Looking at brainstorming a CT campaign using solely TTB, I have finally decided to pull away from the 3I background and generate a subsector and my own setting.
I am imaging a setting without any central authority, where planets are seen only as producers (mined resources, manufactured guoods or agriculture) to a vast, overreaching Trade Fleet. Continue to produce what and how much they want and at the prices they impose, and they will visit you and trade. But fail a few times and you will be cut off from the market place. Planets which can't meet the Trade Fleets demands will rapidly become backwaters.
Navy & Marine careers will remain as they are - managing the ships and defending both them and the TF Markets and attached immense warehouse complexes.
Army & Other will also remain just as they are - as individual planets defences and the shady side of society.
Merchant will be "tramp (Free) traders" serving the backwater world's - both despised and ignored by the TF. These traders are independently owned by extended families with no other structure or society.
Scout will change the most, and become "Xenologists" - surveyors and experts on alien worlds, life and climate. Their lives and careers are extremely risky and dangerous (and often fatal), as they encounter mysteries and threats head on. They are a loose society of equals, except that older, more experienced (and not yet dead) Xeno's are simply respected and listened to a bit more.
All characters will be able to choose their first two skills (or just use the random tables if the player wants), which must be directly linked to their profession (Pilot & Navigation or Gun Cmbt & Tactis etc) However, Xeno's must have Pilot-1 (free as in rules) plus getting Engineering-1 and Xenology-1. Any other skill role results of JoT are assigned to Xenology.
TL is 11 fot TF & Xeno's, with Free traders and a few planets at 9 (but no lower)
Anyway, RL is imposing, so maybe more later.
I am imaging a setting without any central authority, where planets are seen only as producers (mined resources, manufactured guoods or agriculture) to a vast, overreaching Trade Fleet. Continue to produce what and how much they want and at the prices they impose, and they will visit you and trade. But fail a few times and you will be cut off from the market place. Planets which can't meet the Trade Fleets demands will rapidly become backwaters.
Navy & Marine careers will remain as they are - managing the ships and defending both them and the TF Markets and attached immense warehouse complexes.
Army & Other will also remain just as they are - as individual planets defences and the shady side of society.
Merchant will be "tramp (Free) traders" serving the backwater world's - both despised and ignored by the TF. These traders are independently owned by extended families with no other structure or society.
Scout will change the most, and become "Xenologists" - surveyors and experts on alien worlds, life and climate. Their lives and careers are extremely risky and dangerous (and often fatal), as they encounter mysteries and threats head on. They are a loose society of equals, except that older, more experienced (and not yet dead) Xeno's are simply respected and listened to a bit more.
All characters will be able to choose their first two skills (or just use the random tables if the player wants), which must be directly linked to their profession (Pilot & Navigation or Gun Cmbt & Tactis etc) However, Xeno's must have Pilot-1 (free as in rules) plus getting Engineering-1 and Xenology-1. Any other skill role results of JoT are assigned to Xenology.
TL is 11 fot TF & Xeno's, with Free traders and a few planets at 9 (but no lower)
Anyway, RL is imposing, so maybe more later.
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