An in depth look at the Shadowland Belt:
Gateway News Service- Special Report- Shadowland Belt (2503)
GNS: Today we have a special report on one of the odder places in the sector in terms of spatial geography- Shadowland Belt. The belt surrounds a Neutron Star which flares on a regular schedule, with occasionally there being a random flare as debris falls into the gravity field of the star. The belt is one of the very richest in the sector, which is why humans have decided to operate in this system. The riches of this belt have barely been scratched in all the years humans have operated here.
We sat down with Matsutaka Onishi, the General Manager of the Shadowland Belt Corporation, which is a division of Sakura Industries. Onishi-San has been the General Manager for five years now, and has a unique perspective on this interesting system.
GNS: Onishi-San, thank you for having us.
Mr. Onishi: You are welcome, I am proud of what we have accomplished here in the belt since I had arrived.
GNS: Can you describe some of the improvements to the Belt, and its facilities for our viewers?
Mr. Onishi: Certainly. As everyone knows Shadowland is a Neutron Star which has flares that range from 2 to the upper 7 range on the stellar flare index. Most flares are in the 4-5 range, but every now an then we get the real magilla, and almost go to 8 on the scale. We just had a scale 7 flare that really locked us down for several days. When we get anything above a 4 we have to notify the belt on the Emergency Alert Network, and tell the belters, and others to get to the rad shelters.
One of my proudest accomplishments since I got here was to get orbital rad shelters deployed and maintained so that our belter population is safe from these larger flares. I have gotten 36 rad stations placed around the system, and each one can hold between a dozen and two dozen ships up to 400 tons, with four capable of handling up to 5,000 tons. These stations have the best rad shielding that we can deploy, and have food, water, a med bay with several corpsmen, and repair crews. Plus Shadowland Station has the best rad shielding we can provide, and we have also tethered it to a large metal rich rock which can be placed between us and the star when it flares. We usually get 24-36 hours notice before a large flare, but if we get an unexpected flare, we usually manage to get 4-12 hours notice.
Most flares last for two to three days, the longest one I remember actually shut us down for over a week and a half, and it was rough, let me tell you! The last emergency flare really was bad in terms of ships crews, mining crews, belters, and others being exposed to a really heavy dose of radiation, and unfortunately we lost about 120 people on that one, since we did not have shelters in place and the infrastructure had not been put in place to help people survive. This last flare, the level 7 flare we had zero, let me say that again, Zero! Casualties. The radiation levels were pretty extreme. We also have added six mining platforms, and six refining stations to our belt, and that has helped dramatically offset the increased costs for the shelters, and staffing. We have been very pleased with the increase in productivity in this system. Plus the recent finds of Onnesium have led to a larger influx of Belters, who are adding to our profits.
We then took a walk around the station, and sat down with Mariko Tokugawa, who is a belter in the system.
GNS: So Ms. Tokugawa, how is asteroid mining, and tell us a little bit about yourself.
Ms. Tokugawa: (Very strong New Texas accent) Konichiwa! Well, I have been here for 10 years, and got married four years ago, and I have a two year old daughter with my husband, who is one of the managers for Flare shelter #1 on Shadowland Station. I like it here for the most part, but eventually, I think we are going to move to New Texas or Freedonia where our daughter can grow up in actual air. This last flare was bad, caught me way out in the Oort, and I barely made it in to shelter #27 before the flare hit us. I don't think I have seen a flare like that in the decade I have been here. You could hear the rad shield generators screaming on the station.
I must say that things have been going pretty good, I found a pretty rich find, and some bushwhackers decided to try and take it away from me. So I put a laser through their bridge, and then used my VRF to take out their boarders. So I got their ship, and all their equipment, plus my load of ore. Pretty profitable. I had made a good strike of Onnesium, and brought in 100 kilos of the good stuff. Plus a cargo hold full of rare earths, plus all the stuff in those varmint's hold as well. The system rules are pretty clear on finders keepers, and what happens to claim jumpers, so it made me no never mind. I must say my husband loves it when I come back in after two-three months out, and I need my man. I don't let him out of bed for two- three days! But after the immediate needs are satisfied, which include several good meals by the way, I look at the bank account, and I should have enough to retire here in a couple of years at the rate I am going. This belt is a gold mine, pun intended for the hard working belter.
GNS: Well thanks for the interview.
GNS: We are now visiting with Yoshi Tokugawa, Mariko's husband. So Tokugawa san tell us a little about being the manager for Rad shelter #1.
Mr. Tokugawa: Yes, I am employed by the Sakura Corporation, and I am the manager for the Rad Shelter #1 here on Shadowland Station. Our shelter was the first one built and has been continuously upgraded over the years. Sakura Corporation is dedicated to the safety and health of the citizens in the system, so they provide well for us.
GNS: Tell us a little bit about how these shelters work.
Mr. Tokugawa: When the flare alert network sends a flare alert, a signal goes out across the system to all station, and ships telling them to get to a shelter. Once that happens, the population of our station moves to the flare shelter and everyone must be inside a minimum of two hours before the flare strikes. We have station security run checks, and search routines on the station to make sure no one gets left outside. This last flare was one of the biggest, and it really stressed the rad shielding on the various stations, but thanks to the foresight of the Sakura Corporation we were well prepared and taken care of so there were no fatalities. Mr. Onishi really cares about the people in the belt. Our shelters are capable of handling all the occupants on the station, with a 25% redundancy to handle influx of tourists, or others.
We have the latest TL 12 rad shielding which was installed from the Sakura Corporation, and is a dramatic upgrade from the older shielding. Pre-upgrade we would have been worried to handle a flare of the magnitude of the last one. This flare was handled with little effort thanks to the hard work of the scientists and management of the Sakura Corporation. The old shelters were good for maybe 3-4 days at most before they started getting “ripe”. The new shelters can last up to a month. The last major flare, the Great Flare of 2492 lasted a week and a half since the debris kept falling into the star.
GNS: Thank you, how is it being married to a Belter from New Texas?
Mr. Tokugawa: She IS Japanese after all. She sometimes offends propriety, but she is a good wife, and works hard for the family. When she comes to visit she is very wifely, and takes good care of her husband, then is a good mother to our daughter. After her last strike, she told me that she is thinking of retiring, and perhaps we should seek to move to New Texas or Freedonia if the company will transfer me. I am a Salaryman, and owe loyalty to the company, so we could move to New Texas or Freedonia if the company's needs are such that I can be moved.
GNS: Thank you very much for your time.
GNS: We met with Mitsuo Yoshikawa one of the stations merchants. How are you Yoshikawa san?
Mr. Yoshikawa: I am fine honorable reporter.
GNS: How is life on the station?
Mr. Yoshikawa: Life is good, we have almost all the comforts of my home in New Kyoto on Amaterasu, I just miss the ability to go and fly kites. We are well taken care of by the Sakura Corporation, and the Honorable Onishi-Sama has been a worthy boss for the belt.
GNS: How is business?
Mr. Yoshikawa: my business is very good, thank you, we have been experiencing a bit of a boom with the new metal finds, and so the belters come in and purchase many vid chips for when they are out in the belt. I sell many of these chips to belters who are alone for much time. We get the latest episodes of the Power Poodles of Electron 9, which are very popular. I make very much profit on the Power Poodles.
GNS: Will go ever go home to Amaterasu?
Mr. Yoshikawa: I have made arrangements for my ashes to return, I will stay here as long as I can since the business is good, and I can support my family on Amaterasu well with the profits.
GNS: Thank you for speaking with us.
GNS: So that is 24 hours on Shadowland Station, one of the more interesting Belt mining stations in the sector. The star is also an anomaly which can make life hazardous, but is responsible for the riches found in this system.