(original) Type = 2 characters
(yours) Type = 2 characters
(original) Hullstats = 7 characters
(yours) Hullstats = 6 characters

(I'm presuming a typo)
(original) Defenses = 6 characters
(yours) Defenses = 6 characters

Although, ideally you would want to include codes for defenses available at tech levels above 15, so black globe and white globe get different USP code entries (for example). Granted, at TL=7-15 those codes would "always be zero" ... but still ... you want to reserve space for them in the USP code format in order to prevent Premature Optimization™.
(original) Spinal = N/A
(yours) Spinal = 2 characters

I would however point out that it's something of an ... artifact ... of LBB5 (79 and 80) ... that there are no spinal mounts for lasers or fusion guns. I know that fusion guns are (conceptually) "flamethrowers
in SPAAAAAaaaaaaacceeeee!" but being able to have "gigantic fusion weapons" that can be pointed at stuff in the spinal mount category just seems like such a no-brainer (particularly in hindsight). However, such an expansion of spinal mount options really ought to exclude plasma guns.
That doesn't even include such options a Disintegrators and Jump Projectors at tech levels above 15 (which I presume would be spinal mounts?).
(original) Bay = N/A
(yours) Bay = 4 characters

If you're going to be rewriting the USP code sequencing, it would probably be best to separate plasma guns from fusion guns, so they each get their own code entry, rather than combining them under a single code value as "energy weapons" like the original USP code did. Likewise, I see no reason why lasers "must" be consigned to "turrets only" and there are no laser bays available.
This is a bay sized weapon (with multiple gunners inside), not a (single man) turret sized weapon ... and it's laser based, not meson or particle accelerator or plasma/fusion.
So I'm thinking that expansion of the quantity of codes for bays to greater than 4 ought to be warranted.
(original) Turrets = N/A
(yours) Turrets = 4 characters

Again, I would argue that Plasma Guns ought to be "broken out" from the category of "energy weapons" to differentiate plasma guns from fusion guns, which would result in 5 character being needed here. Additionally, if you want to account for the possibility of meson gun turrets at TL=17+ there ought to be a code here for that as well. If exotic high tech weapons such as disintegrators can (eventually) be miniaturized down into turrets, then there ought to be a USP code "space" reserved for them as well in the turret section.
(original) Fighter Squadrons = 1 character
(yours) Fighter Squadrons = 1 character

It truly was an oversight that the "encoding" for Fighter Squadrons was so poorly explained when the USP was introduced. Ideally speaking, the Fighter Squadrons encoding ought to be 2 characters
- Quantity of sub-craft per squadron
- Quantity of squadrons
So a single squadron of 10 fighters would be encoded as "A1" ... telling you that there are 10 fighters in a single squadron.
If you had three squadrons of 10 fighters, that would be encoded as "A3" ... and so on.
This would then allow squadron sizes of something other than 10.
A starship with 3x Modular Cutters (for example) could be encoded as having "13" ... which would be 3 small craft that operate independently of each other (squadron size: 1, squadron quantity: 3).