Maybe not straight-up per-parsec, but more than a flat per-jump rate.
I prefer the flat rate, myself, because it automatically "sorts" cargoes by desired destination from source.
Let's say, just for the sake of argument that there are 2 starships heading from Boughene to Yres, a distance of 2 parsecs.
One ship is Jump-1 and the other is Jump-2.
- The Jump-1 ship will need to jump to Menorb (or Pixie) first before jumping to Yres.
- A company agent wanting to book shipment to Yres would need to purchase cargo space for their goods being shipped to Yres.
- The cost of that booking would still be Cr 1000 per ton from Boughene to Yres, but would occupy cargo tonnage that could not be swapped out for a new shipment at Menorb (or Pixie) and thus represent a potential "loss" of revenue for the starship (single payment for 2 jumps, not two payments for 2 jumps).
- Since the transit would require 2 jumps (functionally 3-3.5 weeks in trading time) so the delivery delay may be of concern to the company wanting to book the cargo for transport.
In other words, the Jump-1 ship is "not competitive" from the cargo booker's point of view, nor from the starship captain's point of view.
- The Jump-2 ship will make a single jump from Menorb to Yres.
- A company agent wanting to book shipment to Yres would need to purchase cargo space for their goods being shipped to Yres.
- The cost of that booking would still be Cr 1000 per ton from Boughene to Yres.
- The transit would require 1 jump (functionally 1-1.5 weeks in trading time) which is a minimal delivery delay for the company wanting to book the cargo for transport.
In other words, the Jump-2 ship is the "best fit" from the cargo booker's point of view and from the starship captain's point of view.
So a kind of "self sorting" happens upstream of the starship opening their cargo hold for bookings.
The company wanting to ship from Boughene to Yres declines to book on the Jump-1 starships in preference for booking on the Jump-2 starships instead. In other words, the "market" for transporting cargo to different places is not nearly as fungible as it might at appear at first blush. This in turn means that starships with different jump capacities
work in different market segments and essentially aren't competing to transport the same cargoes.
Or to put it another way ... Jump-1 merchants have trouble competing for 2 parsec cargo transport against Jump-2 merchants ... such that the 2 parsec cargoes are rarely offered to the Jump-1 merchant starships because they're often times "too slow to deliver" (or whatever).
This is where astrogation on the map (where the stars are) and the merits of navigation come into play. If you've got a Jump-1 starship working a Jump-1 Main, you're very limited in where you can go next from where you are. But if you've got a Jump-2 starship, the range of possible destinations widens out DRAMATICALLY, allowing a merchant to "pick and choose" where to go next in tramp freighter fashion (which can wind up being more lucrative in the speculative cargo trade where the REAL money is to be made!).
Take a look at the Boughene map again.
A Jump-1 merchant ship can only reach Menorb and Pixie from Boughene (
2 systems) in a single jump.
A Jump-2 merchant ship can reach Efate, Yres, Menorb, Uakye, Pixie and Feri from Boughene (
6 systems) in a single jump.
A Jump-3 merchant ship can reach Louzy, Efate, Alell (Amber), Yres, Menorb, Uakye, Whanga, Pixie, Feri, Psicias (Red), Kinorb, Beck's World (Amber) and Enope from Boughene (
13 systems) in a single jump.
That wider range of destinations as jump capacity increases helps with speculative cargo profits because the more places you can reach in a single jump the more markets you have available to you for maximum arbitrage profits (buy low/sell high) to finance your starship and support your business.
The "real" profits to be made in interstellar shipping aren't to be found in cargo transport (Cr 1000 per ton) nor in passenger services (net Cr ~1500 to 1800 per ton), but rather in speculative cargoes which can net kilocredits to megacredits per ton when you're able to "link up" the correct markets to each other as quickly as possible.
In other words ... as jump capacity goes up, the lucrative potential of "tramp" freight operations increases due to the wider options available for destinations.
So "absent a map" to work with, in an "all other factors are equal" on an accounting spreadsheet ... Jump-1 bulk cargo freighters may seem like the best/most profitable option ... until you "take them out of the lab" and need to put them to work out in "real space/real markets" in which they need to compete for real cargoes, at which point the "wild card potential" of speculative cargoes starts to outweigh the predictable bulk cargo advantages, with higher jump capacity starships capable of realizing those speculative cargo profits more often/more routinely simply due to the sheer variety of markets they can access in a single jump, optimizing their arbitrage potential of buy low/sell high.
That increase in "options of where to go next" has a ... value ... which is exceedingly difficult to calculate in any "sterile" spreadsheet analysis in which there are no variables other than passenger and cargo capacity to deal with.
Also, if hull code: 1 with 2 crew just "isn't your style" as a merchant prince in the form of a
TL=11 194 ton J2
Rift X-Courier (MCr 74.1984, 85 tons capacity) or a
TL=12 198 ton J3
Rift Courier (MCr 89.0704, 65 tons capacity), both of which can reach the
Jewell Cluster with a reduced cargo capacity for a double jump to Lysen/Jewell from Louzy, Efate or Alell ...

... might I offer the
TL=11 320 ton J2
Great Rift Jumper (MCr 157.3776, 136 ton cargo capacity) or the
TL=12 320 ton J3
Great Rift Pouncer (MCr 167.6016, 104 ton cargo capacity) as potential higher capacity (at higher cost) alternatives that could be built by Imperial shipyards to Imperial technology specifications in order to meet the needs of Boughene to import/export their goods/services and spread their influence over the coreward end of the Regina subsector through a subsidized shipping company?
I could easily make the case that TL=11-12 starship designs that are CENTURIES old and have been in continuous use for centuries are hardly a "state secret" of any kind, if it will help ...