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3FT SOLO Campaign

I have resurrected an old Traveller campaign I used to referee back in 1982. I'm using this story material to create a new campaign setting. The plan is to create enough background content to begin hosting multi-player gaming sessions in the near future.

I still have an affinity for all of my old Classic Traveller material, but I am becoming very interested in Cepheus Engine. I recently purchased Stellagama's Cepheus Light as well as Cepheus Engine from DriveThruRPG. I will be using these materials for future gaming sessions.

I also purchased Paul Elliott's SOLO last year, and I have been using it to flesh out some characters for my future multi-player gaming sessions. I am really enjoying playing SOLO and want to share my current SOLO campaign here. The current campaign features a group of former mercenaries who are seeking revenge against a group of terrorists who are now leaders of an interstellar government in the Glimmerdrift Reaches.

More information about my campaign can be found at my blog. You can find the link on my COTI profile.

3FT SOLO Campaign - The Plan

SOLO Adventure: Infiltrate

Date: 12-1120

Location: Citadel/Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches


Dean Halvaard is a retired member of the Imperium Marines, serving faithfully for twenty-eight years as a Force Commander with the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment in the Spinward Marches. Upon retirement, Dean set out to continue his military service as a mercenary with the Golden Company. He was hired on to serve as a Golden Company Liaison with the vaunted 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment of the Imperium Marines. This opportunity has allowed him to continue working with former colleagues of his beloved regiment.

The destruction of his home world, Regina (Regina/Spinward Marches), by terrorists has weighed heavily on his mind. Dean's entire life purpose is now consumed by a burning desire to exact vengeance upon the perpetrators of this heinous crime. A recent meeting with Golden Company (GoC) executives has opened a door for carrying out his vengeance. A plan is formed.

The Plan:

Dean has been given the task of "closing the deal" with the signing of a mercenary contract with the interstellar government of the Ginlenchy Concordance. The Golden Company would be able to enter the lucrative mercenary market of the Glimmerdrift Reaches Sector with this agreement. JG Golden, founder and CEO of the GoC, has been wanting to expand his business interest into this sector of space for a long time. He is backing this project with every means necessary to close the deal. Dean Halvaard is the man he chose for this task.

Dean, however, has an ulterior motive for accepting this assignment. This "negotiation" will put him within reach of his most hated enemies, the 3 Fists Triumvirate (3FT) who now lead the government of the Republic of Krax (ROK). Dean has assembled a team of GoC mercenaries to accompany him to the Ginlenchey Concordance. Each one of these mercenaries has served with the 4518th, and like Dean, they all wish to take out those who had destroyed Regina. Vengeance not only for the planet, but also for the late His Grace Norris, Duke of Regina.

The plan is fairly simple at this stage of the game, but danger lurks around every system and starship. The Dean Team will use their assignment as cover for their ultimate goal of this adventure. The goal is to infiltrate ROK space and establish an insurgency against the ruling 3FT. Part one of the trip will involve negotiating the agreement with the Ginlenchy Concordance, and to avoid detection by agents of the 3FT. Part two involves entering ROK space through the Tri-Empire, Williamsburg, and Sosie Subsectors of the Glimmerdrift Reaches without being detected by 3FT operatives. Part 3 will involve establishing a mercenary detail in a ROK system to train indigenous military units for an insurgency. This system is Abin in the Sosie Subsector of the Glimmerdrift Reaches. Part 3 of the plan will also rely upon the assistance of independent systems in the Sosie Subsector who wish to remain independent of the ROK and the 3FT dictatorship.

The plan is in place. Now it is time to infiltrate the Republic of Krax and destroy the 3 Fists Triumvirate!

SOLO Campaign Notes 1

(This write-up is from October 22, 2018)

I have been playing Paul Elliott's SOLO now for several months, and it has been an interesting experience. Here is a some additional information about what is happening so far...

The "Dean Team" SOLO campaign is set 13 years prior to the time of my future multi-player campaign. The Republic of Krax has recently won the Krax Civil War and is in the process of consolidating power. Due to the chaos of the war, the Republic of Krax (ROK) is not able to fully control every system. The leadership of the ROK, the 3 Fists Triumvirate (3FT), is in the process of expanding its intelligence service and secret police. The Shattered Planet Security Service (SPS) has been given huge financial support to implement the will of the 3FT leadership. The process of recruiting loyal agents, training, and placing them throughout ROK systems will take years to accomplish. The 3FT leadership is placing priority on those systems near their bases of operation, and along the borders with interstellar governments hostile to the 3FT regime. Those systems near Imperium borders have the highest priority. Systems closer to friendly governments have the lowest priority.

The "Dean Team" campaign is focusing its operations in one of the regions of the ROK that has a low priority for SPS bases of operation. This doesn't mean SPS security agents are not present, but it does mean their numbers and intelligence-gathering abilities are limited. The Dean Team must first enter the ROK through systems close to the Imperium. SPS agents in these systems are much more concentrated than where the Dean Team will set up its base of operations.

The year is 1120. Will the Dean Team be able to successfully carry out its mission? Will an insurgency take root and overthrow the 3FT dictators? Will the player characters in my multi-player campaign find an active resistance present in 1133 when their campaign begins? Only time will tell.

3FT SOLO Campaign - Prelude and Departure

Infiltrate Campaign

Cast of Characters:

Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.

Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.

Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.

Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.

Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.

Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.

JG Golden (CEO & Founder of The Golden Company Mercenaries)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Good friends with Dean.

Dean is not overly happy with the team assembled for his mission, but he will honor JG's wishes as JG is underwriting the enterprise. The selection of Striker Anderson as second in command is discouraging, since Dean has never liked him or even considered him fit for command. Dean will be keeping a close eye on the Major. Keter's inclusion in the group is the most disturbing. Dean is still not sure why JG wanted him to be a part of the team. Keter acts like it's no big deal, but Dean will never trust him. The rest of the team is adequate for carrying out JG's contract negotiations, but lacking in skills that will be necessary for successful infiltration of the Republic of Krax. Time will tell.

The Dean Team is equipped with basic provisions. Each member is armed, but traveling with weapons may become problematic when trying to enter certain systems over the course of the mission. The team members begin with 10,000 credits each, and Dean is responsible for the remaining 220,000 credits held in reserve for any unforeseen expenses. A bonus lump sum of 100,000 credits will be awarded to the entire team for the successful negotiation of a mercenary contract between the Golden Company and the Ginlenchy Concordance.
The team has booked passage on the Illustrious Star, a luxury liner registered with the Imperium. The Illustrious Star travels this route on a regular basis and is known for its opulence and guest amenities. The Dean Team is traveling as tourists and their registered destination is Simulacrim/Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches. The team will then board the Far Trader, Raconteur, and travel to Bakcyon/Williamsburg/Glimmerdrift Reaches where they will be meeting with system leaders from the Ginlenchy Concordance.

Begin Adventure

12-1120 Citadel to Parasit (Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches (GR))

No events occured during departure, transit, arrival, and system layover.

26-1120 Parasit to Ixobis-Kher (Tri-Empire/GR)

Departure: The team was stopped by starport security before boarding. Identifications were checked with no issues.

Transit: Jansen and Kyle get into an argument. Dean and Striker were able to break up the heated argument.

Arrival: no issues as Dean Team enters Marlan Primate space.

System Layover: Several unruly miners threaten to riot and close down the starport. Local police are able to contain and disperse the miners. A storm threatens to postpone travel. It passes with no delay to travel.

40-1120 Ixobis Kher to Ixobis Daw (Tri-Empire/GR)

Departure: no issues

Transit: Team members become aware of a passenger that will not leave his cabin. Kyle intervenes and is able to convince the passenger to leave his cabin. The captain and crew are pleased with the intervention. The captain invites the entire team to join him for a meal at the Captain's Table. Later that evening, Jansen loses his temper with Kyle over their past argument and Kyle's constant ridiculing at the Captain's Table. It's an ugly scene that has drawn the attention of the rest of the passengers and crew.

Arrival: no events or issues

System Layover: The Dean Team encountered a friendly official with a local corporation (Ilar Xenith). A possible ally for the cause. Another argument broke out between the entire team. Striker believes the discussion with Ilar could compromise the mission. Keter and Kilgar agree, but Jansen and Kyle side with Dean. The argument becomes heated enough to draw the attention of patrons at a local restaurant. The group continues to draw unwanted attention to itself. Dean is now regretting his decision to go along with JG's recommendations. He is concerned about the mission's success if this pattern continues.


The group's goal of traveling without drawing attention to themselves has failed. Many have taken notice of the group's finer moments, but they are also noticed the outbursts between Jansen, Kyle, and the entire team. Fortunately, agents of the 3 Fists Triumverant were not present at any of these events, so the team's mission is safe for now.

I still have an affinity for all of my old Classic Traveller material, but I am becoming very interested in Cepheus Engine. I recently purchased Stellagama's Cepheus Light as well as Cepheus Engine from DriveThruRPG. I will be using these materials for future gaming sessions.
Thank you for your interest!

So, I noticed this is Imeprial Year 1120 - is this the GURPS timeline, the Rebellion, or your own Imperial Future?
My Own

Thank you for your interest!

So, I noticed this is Imeprial Year 1120 - is this the GURPS timeline, the Rebellion, or your own Imperial Future?

I started my own timeline after 1107. My original campaign (1982-1983) followed the Traveller canon back in the day, but I deviated from it when I dug out my old Traveller LBBs a couple years ago and began setting up my current campaign. I had purchased MegaTraveller many years ago, but wasn't a fan of the Shattered Imperium or MT in general.

Also, I finished creating some new characters using the Cepheus Light character generation system and I am trying out the CL combat system. I was never a huge fan of Classic Traveller combat, and created my own version back in 1982. My system was too basic, but it worked well for my group of players. The Cepheus Light combat system is somewhat similar to how I managed combat back in 1982, but CL is far more advanced than my simple system. Much better than mine too! The examples of combat in Cepheus Light are a huge plus as well! Liking it a lot!

3FT SOLO Campaign - Through the Marlan Primate

Infiltrate Campaign:

Date: 54 - 1120
(Subsector/Sector Location: Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches)

Cast of Characters (Dean Team)
Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.
Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.
Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.
Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.
Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.
Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.

54-1120 Ixobis-Daw to Ixobis-Ron

A malfunction with the M-Drive of the Illustrious Star threatens to delay travel, but was repaired in time for its scheduled departure.

The Starship's Purser suffered a nervous breakdown. She had changed the password for the weapon's vault without updating the backup access codes in case of an emergency. Jansen assists the ship's counselor with an intervention. Some success is achieved, but the Purser will not give the code for vault access.
After entering the Ixobis-Ron system, Jansen was able to calm down the Purser. She finally releases the code to open the weapon's vault. Crew members and several passengers have taken notice of Jansen and the rest of the Dean Team. Traveling incognito is getting more difficult, and this may draw the attention of any 3FT spies that may be present on the Illustrious Star.

The Dean Team meets with a potential ally. Ilar Xenith is a retired Imperium Navy veteran who has no love for the Krax Republic or the 3 Fists Triumvirate. He offers his services to the team, but does not join with them at this time.

System Layover:
While on Ixobis-Ron, the team discovers a little known retreat on the planet. Dean decides it would be best to get in a little "R and R" with all that has transpired since the mission began. Striker becomes upset with Dean's decision...

"We just started this mission, and you really believe R and R is in order? This is a disgrace for Marines, especially the 4518th!" "That's enough, Major," said Dean. "I'm in command of this unit, and you will be advised to remember my rank. Your actions are bordering on insubordination, and I will not tolerate it! Are we clear, Major?" "YES, SIR! CRYSTAL!," replied Striker with as much sarcasm as he could muster.

The ego battle between Striker and Dean is intensifying.

Shortly before the group's scheduled departure, Striker discovered a body pistol someone had stashed behind a storage locker at the starport terminal. The situation with the Purser on board the Illustrious Star was fresh in Striker's mind, so he decides to smuggle the weapon on board the starship. He will not risk being unable to acquire his weapon from the Purser's vault if something like this happens again. An extremely risky move on his part that could endanger the entire mission.

68 -1120 Ixobis-Ron to Simulacrim
(Leaving the Marlan Primate and entering the Ginlenchy Concordance)

The Dean Team passes through starport security with no issues. Striker was successful in his attempt to smuggle his recently acquired body pistol on board with him.

As the Illustrious Star approached its jump point, it was stopped and boarded by a 200 ton light patrol craft (Sword & Shield). A security team from the patrol craft was searching for a wanted crew member of the starship. As far as the Dean Team could tell, the wanted crewman was not on board the luxury liner.
Ilar Xenith, who is also traveling on board the Illustrious Star, hits up Jansen for some financial assistance. Jansen does not trust Ilar, but agrees to lend him 97 credits.

No issues upon arrival at Simulacrim . The team does note several starport security team members and starport officials surrounding a mysterious ship that had landed shortly after the Illustrious Star. Several people in the starport gather together to watch the event as well as the members of the Dean Team. A rumor is overheard about a plan by the Marlan Primate to invade and take over neighboring systems in the Ginlenchy Concordance.

Is it just a rumor??? The group makes a note of it.

System Layover:
The Dean Team departs the Illustrious Star and prepares to transfer to the far trader, Raconteur. The Raconteur's captain and crew are part of a covert operation by the Imperium to keep a watchful eye on the Republic of Krax. The far trader plies the shipping lanes and other star systems off the regular shipping lanes throughout this sector of space. The Dean Team's mission is known by the captain and his faithful crew. They are at the Dean Team's disposal.
While waiting to depart Simulacrim, Jansen is robbed at the starport. Held at gunpoint, Jansen loses 600 credits to the thief. Jansen reports the incident to Dean, and the entire group attempts to locate the robber. An investigation by the group with a little reconnaissance at the starport reveals a gang of robbers operating at the starport and the surrounding area. The robber who accosted Jansen was not located, but the team engages some gang members in a back alley near the starport. A firefight ensues, and quickly ends with the death of one gang member. No Dean Team members were harmed in the encounter, and the team was able to return to the starport without incident.

The team members board the Raconteur and prepare to depart to Quabinisar (Tri-Empire/GR).

3FT SOLO Campaign - Destination Bakcyon

Date: 82 - 1120
Subsector/Sector Location: Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches

Cast of Characters (Dean Team):

Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.

Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.

Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.

Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.

Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.

Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.


82-1120 Simulacrim to Quabinisar

The Dean Team is posing as part of the crew of the Raconteur, so training is in order. The team members acclimate themselves with the crew of the far trader and the procedures they follow. While the team's individual identifications are not changed, each member of the Dean Team receives crew identification cards that are issued to employees of the ship.
As the far trader departs, the Raconteur encounters a safari ship that has recently entered the system. The Huntress is having an issue with its M-drive. The crew of the Raconteur attempts to assist, but the repairs needed will require repair equipment that is not available on board either vessel. The Captain has agreed to remain with the safari ship until a repair crew arrives to assist them. This will delay the Raconteur's departure by one week.


The Raconteur makes its jump without any issues.

No encounters or issues upon arrival at Quabinisar (no starport)

System Layover:
The Dean Team skims a nearby gas giant in order to refuel. Unrefined fuel can lead to a misjump, but the crew of the Raconteur is used to this type of operation. The captain takes every available step to insure safe jumps with frequent maintenance and fuel system cleanings whenever possible.
Quabinisar has no starport, so supplies for the planet are shuttled to the surface. A private firm on the planet is licensed by the planetary government to conduct these operations. A planet-based cargo craft will launch from the firm's facility and meet the Raconteur in orbit in order to transfer the cargo to their ship. After the cargo craft reaches orbit, the cargo craft's pilot radios the captain of the Raconteur to inform him that a planetary official will be boarding the ship. This official checks the entire crew's identifications and inspects the Raconteur for contraband. The Dean Team is not aware this planetary official is a spy for the 3FT. The spy records the crew list information and stores it for future reference.
The transfer of cargo is allowed to continue since the Raconteur's "paperwork" is in order and no contraband was present. The captain and crew receive their credits for the shipped goods, and they prepare to depart this system.

103-1120 Quabinisar to Bakcyon

[Check for Misjump: 12+ (DM +3) for misjump. 2d6=7 (+3)=10 no issues]
As the Raconteur approaches its jump coordinates, a ship arriving in the Quabinisar system radios for help. The 300 ton merchant ship Dark Star is having mechanical/computer issues. The crew of the Raconteur lends a hand and quickly fixes a computer glitch. The Dark Star thanks the captain and crew of the far trader for their assistance.

While in transit, a review of sensor logs indicates another ship jumped around the same time as the Raconteur and appears to be on the same course as they are. Could it be a false reading or is someone following them? What about that official on Quabinisar?

Upon arrival at the Bakcyon system, the far trader radios an outbound ship. The large cargo carrier does not respond. Is their comm system out? Are they operating under radio silence? The captain says it's unusual for a transport ship of this size not to respond to a standard hail of passing starships. He believes the cargo carrier's comm system is out.

System Layover:
The far trader lands at Bakcyon's starport. The captain and crew will begin the search for shipping customers who are looking to ship goods to a nearby system.

The Dean Team prepares to meet their contact for the next phase of their mission. As the team members prepare to leave the starport, they encounter a desperate individual who is seeking to leave the planet quickly. Dean begins to answer the man, when suddenly several local police officers shout for the man to stop. He immediately bolts away and the chase is on! The Dean Team members raise their hands to signify they have no clue what is going on and are not offering any resistance. The local police flash by them without even a glance in their direction. "Man, he's toast," chuckles Keter as the team members collect their luggage and head out of the starport.

3FT SOLO Campaign - Closing the Deal

Date: 110 - 1120
Subsector/Sector Location: Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches

Cast of Characters (Dean Team):

Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.

Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.

Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.

Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.

Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.

Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.

110-1120 Negotiations with the Ginlenchy Concordance

Negotiations begin with the Ginlenchy Concordance (GinC) for contracted mercenary services provided by the Golden Company for any interested systems within the GinC. The group meets with Verenson Kull, a diplomat for the GinC.

Verenson Kull is a staunch ally of the Imperium. Most systems within the GinC are extremely nervous with the rise of the 3 Fists Triumvirate within the Republic of Krax. Verenson believes the independence of the entire GinC is at risk. He has known Dean Halvaard for many years and fully trusts him. Verenson assures the Golden Company representatives (Dean Team) this meeting is a mere formality. The GinC is more than ready to sign the agreement with the Golden Company.

117-1120 The Deal is Done!

The contract is signed with great enthusiasm by all participants. The official meeting ends on the first day, but the rest of the week was filled with relaxation and entertainment, courtesy of the Ginlenchy Concordance. The team is refreshed, and ready to start its next mission.

Verenson Kull meets with the Dean Team in their private quarters at a villa near the Bakcyon startport. He provides the group with documents for their new identities. The first set of IDs has the Dean Team serving in the Ginlenchy Scout Service (GSS) They will be serving as scouts aboard the GSS Hawk. The second set of IDs has the Dean Team serving as crew members aboard a merchant ship. The crew is scheduled to join the Far Trader, Free Enterprise, at Jeffer-Scott/Williamsburg/Glimmerdrift Reaches. The Free Enterprise is scheduled to depart Jeffer-Scott on 229-1120, so the crew should have plenty of time to reach their destination. Merchant ships often keep their regular schedules, but delays do occur. The team will need to carefully monitor their progress to avoid any delays. The Free Enterprise will not delay their departure for long, since free traders need to keep moving in order to make money. Any extended delay by the Free Enterprise, apart from mechanical issues, will rouse suspicion. Jeffer-Scott and Spadling are known to be infested with 3FT spies.

118-1120 The Mission Threatened

Dean decides to rid himself of an enemy by sending Keter Lancel back to Golden Company Headquarters with the newly-signed agreement. The Dean Team meets to discuss the next phase of the mission, and Dean breaks the news to Keter. Keter becomes enraged and demands someone else should do it. "You don't need me to be a delivery boy. Send it the way documents like this are sent...THROUGH A COURIER!" Keter began to visibly shake from his rage. Dean quickly retorted, "You will do as you are ordered, Lance Sergeant! I want this contract HAND DELIVERED, and it WILL NOT BE DELIVERED BY A COURIER! The information in this agreement will NOT fall into the hands of spies because of some errand boy's failure to properly guard its contents." "Get someone else," Keter replied. Dean's response was quick, "NO, I ORDER YOU TO DO IT AND THAT'S FINAL!" Keter storms out of the room and heads back to his quarters. Striker begins to follow Keter, but Jansen replies, "Let him cool off." Striker agrees. The rest of the team members concure, and begin discussing their plans for infiltrating the Krax Republic.

After about twenty minutes, Keter returns to the meeting room holding a metal trash receptacle which contains the dying embers of a small fire. Keter sits the receptacle down before the rest of the team and with an evil grin replies, "I just torched all of my original identity papers. I'm not going anywhere!" The entire team was speechless for a moment, then Striker responds, "What have you done?!" At this point, the room erupts into a shouting match of curses, accusations, and insults. After several minutes, the team members began to compose themselves. Keter adds, "If you don't like it, too bad. Maybe I'll report this whole mission to the media. I am going back to my villa. Later, losers." The team stands dumbfounded, as they silently contemplate the ramifications of Keter's threat.

The heat of the moment soon passes, and cooler heads prevails. Dean had already contacted Verenson Kull to see if it was possible to have Keter arrested and secure him until Golden Company forces arrive and place him into custody. Verenson's secretary informs Dean that he had just departed Bakcyon for a long-planned vacation to Aldrus (Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches). The team resumes its discussion on what to do. Jansen and Kyle insist Keter cannot remain a part of the team. Striker and Kilgar are not as resistant to Keter remaining as Jansen and Kyle are, but both Striker and Kilgar believe something must be done. After about an hour of discussion, the team reaches a solution. Dean will have to fire Keter. Kilgar volunteers to return to Imperium space and deliver the contract to Golden Company Headquarters. He will return to Bakcyon with the first contingent of mercenaries as soon as possible.

The group sends for Keter, and informs him of their decision. Surprisingly, Keter has already resigned himself to this outcome and agrees to abide by their decision. He turns to Dean and replies, "I agree with the team's decision, Commander. I will honor it as well as my oath to the 4518th. I will remain on Bakcyon for the foreseeable future and contemplate my future." Keter salutes Dean, turns, and leaves the room. The entire Dean Team believes Keter will not betray them as he has threatened to do earlier.

119-1120 to 173-1120 Preparations for Next Mission

The Dean Team rests for a few more days, then begins training for the next leg of their journey. The preparation is intense and requires training in scout ship duties as well as merchant duties. The team feels confident their training will help them to pass as scout/merchant ship crew members. The team hears and sees nothing of Keter. Kilgar salutes his team members as he boards a transfer ship. This starship will take him back to Simulacrim where he will wait to board the Illustrious Star as it makes its way to Simulacrim , following its regular travel route. It may be a long time before the team sees Kilgar again. It is also possible they may never meet with him again. Only time and good fortune will tell.

SOLO Campaign - Onward to Spalding Part1

Current Adventure: Infiltrate
Date: 173 - 1120
Subsector/Sector Location: Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches

Cast of Characters (Dean Team):
Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): n/a
Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.
Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): n/a
Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.

173-1120 Bakcyon to Macelight on board the CSS Hawk

Jump: Uneventful

180 - 1120

New System: Macelight (Tri-Empire/Glimmerdrift Reaches)

The team encounters starport security. The group is escorted to a separate room and their IDs are checked. The team members are released with no further issues.

The team notices an individual they had spotted at Bakcyon. He has followed them to Macelight. A coincidence? Not likely, since Striker noticed the agent has been tailing them since their arrival at the asteroid belt. That evening, the group meets in a hotel room at the starport to create a plan. The group decides to head out and tour the underground complex of Macelight. Macelight is home to a large mining operation, and the mining complex houses several shops, restaurants, and drinking establishments for the one million inhabitants of the asteroid belt. During the group's tour of the complex, they notice the same individual following them at a distance. Definitely an agent. Is it a 3FT agent? The group finds a section of back alleys located behind the entertainment district. These dimly lit alleyways are service corridors. As planned earlier, the group sets up an ambush for the tailing agent. After about an hour wait, the group does not encounter the agent. As the group heads back to the starport hotel, they notice a couple of security officers making their rounds through the service corridors. Dean smiles and waves to them, and the security officers return to the greeting. A brief discussion ensues, and the group convinces the security officers they had lost their way back to the starport hotel. The officers give them directions, and they return to the hotel complex without further incident. There is no sign of the individual who has been tailing them.
Maybe he spotted the security officers and decided to break off the pursuit?

187 - 1120

The team is delayed one week due to technical issues at the starport. The week is uneventful and the agent tailing the group has not been spotted since the previous week.

194 - 1120

Security issues at Macelight starport
(security check: Law Level check [6]; 2d6=8; Dean Team passes security check)

Travel off-system is delayed 1 week.

201 - 1120 Macelight - Gaucho (Williamsburg/Glimmerdrift Reaches)

Jump prep: no events. The team is now able to proceed to its next destination

Jump: no events

208 - 1120

Arrive in the Gaucho system
Jansen is robbed of 800CR. The group does a little reconnaissance and discovers a band of thieves operating near the starport. The team spends a couple of days in surveillance, and locates an area frequented by the thieves. The group sets up an ambush. The ambush ends as quickly as it started. The thief escapes and injures Striker with a slash from a knife.
Nothing serious, but first-aid is required.
A valuable piece of information is gathered during the week layover on Gaucho. The team spots the agent who has been tracking them since Bakcyon. They discover the agent will be traveling aboard the subsidized merchant, Tiger's Eye.

215 - 1120

Prejump: The group has created a fake itinerary for the Hawk, that states the scout ship is headed to the Sao system to deliver scout service dispatches. The group leaves them in a starport restaurant where they have spotted the agent sitting nearby. They try to make it look like the papers accidentally drop under the table as they are getting up to leave.

Jump: Gaucho to Jeffer-Scott
During the trip, the computer aboard the Hawk malfunctions. The jump drives and program routines for jump travel are unaffected, but several error codes are appearing in one subroutine of the navigation system. Kyle, the group's computer expert, discovers a virus in the navigation program. The jump coordinates are being logged in a tracking program that can be accessed from any starport terminal. A confirmation that the group is likely being followed by a 3FT agent. Kyle removes the virus, and hopefully the false travel itinerary and virus removal will end the tracking by the spy.

GM NOTE: As the Dean Team suspects, the group is being followed by a 3FT agent. The agent is not fooled by the fake itinerary and realizes he has been made. He knows the merchant ship he is traveling upon cannot keep up with the jump capability of the scout ship. After consulting a subsector map, he concludes the ship's likely destination is Jeffer-Scott. Upon arrival at Sao, the agent forwards a message to Jeffer-Scott via x-boat to a 3FT operative stationed at the starport in Jeffer-Scott. A new agent will have to pick up the trail on Jeffer-Scott.

SOLO Campaign-Travels of the Free Enterprise

(Apologies for the long delay in posting. Game play is much farther along then these typed play logs. More to come in the near future.)

SOLO Campaign-Dean Team Part 6
Current Adventure: Infiltrate
Date: 222 - 1120
Subsector/Sector Location: Williamsburg/Glimmerdrift Reaches

Cast of Characters (Dean Team):
Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.
Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.
Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.
Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.
Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.
Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.


222-1120 Jeffer-Scott System

The Dean Team says goodbye to the crew of the Hawk. Dean sets out to meet the team's next operative, the Far Trader, Free Enterprise. Dean makes contact with the captain. The team will be part of the crew of the far trader.

World Encounter: Local peasant uprisings in the area of the starport has placed restrictions on movement. The Dean Team remains at the starport.

GM Note: The tedium and boredom of the travel restrictions has caused a breakdown in discipline within the Dean Team. Kyle's carelessness using a computer at the starport public terminal has resulted in data not being deleted from the computer. This data gives evidence of the group's presence on Jeffer-Scott.

229 - 1120

Prepare for Departure: The Free Enterprise prepares for its departure from Jeffer-Scott. The far trader's itinerary has the crew traveling to Spalding to deliver machinery parts.

System Travel to Jump Point: no events/encounters

Jump: uneventful

System Arrival: uneventful

236 - 1120

Spalding System:

Starport Encounter: The Dean Team is introduced to Ilar Xenith by a crew member of the Free Enterprise. A fellow ally against the 3FT who is recruited by the Dean Team.

World Encounter: Dust storms on Spalding.

In-game Reaction: Kyle loses his temper with the group in front of a large crowd at the starport. Several citizens recorded the event on their comm devices.

GM Note: The groups is doing a poor job of traveling incognito. The 3FT spy who is tailing the group is falling behind. His attempt to board a starship traveling to Spalding has failed. He eventually finds a private yacht and secures passage. He is still a week's travel behind the Dean Team; however, it will not be difficult to pick up the trail due to the group's horrible attempts to cover their trail.

243 - 1120

Dean Halvaard realizes the team has done an exceptionally poor job of traveling incognito. He calls a group meeting and attempts to rally the troops. The team members agree with Dean, and recommit to behave accordingly.

The crew of the Free Enterprise prepares for its journey to Rinma. The ship's cargo has been loaded and the flight plan logged with starport officials.

System Travel to Jump Point: The far trader is hailed by the mercenary cruiser, Claymore. The merc cruiser has been hired to monitor ships in the Spalding system. Sensor log information is exchanged and the Free Enterprise is cleared to proceed.

Jump: A ship malfunction occurs during jump travel. A gas build up in the ship's power plant poses a danger to the crew. Kyle is able to fix a glitch in the ship's venting program that was causing the venting system to act erratically. The gas build up is easing.

Arrival: The far trader arrives at Rinma.

The Dean Team has now entered enemy territory, the Republic of Krax.

Starport Encounter: The captain of the Free Enterprise is approached by a potential client. The merchant has several vacc suits she would like to sell. After a bit of negotiating, the captain and merchant cannot agree to a price. A deal cannot be reached.

World Encounter: Striker is approached by a person wanting him to transport a special item to a location on Rinma. The package is NOT legal, but Striker cannot resist the opportunity to make a quick CR1000. Striker's attempt to deliver the package is met with resistance. A short brawl ensues, with Striker receiving a minor injury. His opponent lies unconscious on the ground. Why did this person not want the package? No answer is forthcoming from the sender after Striker returns the undelivered item to him. Striker walks away bruised, confused, and with no CR1000.

The Free Enterprise is without cargo to deliver to Linmar. The captain searches the starport for merchants seeking shipment of cargo. Success! The far trader has found goods to transport to Linmar.

Prepare for Departure: The Free Enterprise prepares for its departure to Linmar. The crew is approached by a woman seeking passage to Linmar. The far trader has a cabin available, and the woman offers to pay 10% more than normal passage price due to the short notice. The captain accepts her generous offer without hesitation.

GM Note: The Dean Team is caught off guard by the captain's acceptance of the last-minute passenger. Dean's talk with his team members has proven useful. The Dean Team is cautious with this unknown passenger, and that will be important since this passenger is actually a 3FT spy tailing the group. Dean meets with the captain and discusses the need to be on guard with this unknown passenger. The captain agrees and the crew is on its best behavior.

System Travel to Jump Point: no events/encounters

Jump: uneventful

Arrival: The far trader encounters the Divine Delta, a 150 ton yacht. Communications involves general information about the previous system, Rinma. Nothing unusual.

Starport Encounters: none

World Encounters: none

GM Note: The far trader acquires cargo for its next destination. The crew spends the week on Linmar preparing for its next departure. The Dean Team goes about its duties while keeping an eye on their new passenger who has decided to continue her travels to the far trader's next destination, the Estin System. Is she a spy? The team is not sure, but since they are in enemy territory, the chances are quite good.
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SOLO Campaign-Destination Abin

SOLO Campaign-Dean Team Part 7
Current Adventure: Infiltrate
Date: 257 - 1120
Subsector/Sector Location: Williamsburg/Glimmerdrift Reaches

Cast of Characters (Dean Team):
Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.
Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.
Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.
Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.
Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.
Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.
257 - 1120

System: Linmar

Preparing for Departure: A fist fight breaks out in a lounge while the Dean Team is having a drink. Dean and Striker get involved and break up the fight. A few scrapes and bruises, but no serious injuries. Starport security responds in a ruthless manner, hauling off the instigators of the fight with extreme violence. Kyle notices one of the brawlers is unresponsive and looks dead.
The starport goes on lockdown, and curfews have been issued for all occupants of the starport and surrounding settlements. Dean is later informed by a local at the starport that the 3FT are involved and spy activity is suspected by the government. This local also tells Dean he had heard a rumor that all of the brawlers at the lounge have been eliminated. Is this a rumor? It seems like Kyle's observation lends credence to it. The crew and team members are never questioned by security or any other government agents.
The lockdown on Linmar lasts a total of 24 days.


Prepare for Departure: With the ending of the lockdown, the crew of the Free Enterprise are preparing for their trip to Estin. The passenger from Rinma, Urella Ginsan, still wishes to travel to Estin. She spends her time in her stateroom cabin while the crew preps for departure. The Dean Team and crew never spotted her while the starport was on lockdown. They are also maintaining their vigilance with keeping an eye on Urella and watching their own behavior. Nothing indicates to Dean that she is a spy, but better to play it on the safe side.

System Travel to Jump Point: An Emergency Response Boat believes the far trader is a pirate ship. Extended communication with the ERB and Linmar starport officials allays the ERB's fear.

Jump: Sensors during jump travel are giving false readings of system failures. A thorough check of operating systems indicate a false-positive. Everything appears to be working order.

Arrival: Arrive in the Estin System. No encounters.

Starport Encounters: With the successful delivery of the cargo completed, the crew seeks out a little R&R. The extra credits from the cargo and additional passenger means a nice dinner at the starport's finest restaurant! The group also decides to spend an extra week on Estin.

World Encounters: During the meal, the captain spots a local celebrity whom he admires. William Carreiro is a famous actor on Estin. The captain catches him in a good mood and secures an autograph from the actor. The captain is now in an even greater mood and buys drinks for the house! Whatever happened to traveling incognito???

GM Note: The brawl at the starport lounge was started when a member of a local dissident cell on Estin was exposed as a 3FT operative. The man Kyle had witnessed was actually the 3FT operative who was indeed dead. One of the dissidents in the fist fight successful stabbed the operative in the heart with a concealed blade. Urella was temporarily recalled to interrogate the prisoners arrested at the starport lounge. She was also interested in finding out whether or not Dean and Striker were part of the dissident group operating on Estin. The dissident prisoners denied knowing anything about Dean and Striker. Urella believed them, since Dean and Striker's actions prevented the dissidents from making their escape. Needless to say, the rumors regarding the fate of the brawlers are true. Both prisoners were summarily executed after Urella's interrogation.


Preparing for Departure: The captain and crew were able to secure cargo for transport to Abin. The extra week of rest has done wonders for the Dean Team's morale. No sign of Urella, so it looks like her travel onboard the far trader is completed. While completing his duties onboard the far trader, Jansen Trueblood finds a listening device in the crew lounge. Jansen alerts the captain and Dean of his discovery. No crew member would have need of this, since all of them are part of the operation. There is only one person who could have placed the listening device...Urella Ginsan!

There is still no sign of Urella, but the captain fears she might return with the destruction of the listening device. A plan is hatched! The crew will search for a passenger to fill the empty passenger cabin. A quick search of the starport yields a willing person seeking passage. The captain offers an incredible deal with a dramatically reduced price on the fare. He also forges the ship's files to show this passage was booked in advance. Everything is in place, but still no sign of Urella.

Within 45 minutes of the Free Enterprise's planned departure, here comes Urella seeking a last-minute passage. The captain, putting on an act that would make William Carreiro proud, humbly apologies to Urella and explains to her the passenger cabin is already booked for the trip to Abin. Visibly angry, Urella walks off in a huff.

GM Note: Sure enough, Urella had detected the listening device was no longer functioning. She originally had no plans to travel onboard the far trader anymore, relying upon agents at Abin to pick up the listening device signal when the Free Enterprise entered the Abin system. The 3FT, along with agents of the Shattered Planet Security (SPS) Service, regularly monitor listening device signals throughout the Republic of Krax. Her inability to secure passage leads her to investigate the ship's flight plan and manifest logs at the starport. Everything appears to be in order. Urella takes solace in the fact that the Free Enterprise and its crew have done nothing to create suspicion in her mind. She believes she has done her job, and now the far trader is the responsibility of officials at Abin. An x-boat message will be forwarded to Abin as soon as possible in accordance with 3FT protocol.
The captain's plan and the Dean Team's discipline have paid dividends. The 3FT tail has been broken!

System Travel to Jump Point: A distress call is received from the Large Transport Ship, Titan. The Titan's medic has become violently ill. The Free Enterprise continues to monitor radio transmissions between the Titan and Estin as the far trader approaches its jump point.

Jump: As the Free Enterprise is traveling through jump space, the passenger recruited by the captain attempts to hijack the far trader. The hijacker successfully gains control of the bridge. The Dean Team springs into action and a battle commences. The hijacker is quickly subdued and successfully detained. Kyle and the hijacker both receive minor injuries.


Arrival: The Free Enterprise enters the Abin system. The Free Enterprise passes the outbound far trader, Nero. No issues or problems.

Starport Encounter: The ship arrives and unloads its cargo. The hijacker is escorted to the starport security office and turned over to them. As the Dean Team members head back to the docked far trader, Kyle notices a very frustrated port official. Kyle offers assistance, and the frustrated official gladly accepts his offer. Within a few entries, Kyle is able to get the official's computer working again. The port official is grateful and even offers CR100 for Kyle's help. He politely declines the official's offer.

GM Note: While the team is escorting the hijacker to starport security, a 3FT operative begins to follow the group. As the team heads back to the far trader, the 3FT operative is called away by his superiors. The tail ends as quickly as it started.

The Dean Team says goodbye to the captain and crew of the Free Enterprise. The far trader will continue its undercover work and proceed to their next destination without the Dean Team. The team makes contact with an operative of the insurgents on Abin. New identification papers are secured and the team will attempt to leave the starport with new identities. The secret insurgent base is located in a rural area of Abin. The name of contacts and addresses must be memorized. The team cannot risk anything printed or written that could fall into the hands of the 3FT if the group is stopped along their journey.
SOLO Campaign-The Conclusion

SOLO Campaign-Dean Team Part 8
Current Adventure: Infiltrate
Date: 316 - 1120
Subsector/Sector Location: Williamsburg/Glimmerdrift Reaches

Cast of Characters (Dean Team):
Dean Halvaard (Force Commander)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Keter an enemy.
Striker Anderson (Major)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Considers Dean a rival.
Jansen Trueblood (First Lieutenant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Admires Kilgar.
Keter Lancel (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Friendship with Dean through guilt.
Kilgar Plenson (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Knows about Striker's gambling problem.
Kyle Rheimer (Lance Sergeant)
Character Reactions (SOLO p.18): Likes to ridicule Jansen.


316 - 1120

System: Abin

The team attempts to leave the starport and enter the general population. A new agent is now tracking the group. The 3FT has very few operatives in this system, but the Shattered Planet Security Service (SPS) is present. The SPS does not have the funding and technological advantages as the 3FT, but it has numerous field agents. This new agent tailing the group is an agent of the SPS.

Starport Encounter: The Dean Team seeks an opportunity to make its escape from the starport. A buzz circles around the starport as news of a starship entering the Abin system has received heavy combat damage. No further news is available, and the team really wants to get out of the starport before it is shut down. To further complicate things, the team detects the SPS agent tailing them around the starport.

Resolve the Plan: The group successfully exits the starport; however, the SPS agent is following them from a distant. In order to leave, the group was required to surrender their weapons. The team members gladly comply.

GM Note: Abin has 7 regions and 47 cities located on the main continent of the planet. The secret base of the insurgents is located in a rural area in Region 7, outside of City 47. The team has 49 days to reach the contact who will escort them to the secret base. There should be plenty of time to reach the contact. If the group does not make a connection with the contact by day 365, the contact will leave and the mission will be a failure.


The group will attempt to shake the SPS tail. As the team passes through Regions 1-3, it appears the SPS agent is no longer following them.
Resolve the Plan: The group attempts to enter Region 4, but is stopped at a government checkpoint and they are denied passage. A soldier informs them the restriction on travel outside of Regions 1-3 will end in a few days, and she encourages the group to return at that time. Dean believes their identities have not been compromised, and this restriction on travel is unrelated to the team's presence.


The team sets out again for the secret base. Ilar Xenith turns white as a ghost when the group approaches the checkpoint at Region 4. He claims to have spotted the agent who was tailing them earlier. None of the other members of the Dean Team noticed anyone following them, and they try to encourage Ilar that everything is alright. Ilar is becoming visibly nervous and making paranoid ramblings about the group having been made by the authorities. In the end, the group successfully passes through the Region 4 checkpoint and proceeds to the next checkpoint.

Resolve the Plan: The group makes it to Region 6. The group finds a local hotel in City 36, and will proceed to Region 7 the next day. The team departs in the morning for Region 7 and makes it through the last region checkpoint.


Resolve the Plan: The team makes its way from City 41 and should be able to reach City 47 by 338-1120. While proceeding through City 46, the group's air-raft is involved in an accident. Ilar Xenith received a minor injury to his head. The Dean Team will be delayed in City 46 for at least a week in order to secure new transportation.


The group successfully secures a new air-raft for the last leg of their journey.

Resolve the Plan: As the team heads toward the edge of City 46, they are stopped by a mass demonstration. Citizens in the rural areas of Abin are not supporters of the new government in charge of the planet. They have no love for the 3FT or the SPS. The protests are peaceful, but travel is all but impossible while the protests are being held.


The group sets out once again for City 47. Ilar is becoming more delusional and keeps insisting the team is being followed by an agent. Kyle and Jansen conduct some recon and do not detect anyone following them.

Resolve the Plan: The group is stopped by local law enforcement. Dean is informed by a police sergeant that the earlier protests in City 46 have triggered riots in City 47. All routes leading to City 47 are now closed. He has no idea how long the closures will last.

GM Note: Ilar's head injury has made his delusions even worse. The team has been successfully covering their tracks. No one is tailing them. What should have been a trip that takes no more than 7 days to complete has taken 22 days, and the team is still not at its destination. There is still plenty of time, but the contact rendezvous is quickly approaching.


It takes almost a fortnight for the riots/protests to settle down and for city connecting roads to reopen. The group now has only 7 days to make the rendezvous with the insurgent contact.

Resolve the Plan: As the team approaches the outskirts of City 47, they are stopped by soldiers manning a makeshift military checkpoint. The team is denied passage, but is told to check back tomorrow. The checkpoint guard tells Dean that he believes they will be leaving the area in a day or two since things have settled down in the city. The soldier's estimate was accurate, and the group was allowed to proceed to City 47 on 359-1120.


Dean Halvaard informs the team members of the departure of Ilar Xenith. When he went into Ilar's room at the local hostel he found Ilar and his possessions missing. A brief note on the night stand reads, “They have found us. I am getting out now. You would all be wise to do the same thing.” The team members believe Ilar's head injuries must be more severe than they originally thought. There is still no evidence of the team being followed by anyone.
Dean presses the group to make haste and prepare to depart City 47 as quickly as possible. Word on the street has it that the long anticipated civil war is about to break loose. “We do not want to be anywhere near here when that happens,” was Dean's comment regarding the rumor.

Resolve the Plan: As the team approached City 47's last checkpoint to the rural countryside, Dean pushed the air-raft a bit too much, and he had to make a rather tricky maneuver in order to keep the air-raft from crashing through the checkpoint gate. An angry military captain began to read Dean the riot act for his approach to the checkpoint. “Are you looking to get shot??” replied the Captain. “Sorry, sir. All this rioting and protests have me jumpy, and I am just trying to get home,” was Dean's reply. The conciliatory tone of Dean's words did little to ease the Captain's anger. “Papers. NOW,” barked the Captain! All of the team members presented their IDs to the Captain. Several other soldiers quickly surrounded the air-raft. After a few minutes, which felt like several days, the Captain returned the team members' IDs. The Captain's next words were devastating. “Passage DENIED for twelve days! I suggest you turn around and go back to the city.” Before Dean could get a word out, the Captain warned him that any word spoken by him or any other occupants of the air-raft would result in their immediate detention. Without saying a word, the team retreated back to the city. The mission has failed!!!

GM Notes: The mission ends in failure. I decided to continue the adventure with the group attempting to locate the hidden base, but their attempts never succeeded. A few other endeavors that had the Dean Team within striking distance of a leader of the 3 Fists Triumvirate resulted in the death of Kyle Rheimer. At this point, I decided to bring this adventure to a close.
I will be posting an epilogue of my first-time experience using Zozer Games' SOLO in the near future.
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SOLO Campaign-Dean Team Epilogue

I completed this adventure way back in October of 2019. This was my first time playing a solo rpg, and my first time using Zozer Games' SOLO system. I started with the Classic Traveller system, but switched to Cepheus Engine shortly after the first game play of the Dean Team Campaign.

The characters used for this adventure were from “Supplement 13 – Veterans” from GDW. I decided to use pre-generated CT characters in order to get right into game play. This turned out to be bad decision on my part. The characters really did not have the proper skills for an espionage style mission. It would have helped to incorporate at least two agent characters such as those that can be generated on the Agent Career Character Generation Chart in Cepheus Engine. I gave some thought of modifying my Dean Team characters, but decided to see how things would go with the original stats.

I utilized the campaign style “Campaign: Travellers” from the SOLO RPG Campaigns Book (p. 53). I used the checklist outlined on p. 53 to conduct my campaign. I slightly modified this checklist as I played the campaign, but for the most part, I followed the SOLO checklist.

The heart of the SOLO system is “The Plan.” I followed this system throughout my Dean Team Campaign. “The Plan” is a mechanic to resolve a scene. Each plan has a difficulty and danger level. Here is a sample from my play of the Dean Team:

The Plan: The group will attempt to make contact with the Secret Base.
Difficulty: Shaky [required roll = 10+]
Danger Level: Dangerous [“There is chance of physical injury, even death, if things go wrong]
Roll 2d6 to resolve the plan: If the modified roll is less than 10, there is a bad consequence. If the modified roll is = or > than 10, there is a good consequence.

The idea is to take the results of the plan resolution and role play what happened. This can sometimes feel confusing, but after a few times of using “The Plan,” I found it easier to role play the results. In the above example of my Dean Team's last plan, the group failed their success roll. No physical injury resulted , and the bad consequence was “part of the mission was failed or incriminating evidence left behind.” I decided to make the failed plan result a mission failure due to the group's failure to make contact by the time deadline. I role played the group searching the area and making inquiries of the locals. I used the “Tell Me, D6” mechanic outlined on p. 37 of SOLO to assist the role play of the characters interacting with the locals around the area of the secret base. Since the group did not roll the required 10+ and failed the mission, I conducted the role play of the scene with the possibility of the group encountering the secret police. Fortunately for the Dean Team, they did not encounter an undercover government agent which would have certainly resulted in the arrest and/or termination of the group as spies.

Overall, I find Zozer's SOLO to be a useful tool to play Travelller/Cepheus Engine solo. SOLO is not a book full of random charts and endless dice rolling. I find it to be a set of tools to assist with fleshing out the story of your solo rpg campaign.

SOLO has enabled me to move beyond the simple dice rolling resolution mechanic and to get into creating a story. A journal notebook to write out the story narrative is paramount when using SOLO. For some, it will feel like a writing assignment that lacks the interaction and experience of role playing with other people. For many, it will expand your imagination as you play and write out your solo gaming experience. It has been an enriching experience for me and I look forward to my next SOLO campaign.

My next SOLO campaign has already started. I am using Cepheus Light from Stellagama Publishing for my character generation and play of this new campaign. I am not sure if I will post an account of this campaign on COTI, but you never know.

I wish to thank all of you who have followed my posts of the Dean Team Campaign.

Sir James