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Brainstorming Boughene/Regina (SM 1904)

It's pronounced just like it's spelled. :D

(I think of it as bow-jheen, long O in the first syllable.)

Bough - ow; Bow-ene
Through - oo; Boo-ene
Enough - uff; Buff-ene
Though - oh/o; Bo-ene
Cough - off; Boff-ene
Though(t) - or(t) probably not this one, as it needs the "t" after
Thorough - uh; Buh-ene

So many possibilities...
Bough can be pronounced as

bow (as in bow down peasant)
boff (enough already)
and likely more.
So Bowene
Bough - ow; Bow-ene
Through - oo; Boo-ene
Enough - uff; Buff-ene
Though - oh/o; Bo-ene
Cough - off; Boff-ene
Though(t) - or(t) probably not this one, as it needs the "t" after
Thorough - uh; Buh-ene

So many possibilities...
Lars had a clip for this during his Tesla Time News show this past Sunday that PERFECTLY DEPICTS this precise problem, particularly since he lives in Denmark and for him, English is a Second Language.

Linked video skips to 28:54 for the Let's End Off with a Bit Of Fun segment.
You HAVE TO watch this with the sound on. :ROFLMAO:

And this is the core of the problem: (Censor bit, mine -- not in the original)
James D. Nicoll said:
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse w***e. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.