Just wanted to provide a little note to let people know where the project is at.
Character generation is finished. Starship design rules are nearly finished. Vehicle design rules (modifications) are finished. Kafer War has been plotted out.
Background has been largely finished. Equipment finished. Weapons finished. Starting on world design and animal encounters next. Need to test starship design and vehicle design. Working on colonies, and new areas to explore. Started section on enclaves and outposts.
Yes, I work on more than one thing at a time. Lets ideas percolate in the back of my head until its time for them to come to the fore.
Character generation is finished. Starship design rules are nearly finished. Vehicle design rules (modifications) are finished. Kafer War has been plotted out.

Yes, I work on more than one thing at a time. Lets ideas percolate in the back of my head until its time for them to come to the fore.