I have sent a second email to Marc. What follows is a copy of that email:
Just over two years ago, QuikLink Interactive, and Hunter Gordon, received the final version of 2320AD, a licensed update of your 2300AD RPG. It went through additional editing c/o Loren Wiseman in the following months, followed by extensive play-testing, before it went back to Hunter. I was paid for the work in October of 2005. Since that time, contact with Hunter has been sporadic. As I have been paid, I really have no further claim on Hunter, save, perhaps, for additional payments that could arise through meeting sales targets. However, several artists associated with the project remain unpaid, including Ted Lindsey, Laurent Esmiol, Jonathan Pearson, and Bryan Gibson.
Ideally, Hunter will still be able to bring 2320AD to light, and that is the best possible resolution to this, as far as I am concerned. However, failing that, I see three alternatives:
1) I make arrangements with Hunter to bring 2320AD out, and pay him and any artists off from sales, primarily pdf and POD. This would require me to get a license from you, I think. This version would be in a T20 version, and likely offered as a D20 Modern/Future version as well.
2) Hunter is unwilling or unable to grant me the rights to bring 2320AD out. I would then like to look into getting a license from you to produce 2300AD materials, possibly including an update to the 2300AD system, or converting it to D20 Modern/ D20 Future. This scenario would have to avoid the material
I previously produced for QuikLink, and instead either update the 2300AD universe in a different way, or simply carry forward from 2300AD without any updates to the timeline.
3) I allow 2300AD/2320AD as an idea to lapse, or for someone else to pursue, and I move to different projects. This is not the preferred choice for me, of course.
The following are projects for 2300/2320AD that I would like to pursue:
Ship books, in two different styles. The first is a listing of ships with stats, combat stats and fluff text. These books would be similar to "Ships of the French Arm" in scope and detail. The other format would take a close look at one particular model of ship, and provide history, scale deckplans and technical details, along with a short adventure and several adventure
seeds. One or two sample crews would also be provided to allow use of the ship as an encounter during play.
Short Adventure/Sourcebooks, with detail on one particular world, outpost, or even city, and an adventure set in that locale.
Equipment, Weapons and Armor, including additional Pentapod equipment. There could be multiple volumes of this type of book, with each book containing a limited selection of equipment, but expanded to include vehicles and even
services available, like Cyperpunk 2020's old Chromebooks.
Campaign books: Ultimately, there would be three or four of these, with a detailed campaign set around one of 2300AD's major themes: conflict, exploration, and troubleshooting, with a space-based military campaign as another option.
All books would be multi-statted, for 2300AD, D20 Modern/Future, and T20/2320AD, (if possible).
I look forward to your response.