Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
LBB2.81 p16 (with emphasis added for clarity of the point I'm going to be making):
TTB p61 (with emphasis added for clarity of the point I'm going to be making):
So TTB p61 adds the additional caveat/context that there is a limit to how many crew positions a single crew member can fill ... at 2 positions maximum.
The important thing to learn from this is that crew positions required does not ipso facto equal the number of crew persons required.
2 crew positions can be filled by 1 crew person with sufficient skill for both positions (usually Skill-2 for both positions, except for the steward positions where Skill-1 will suffice).
2 people will often times require 2 staterooms (8 tons) rather than only 1 person requiring 1 stateroom (4 tons).
Additionally, 2 people will always require Cr4000 per 2 weeks for life support for 2 people, regardless of the number of staterooms allocated to them ... as opposed to Cr 2000 per 2 weeks for life support for 1 person.
Three crew roles that rarely allow for a single individual to fill two positions in the same role will usually be:
Pilot/Navigators do exist, but they require Pilot-2/Navigator-2 skills in order for a single crew person to fill both positions. Recruiting individuals with the combination of both of these skills at these skill levels (or better) can potentially be problematic and/or challenging.
Medics can sometimes also fill the position of Steward if they have Medical-2/Steward-1 skills to meet minimum requirements (of Medical-1/Steward-0). However, if a ship is carrying low passengers this is not necessarily recommended as a Medical-2 skill offers a +1DM on 2D6 for survival rolls (5+ required).
However, the three departments that will often times have multiple position requirements for craft of 200+ tons displacement will tend to be, per LBB2.81 p16 and TTB p60:
Well, just as obviously ... an Engineer with Engineering-2 can fill two Engineering-1 positions (Engineering-2 = Engineering-1/Engineering-1).
Likewise, a Steward with Steward-1 can fill two Steward-0 positions (Steward-1 = Steward-0/Steward-0).
A Gunner with Gunnery-2 can fill two Gunnery-1 positions (Gunnery-2 = Gunnery-1/Gunnery-1).
This means that a single crew person with Engineering-2 can meet the crew requirements to maintain 70 tons of drives.
A single crew person with Steward-1 can meet the crew requirements for 16 high passengers, not just 8 high passengers.
A single crew person with Gunnery-2 can meet the crew requirements for 2 turrets, not just 1 turret.
This insight has interesting implications for minimum crew sizes, the allocation of crew quarters as well as crew salary and life support overhead costs.
Additionally, this 1 crew person for 2 crew positions notion explicitly cannot be extended to allow 1 crew person to fill 3 crew roles.
One person may fill two crew positions, providing he or she has the skill to otherwise perform the work. However, because of the added burden, each position is filled with skill minus one, and the individual draws salary equal to 75%of each position; thus, to fill two positions, the character must have at least skill level-2 in each (except steward: level-1).
TTB p61 (with emphasis added for clarity of the point I'm going to be making):
One person may fill two crew positions, providing he or she has the skills needed for both jobs. However, because of the added burden, each position is filled with skill minus one, and the individual draws salary equal to 75% of each position; thus, to fill two positions, the character must have skill level 2 in each, except steward, which requires level 1. No person may assume the duties of more than two crew positions except in the case of an emergency.
So TTB p61 adds the additional caveat/context that there is a limit to how many crew positions a single crew member can fill ... at 2 positions maximum.
The important thing to learn from this is that crew positions required does not ipso facto equal the number of crew persons required.
2 crew positions can be filled by 1 crew person with sufficient skill for both positions (usually Skill-2 for both positions, except for the steward positions where Skill-1 will suffice).
2 people will often times require 2 staterooms (8 tons) rather than only 1 person requiring 1 stateroom (4 tons).
Additionally, 2 people will always require Cr4000 per 2 weeks for life support for 2 people, regardless of the number of staterooms allocated to them ... as opposed to Cr 2000 per 2 weeks for life support for 1 person.
Three crew roles that rarely allow for a single individual to fill two positions in the same role will usually be:
- Pilot ... 1 per craft.
- Navigator ... 1 per ship over 200 tons.
- Medic ... 1 per starship 200 tons and up (non-starships and small craft do not require medics) AND at least 1 medic per 120 passengers carried (high, middle, low).
Pilot/Navigators do exist, but they require Pilot-2/Navigator-2 skills in order for a single crew person to fill both positions. Recruiting individuals with the combination of both of these skills at these skill levels (or better) can potentially be problematic and/or challenging.
Medics can sometimes also fill the position of Steward if they have Medical-2/Steward-1 skills to meet minimum requirements (of Medical-1/Steward-0). However, if a ship is carrying low passengers this is not necessarily recommended as a Medical-2 skill offers a +1DM on 2D6 for survival rolls (5+ required).
However, the three departments that will often times have multiple position requirements for craft of 200+ tons displacement will tend to be, per LBB2.81 p16 and TTB p60:
- Engineer ... 1 per 35 tons of drives.
- Steward ... 1 per 8 high passengers.
- Gunner ... 1 per turret.
Well, just as obviously ... an Engineer with Engineering-2 can fill two Engineering-1 positions (Engineering-2 = Engineering-1/Engineering-1).
Likewise, a Steward with Steward-1 can fill two Steward-0 positions (Steward-1 = Steward-0/Steward-0).
A Gunner with Gunnery-2 can fill two Gunnery-1 positions (Gunnery-2 = Gunnery-1/Gunnery-1).
This means that a single crew person with Engineering-2 can meet the crew requirements to maintain 70 tons of drives.
A single crew person with Steward-1 can meet the crew requirements for 16 high passengers, not just 8 high passengers.
A single crew person with Gunnery-2 can meet the crew requirements for 2 turrets, not just 1 turret.
This insight has interesting implications for minimum crew sizes, the allocation of crew quarters as well as crew salary and life support overhead costs.
Additionally, this 1 crew person for 2 crew positions notion explicitly cannot be extended to allow 1 crew person to fill 3 crew roles.