options suddenly become available. Things like government code: 0-1 plus law code: 0-1 for a proper "Tortuga" pirate den location, which could then be one of the other moons of the Gas Giant if you've decided that Tremous Dex is also one of the moons of the Gas Giant. Other world/moon locations could be government code: 6 (captive government) making them "wholly owned subsidiaries" of the corporate government back on Dex. Other government types for modest populations could be "separatist" movements that have broken off from Tremous Dex who are trying to "go it alone" and build themselves up "away" from Tremous Dex. You could even have what amounts to an Imperial colony AND a Zhodani colony within the system (presumably in different stellar orbits) who want as little to do with each other as possible (publicly), but which have extensive back channel connections (diplomatic, economic, etc.) owing to the fact that Tremous Dex IS a part of the demilitarized zone between the Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. Sure, there's always Esalin/Jewell for the more "above board" cross-border contacts, but Tremous Dex could easily fill a niche role on the ... seamier side ... of things which need to be kept on the down low. :cool:

So, to be honest, I can easily envision Tremous Dex (the world) being controlled by a unified (corporate) government, but the rest of the system being "relatively balkanized" in terms of control, with different factions spreading out to attempt to colonize different orbits as resources (time, tools and manpower) permits. Indeed, I can even envision a "breakaway" culture on an isolated world, perhaps outer system, with a population code:2 that relies on Robots for the majority of its workforce, struggling to survive.
1D6 Traders. This is a group of travelling merchants possibly with armed escort that moves from town to town, group to group buying and selling goods. They will often allow others to travel with them, but some won't allow this.
I will absolutely add 1D6 Traders -as essentially a group which supports the small number of traders who still visit the system despite the pirates and other issues

As for the "growth" idea where the mainworld colonized other bodies in-system... I "feel" that would require a continued flow of regular goods and traffic. But, that was essentially cut off (Highly reduced) by the retreat of the Imperial border at the end of the 3FW.

Because of that, I see the system as having entered a collapse as Imperial and other interests fled the system back to systems remaining inside Imperial (or other protected) borders.

I expect this happened to the Tremous Dex system because it was always a "pass through" fuel stop more than the mining world it hoped to become when it was first bought and settled. - But I am open to better theories
Another might be 1D6 Craftsmen / Tradesmen. This would be a group of persons skilled in various trades like carpenters, masons, electricians, plumbers, etc., accompanied by their apprentices and helpers who can be hired to do work on 'stuff.'

Each group would be skilled in one or two trades and if available, they could fix or build 'stuff' for a customer for trade or cash as possible.

My favorite would be a guy modelled on this guy...

As for the "growth" idea where the mainworld colonized other bodies in-system... I "feel" that would require a continued flow of regular goods and traffic. But, that was essentially cut off (Highly reduced) by the retreat of the Imperial border at the end of the 3FW.

Point being that the system WAS growing ... up until the Third Frontier War.
After that, the investments fueling the expansion dried up, sending the entire system into what essentially amounts to a sustained economic depression that has lasted for over a century.

Because of that, I see the system as having entered a collapse as Imperial and other interests fled the system back to systems remaining inside Imperial (or other protected) borders.

I expect this happened to the Tremous Dex system because it was always a "pass through" fuel stop more than the mining world it hoped to become when it was first bought and settled. - But I am open to better theories

And I agree with you.
The system "ought to be" in decline prior to the Fifth Frontier War.
However, rather than it being a sudden/sharp collapse, it's more a matter of a long and protracted "wasting away" kind of economic decline. Some places are trying to "tough it out" until things turn around and investment returns to the system. Others are simply trying to grimly hold on to what they have, desperate to not give up on what they have (and had).

But yes, the overall situation would be one of a long and protracted decline. Under such circumstances, it's perfectly possible for a population to "fragment" and try to disperse into enclaves, as faith in the central government withers leading to a devolution into tribalism in an effort to survive in place where a habitable (natural) biosphere simply isn't available, people can only be sustained by technology to keep them alive.
Another might be 1D6 Craftsmen / Tradesmen. This would be a group of persons skilled in various trades like carpenters, masons, electricians, plumbers, etc., accompanied by their apprentices and helpers who can be hired to do work on 'stuff.'

Each group would be skilled in one or two trades and if available, they could fix or build 'stuff' for a customer for trade or cash as possible.

My favorite would be a guy modelled on this guy...


Question, do you mean "in addition to the Techers and Makers" factions?
I considered this as a separate faction but then folded them back into the above
I could add them back in or add another 1D3 teams to one of them
That amounts (unless I mave misscounted it) an average of 32 power groups... On a population (according CT:SMC) of about 20000 people.

Assuming 60% of them at working age (and probably less of them "politically" active), the average of people on each faction would be about 375 people...

IMHO, this so many small power factions would be more likely to be qualified by the IISS as government 0 (there are examples of this meaning several gropus working in alliances, without no overall centralized power) or even 4 (if al lgropus collaborate enough as being counted as "political parties", even if not given this name.

IMHO again, gov 1 means a more central decisión maker body/group, though with little imput from the population itself (something I guess would not be posible with so many small factions, as each of them is small enough as to receive direct imput from its components).
it could be that some people belong to more than 1 faction? unless they are geographically separated, you could have a scrounger makers, that sort of thing.

I always have a hard time with "this person is this and only this" sort of thing. But perhaps the factions are more strictly defined and your union card only allows one faction? ha: add another faction: union card forgers :)
That amounts (unless I mave misscounted it) an average of 32 power groups... On a population (according CT:SMC) of about 20000 people.

Assuming 60% of them at working age (and probably less of them "politically" active), the average of people on each faction would be about 375 people...

IMHO, this so many small power factions would be more likely to be qualified by the IISS as government 0 (there are examples of this meaning several gropus working in alliances, without no overall centralized power) or even 4 (if al lgropus collaborate enough as being counted as "political parties", even if not given this name.

IMHO again, gov 1 means a more central decisión maker body/group, though with little imput from the population itself (something I guess would not be posible with so many small factions, as each of them is small enough as to receive direct imput from its components).

Perhaos you are right and I am over-thinking it
I will have to give this some serious thought

Thank you
Question, do you mean "in addition to the Techers and Makers" factions?
I considered this as a separate faction but then folded them back into the above
I could add them back in or add another 1D3 teams to one of them

Those should be two different factions. The maker faction is probably better called trades faction. These would be people in skilled occupations that do stuff and distinct from teachers.
The wiki writeup doesn't state that Tremous Dex has any Imperial nobility, but we have hereby established that it must have more than one Knight.

Is that knight long or short? Or, maybe dark...

Is that knight long or short? Or, maybe dark...


Well, since we have the Knights Who Say "Ni!", and maybe the Black Knight too, it's clear this place isn't just a one-knight stand.

(I'm blaming it all on the knights on Broadway.) [Trigger Warning: The Bee Gees from 1975.]


Should I have gone with "Night Fever" as covered by the Dee Gees (better known as The Foo Fighters)? Yes, that's a thing... and it's kinda awesome, actually.
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The wiki writeup doesn't state that Tremous Dex has any Imperial nobility

That's because Tremous Dex is not a member of the Third Imperium. The region of space that Tremous Dex is in is the demilitarized zone between the Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate in 1105, prior to the Fifth Frontier War. Consequently, Tremous Dex has no imperial noble responsible for the world/system.
That's because Tremous Dex is not a member of the Third Imperium. The region of space that Tremous Dex is in is the demilitarized zone between the Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate in 1105, prior to the Fifth Frontier War. Consequently, Tremous Dex has no imperial noble responsible for the world/system.

However, a Nobleperson from the Imperium might well have a residence so they can carry out business outside Imperial oversight....
Not to mention, Imperial, Zhodani or other political entities.....