331-2507 Gateway News Service- Sutekh
Ms. Elizabeth Lorraine Cheval, the head of the RSMM has announced that the RSMM is fully supportive of the Thevins Corporation in this time of need, and that she will ensure that all Thevins Corp cargoes are handled with priority one care.
She also wanted to announce that she was getting married, The lucky groom was just notified of his good fortune, with the wedding being held at the Royal Residence on Sutekh after the new year. The so far unnamed groom is an employee of Cheval Enterprises and has been for many years. When asked if the groom's identity was going to be publicly announced, Ms. Cheval said that it would be once he was officially notified of his change in status.
Ms. Cheval is known as a take no prisoners, hard nosed, driven corporate executive who has the nickname "Lady Hammer" for her business methods. Her previous husband was divorced and exiled from Sutekh after running afoul of planetary security. He was caught divulging corporate and family secrets to other companies. We are told that his whereabouts are not positively known, but there is some speculation that he is living on New Drakkensburg.
Ms. Elizabeth Lorraine Cheval, the head of the RSMM has announced that the RSMM is fully supportive of the Thevins Corporation in this time of need, and that she will ensure that all Thevins Corp cargoes are handled with priority one care.
She also wanted to announce that she was getting married, The lucky groom was just notified of his good fortune, with the wedding being held at the Royal Residence on Sutekh after the new year. The so far unnamed groom is an employee of Cheval Enterprises and has been for many years. When asked if the groom's identity was going to be publicly announced, Ms. Cheval said that it would be once he was officially notified of his change in status.
Ms. Cheval is known as a take no prisoners, hard nosed, driven corporate executive who has the nickname "Lady Hammer" for her business methods. Her previous husband was divorced and exiled from Sutekh after running afoul of planetary security. He was caught divulging corporate and family secrets to other companies. We are told that his whereabouts are not positively known, but there is some speculation that he is living on New Drakkensburg.