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A better subsidized merchant


I've been thinking about ships, profitability and cargo recently. The Free Trader and to a lesser extent the Far Trader are practically default ship for the game, but their profitability, or sustainability is marginal. Large ships, in theory, have better economics due to the better mass ratio larger drives, the better ship size to bridge ratio for the minimum 20 ton bridge requirement and better ratio of ship size to crew requirements. A merchant will need one extra crew, a Navigator, but still comes out ahead on usable space/crew space.

A free trader will lose 10% of it's mass to the bridge. 7.5% to it's drives, and 10% to crew cabins. And 15%to fuel. A 400 ton merchant will lose 5% to the bridge, 6.25% to drives, 5% to crew cabins, and 12.5% to fuel. Or 42.5% of the ship's mass taken up by systems, vs %30 for a 400 ton merchant.

BridgeCrewDrivesFuelRemaining Space Percent Usable
Free Trader20 Tons20 Tons15 Tons30 Tons115 Tons57.5%
Merchant20 Tons25 Tons25 Tons50 Tons280 Tons70%

As you can see the Merchant has a substantial advantage over the Free Trader. However when you consider the options available in the core book, we have the Free Trader @ 37.08MCR and the Subsidized Merchant @ 100.035 MCR so your Morgage Payment will be 154,500 cr for the Trader vs 416,813 cr for the Merchant. If we include extra money that has to be set aside for year maintenance and down time, and include crew expenses the yearly operating cost become 2,794,000 for the Free trader, and 6,892,106 for a Merchant. Considering the Free trader has 82 Tons of cargo space vs 200 for the Merchant the cost are: 34,461 cr/ton of cargo for the merchant and 34,087 cr/ ton of cargo for the Free Trader. A virtual tie. But the Merchant in the book has a very key flaw, It's carrying a 20 ton launch, which adds 14 Mcr to the price. Removing the launch, and using that space give us a ship that costs 86.035 MCR with 220 tons cargo, 15 tons are lost to "space reserved for dive upgrades" and it's payment is reduced to 358,480 cr. This "Slim Merchant" would have an annual expense of, 6,052,100 Mcr or 27,510 cr/usable ton. A decent improvement over the Free Trader.

But there's still room for improvement, It's carrying C/C/C drives which add another 17 Mcr to the price, dropping these to B/B/B drops the ship's cost to 69.035 Mcr, no space is gained as this remains part of the Engineering section, but the economics improve. The payment is 287,625 cr, the annual expenses are 5,031,800 and the expense per usable ton is 22,837 cr/ton. Which is much more manageable than the 34,087 for the Free Trader. But there's still 25 tons wasted to "space reserved to drives" So if you go forego the Standard Hull you can gain 25 tons at a cost of 24 Mcr, probably not a great deal, but.....

The "Clean Trader" would have "B/B/B" drives, A comp 1, 5 staterooms for crew, 279 Tons usable space, and cost 86.5 Mcr. Additional fittings for passengers could be added to this. It annual cost would be almost identical to the "Slim merchant 1" which is the subsidized merchant without the launch. 368,750cr/month 6,2000,000/year or 22,143 cr/usable ton. very slightly better than the STD merchant. Fitting it out with passenger cabins, low berth and streamlining would change the economic some, but it's still better than a Free Trader. And very slightly better than the "Slim merchant 1"

But I've still got one more scheme to try, combining standard hulls. If I can put together 2 standard 200 ton hulls I get a hull that is 400 tons costs 16 Mcr, offers 370 tons of usable space, and 30 tons reserved for drive. The cost is the same as the standard 400 ton hull, but it gains 20 tons usable space. Using this approach, you could build a ship for the same cost as the Subsidized merchant, but with 20 tons more space. 30 tons for Engines vs 50 Tons for engines. At that point you are looking at a 400 ton streamlined ship with B/B/B drives, Comp 1, 13 staterooms, 9 Low berths, 2 hard points, 2 tons for fire control, 240 tons of cargo space, basically a Subsidized without the launch, 30 tons reserved for drives instead of 50. The cost should be identical to the Subsidized Merchant minus the launch and downgraded to B/B/B drives. The cost would be 69.035 Mcr, the payment would be 287,625 Mcr, the annual expense would be 5,031,800, and the overhead is 20,965 cr/ ton of cargo.

You could do the same trick, putting 4 * 100 ton hulls together, but then you'd be losing 60 tons to engineering, rather than 30. You would end up with a 400 ton streamlined ship with B/B/B drives, Comp 1, 13 staterooms, 9 Low berths, 2 hard points, 2 tons for fire control, 210 tons of cargo space, basically a Subsidized without the launch, 60 tons reserved for drives instead of 50. The cost should be identical to the Subsidized Merchant minus the launch and downgraded to B/B/B drives, minus 8 MCr for 4*STD 100 tons hulls vs 1 * STD 400 Hull. The cost would be 61.035 Mcr, the payment would be 254,313 Cr, the annual expense would be 4,552,100 Cr and the overhead is 21,667 cr/ ton of cargo. The space lost to the Engineering/drive section really hurts this build.

Assuming you could reclaim the space reserved for engines, you could have a You would end up with a 400 ton streamlined ship with B/B/B drives, Comp 1, 13 staterooms, 9 Low berths, 2 hard points, 2 tons for fire control, 245 tons of cargo space, basically a Subsidized without the launch, and 25 tons used for drives instead of 50. The cost should be identical to the previous example, @ 61.035 Mcr, the payment& annual expense would be still be 254,313 Cr/month and 4,552,100 Cr/Year but the overhead would be 18,580 cr/ ton of cargo.

Comparing the ships you end up with something like this:

With the "Slim Merchant 2.2" being 2 * 200 hulls, the "Slim Merchant 2.4 being 4 * 100 hulls, and the "Slim Merchant 2.4 A" having the 35 tons of unused space in the engineering section used for Fuel Tankage. Which I think is justifiy-able.

And the per trip economics look something like this:
So the Free trader needs 1,420.3 Cr each trip for each ton of cargo space to make a profit, vs 774.2 Cr per ton of cargo space for the revamped merchant. There is still room to improve, for example buying unrefined fuel and refining it on ship, and this doesn't consider passengers. But pretty much any improvement you can make on a Free Trader you can make on a Merchant.
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Simplify and add lightness.

Take the Subbie, ditch the small craft and over-sized drives:
R1-4211111-000000-00000-0       MCr 67,6         400 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=5
batteries                                           TL=12
            Pass=8 Low=9 Cargo=220 Fuel=50 EP=4 Agility=1
Single Occupancy    LBB2 design                   220,5      75,2
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined      400 Dt          4          400           
Configuration       Cone               2                     20 
Scoops              Streamlined                                 

Engineering                                        25           
Jump Drive          B                  1    1      15        20 
Manoeuvre D         B                  1    1       3         8 
Power Plant         B                  1    1       7        16 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      50           
Bridge                                      1      20         2 
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                 13      52         6,5
Low Berths                                  9       4,5       0,5
Cargo                                             220,5         
Empty hardpoint                             2       2         0,2
Nominal Cost        MCr 75,15            Sum:     220,5      75,2
Class Cost          MCr  8,27           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 67,64                                   
Crew &               High     4        Crew          Bridge     2
Passengers            Mid     4           5       Engineers     1
                      Low     9                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     2
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                 No subsidy         
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 67,64       kCr 13 527          kCr 282              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 135 270          High           Cr  32 000
Fuel                Cr  25 000          Middle         Cr  25 600
Life Support        Cr  23 700          Low            Cr   7 200
Salaries            Cr   9 600          Cargo          Cr 176 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 705                                   
Berthing            Cr     400                                   
Summa              kCr     197                        kCr     241
     Income potential per jump     kCr 44                   
  Yearly yield on down payment      8,2%
Breakeven at 65% full or about Cr650/Dt payload.

And it only uses a single hull...

The basic tramp traders are economically marginal deliberately, you are supposed to need to adventure to make a buck.
But there's still room for improvement, It's carrying C/C/C drives
I'm of the opinion that C/C/C drives (35 combined tons) are "ideal" for a single engineering crew position.
Drive-C yields:
  1. Code: 1 @ 600 tons
  2. Code: 2 @ 300 tons
  3. Code: 3 @ 200 tons
  4. Code: 4 @ 150 tons
  5. Code: 5 @ 120 tons
  6. Code: 6 @ 100 tons
So in that respect, I would argue that a J1/1G Subsidized Merchant ought to have been designed to be a 600 ton starship with C/C/C drives, not a 400 ton form factor. Even better yet, install fuel purification and significant collapsible fuel tank options to enable multi-jump capability so as to be able to go "off Main" when market conditions call for it.

Likewise, if LBB2.81 had been "more formulaic" with its presentation of (pertinent) information, making it easier to work with intermediate tonnages (in a formulaic way) ... the J2/2G Far Trader ought to have been a 300 ton starship with C/C/C drives, not a 200 ton form factor.
better ratio of ship size to crew requirements.
Your analysis did not include life support expenses.

So your annual crew salary is correct ... if a year only has 12 months.
The imperial calendar is actually 13 months of 4 weeks of 7 days each, plus 1 day for annual holiday.

So a Free Trader will have a crew of:
  • Pilot = Cr6000 per 4 weeks
  • Engineer = Cr4000 per 4 weeks
  • Steward = Cr3000 per 4 weeks
  • Medic = Cr2000 per 4 weeks
Which totals out to Cr15,000 per 4 weeks.
Crew salaries must be paid (to retain crew) even when a craft is not operating (such as being laid up for annual overhaul maintenance or the crew is taking an "extended vacation" away from operational service).

13 months @ Cr15,000 per month = Cr195,000 per annum

Life support expenses are Cr2000 per person per 2 weeks.
Assuming a "worst case" scenario of a starship operating for 50 weeks out of 52 weeks per year (so as to leave 2 weeks for annual overhaul maintenance during the year), that would mean needing to pay life support overhead expenses 25 times per year for a crew of 4.

25 * 2000 * 4 = Cr200,000 per annum

In other words, life support expenses are actually higher than salaries for your crew of 4 people.
Oh ... and, um ... life support expenses for high/middle/low passengers cost EXTRA on top of that. :oops:

There's a reason why in my own merchant starship design research I'm so keen on finding ways to offset expenses such as life support (by dedicating tonnage and construction cost to Regenerative Life Support Biome Laboratory space for life support, along with hull streamlining and fuel purification plant allocation to enable onboard refining of fuel from wilderness refueling. Reducing both of those costs to "near zero" goes a LONG way towards improving the economic viability of a starship class design as a merchant, even if that means reducing the revenue tonnage fraction of the hull form factor. There are, of course, some tradeoffs involved ... but onboard fuel purification is such a NO BRAINER since it basically "pays for itself" (in terms of fuel purchase cost avoidance) within just a few jumps that you seriously need "rocks for brains" not to include a fuel purification plant on ANY profit minded merchant design.
Or 42.5% of the ship's mass taken up by systems, vs %30 for a 400 ton merchant.
And THIS is the key insight.
There are going to be "breakpoints" where if you go "too small" on your hull tonnage, you won't be getting the "most" out of your crew (that you're paying for, regardless) OR your revenue tonnage faction ... so the overall design winds up being barely economical and tramp free traders will struggle to break even, let alone turn a profit.

This is where doing a comparative analysis can help reveal a few important facts.

If you design a J1/1G @ 600 tons with C/C/C drives starship ... and a J2/2G @ 300 tons with C/C/C drives starship ... and then compare their economics (construction cost, operational expenses annualized) to an equivalency in construction cost(s) spent on J1/1G @ 200 tons with A/A/A drives Free Traders (so, presumably, 2-3x as many starships in your "merchant fleet"), you'll start to notice just how marginal the 200 ton Free Trader is in actual operation if needing to "make ends meet" on ticket revenues alone.

The larger starships, with comparable crews per ship (make it no more than 5: pilot, navigator, engineer, steward, medic) will basically use about the same number of people to move a LOT more revenue tonnage (passengers, freight cargo, you know the drill) and therefore be much more economical to operate in terms of revenue vs expenses.

And then, just for fun, you can try ARMING your comparative designs, to see what happens when you need to add gunnery crews (so you can carry mail contracts). Spoiler alert, smaller starships are going to "go red" 📉 on their balance of revenues vs expenses a lot faster than larger starships will because turrets (and the gunnery crews for them) are going to consume MORE of the revenue tonnage fraction available on smaller starships than will happen on the larger starships. Even if you limit yourself to just 2 turrets and a gunnery crew of 2, you're going to pretty easily see the advantage of having a larger form factor hull size REALLY QUiCKLY. 😅
So in that respect, I would argue that a J1/1G Subsidized Merchant ought to have been designed to be a 600 ton starship with C/C/C drives, not a 400 ton form factor
Ok, that simply hadn't occurred to me as an explanation for the C drives -- they started at 600Td then chopped 200Td off for game-mechanical reasons and forgot to re-calculate the drives?


But that 35Td of drives, combined with the engineering crew rule, seems oddly coincidental.
But that 35Td of drives, combined with the engineering crew rule, seems oddly coincidental.
  1. C/C/C = 20+5+10 = 35 tons = 1 engineering crew position
  2. F/F/F = 35+11+19 = 65 tons = 2 engineering crew positions
  3. K/K/K = 55+19+31 = 105 tons = 3 engineering crew positions
  4. N/N/N = 70+25+40 = 135 tons = 4 engineering crew positions
  5. S/S/S = 90+33+52 = 175 tons = 5 engineering crew positions
Not much of a coincidence, just a simple straightforward progression.

If anything, the 35 tons of drives = 1 engineering crew position was probably selected so as to make it so that D/D/D drives (25+7+13=45), which are the "highest" drives possible @ TL=9, would require 2 engineering crew positions and therefore be "relatively uneconomical" in terms of crew salary+life support overhead expenses when optimizing for "crew productivity utilization" in the design of starships.
Simplify and add lightness.

Take the Subbie, ditch the small craft and over-sized drives:
You're using the cost for the standard hull (MCr16 base+MCr4 for streamlining=MCr20) where it'd be MCr48 under HG (Conf 2) or MCr44 under LBB2 (custom streamlined) for custom hulls that don't waste 25Td of drive bay space when you're using a set of Size B drives. Standard 400Td hull has a drive bay sized for Size D drives with 5Td left over...

Use a Flattened Sphere hull instead, that's MCr24 and gets you a lot closer on cost -- but isn't close to canon in appearance.
Ok, that simply hadn't occurred to me as an explanation for the C drives -- they started at 600Td then chopped 200Td off for game-mechanical reasons and forgot to re-calculate the drives?


But that 35Td of drives, combined with the engineering crew rule, seems oddly coincidental.
It's not that they started with a 600 tom design and then chopped down the cargo,
It's because LBB '77 had a different table for drives, A 400 ton ship needed type C drives to get Jump/Maneuver 1
The subsidized freighter is a LBB 2 '77 design that has been carried forward to later editions.


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So your annual crew salary is correct ... if a year only has 12 months.
The imperial calendar is actually 13 months of 4 weeks of 7 days each, plus 1 day for annual holiday.
Interesting point,
If that's the case then the ships loan math is a little off, it's supposed to be a 40 year payoff with 480 payments.
13 payments a year would give you 520 payments, so either it's a 36.9 year payoff with 480 payments or it's 520 in 40 years.🤔

I suppose you could say the loan allows a one month payment amnesty to allow for maintenance. That would put you back at 480 payments in 40 years.
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It's not that they started with a 600 tom design and then chopped down the cargo,
It's because LBB '77 had a different table for drives, A 400 ton ship needed type C drives to get Jump/Maneuver 1
The subsidized freighter is a LBB 2 '77 design that has been carried forward to later editions.
So it does fit the "C drives are as big as you can go with a single engineer" parameter, while also making (in that edition) that mean J1/1G in 400Td.

The 50Td drive bay of the standard hull implies a J2/2G version being what the hull is really meant to be used for. (And there's enough room for an oversized power plant to enable Double-Fire, too.) IMO, it's a built-in upgrade path for a player party [ Type A (mustering out benefit) -> Type A2 (purchased) -> Type R (purchased/subsidized) -> Type R2 (upgrade of the current ship) ]
So it does fit the "C drives are as big as you can go with a single engineer" parameter, while also making (in that edition) that mean J1/1G in 400Td.

The 50Td drive bay of the standard hull implies a J2/2G version being what the hull is really meant to be used for. (And there's enough room for an oversized power plant to enable Double-Fire, too.) IMO, it's a built-in upgrade path for a player party [ Type A (mustering out benefit) -> Type A2 (purchased) -> Type R (purchased/subsidized) -> Type R2 (upgrade of the current ship) ]
Even with the upgrade it doesn't work out exactly correct, a standard 400 ton hull has 50 tons for drives, C/C/C is 35, and D/D/D is 45, so you end up with 5 tons left over. I suppose you could make the engineers hot-rack it in the engineering section.....
Even with the upgrade it doesn't work out exactly correct, a standard 400 ton hull has 50 tons for drives, C/C/C is 35, and D/D/D is 45, so you end up with 5 tons left over. I suppose you could make the engineers hot-rack it in the engineering section.....
Go with D/D/E to allow double-fire (Power plant one drive letter above M-Drive), so you're only wasting 2Td and it doesn't give away that's the only reason why the standard hull has extra space back there.

Also, the wasted space (lifeboat and unused drive space) brings the cost per payload ton up closer to that of a Type A despite the Subby's proportionately smaller bridge (5% instead of 10%) so the cargo rules work with that ship too.
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Ok, that simply hadn't occurred to me as an explanation for the C drives -- they started at 600Td then chopped 200Td off for game-mechanical reasons and forgot to re-calculate the drives?
C drives were required in LBB2'77. The Subbie just wasn't reconstructed for LBB2'81.

The Sub Liner was reconstructed with a smaller MD and a bigger PP, and the standard 600 Dt hull was changed to accommodate that.
LBB2'77 didn't require the PP to support the JD, so the ship had J-3, M-1, and PP-1.
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You're using the cost for the standard hull (MCr16 base+MCr4 for streamlining=MCr20) where it'd be MCr48 under HG (Conf 2) or MCr44 under LBB2 (custom streamlined) for custom hulls that don't waste 25Td of drive bay space when you're using a set of Size B drives. Standard 400Td hull has a drive bay sized for Size D drives with 5Td left over...
It's a LBB2 ship, I did waste 25 Dt in Engineering if you looked in the spoiler:
Engineering                                        25         
Jump Drive          B                  1    1      15        20
Manoeuvre D         B                  1    1       3         8
Power Plant         B                  1    1       7        16
Hence 220 Dt cargo, 20 more than the Subbie for replacing the Lifeboat. Nothing extra for the smaller drives.
Go with D/D/E to allow double-fire (Power plant one drive letter above M-Drive), so you're only wasting 2Td and it doesn't give away that's the only reason why the standard hull has extra space back there.
You need a big computer to make that work. Great for a Q-ship, not so great for a merchant...
Use a Flattened Sphere hull instead, that's MCr24 and gets you a lot closer on cost -- but isn't close to canon in appearance.
Slightly more expensive, slightly more cargo, but with the advantage of a fuel purifier:
R1-4611111-000000-00000-0       MCr 69,9         400 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=5
batteries                                           TL=12
            Pass=8 Low=9 Cargo=239 Fuel=50 EP=4 Agility=1
Single Occupancy                                  239,5      87,4
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             4          400           
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     32 
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,4
Jump Drive          B                  1    1      15        20 
Manoeuvre D         B                  1    1       3         8 
Power Plant         B                  1    1       7        16 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      50           
Purifier                                    1       6         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         2 
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                 13      52         6,5
Low Berths                                  9       4,5       0,5
Cargo                                             239,5         
Empty hardpoint                             2       2           
Nominal Cost        MCr 87,38            Sum:     239,5      87,4
Class Cost          MCr 18,35           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 69,90                                   
Crew &               High     4        Crew          Bridge     2
Passengers            Mid     4           5       Engineers     1
                      Low     9                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     2
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                 No subsidy         
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 69,90       kCr 13 981          kCr 291              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 139 808          High           Cr  32 000
Fuel                Cr   5 000          Middle         Cr  25 600
Life Support        Cr  23 700          Low            Cr   7 200
Salaries            Cr   9 600          Cargo          Cr 188 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 796                                   
Berthing            Cr     400                                   
Summa              kCr     181                        kCr     253
     Income potential per jump     kCr 71                   
  Yearly yield on down payment     12,8%
If you go with C/C/C, you are basically at the point of the "Slim Merchant 1" which is the Subsidized Merchant without the Launch.
Economically it reduces your overhead about 20%, Dropping to B/B/B gives you another 13.5%. A 33.5% reduction in overhead is quite attractive to me. IMHO, running C/C/C because it fits and its the max one engineer can do is counterproductive. You don't realize any benefit for the extra 14 Mcr you spend on C Jump & Manuever drives, You could make the case for going to a "D" powerplant if you want.
For a 600 ton Long Merchant the standard hull carves out 85 tons for drives, 14.5% of the hull. With C/C/C drive you get J/M/P 1 and you engineer is used optimally, but you are losing 50 tons to space reserved for drives. Cargo-wise I think your looking at about 385 tons, which starts to get to the higher end of the available cargo on smaller worlds.
As for Life Support, I am of the mind it should be folded into Salary and removed from the price of passages. It's far to fiddly for my taste, especially in the case of crew, it's like you're paying them twice. Just roll the costs together, add 4,000 to the salary of each crew member and be done with it. Anywho that's my take. As for the Economics, if you consider 13 months a year and life support the economics look like this:

Google sheet will let you export as a HTML table, and the form takes it while composing your post. But as soon as you post it the table disintegrates. 😅
Back to posting screenshots.....
I always figured fuel or smuggling space was doable.
Unfortunately LBB2 is rather unforgiving:
LBB2'81, p13:
When hulls are constructed, they are divided into an engineering section for the drives and the main compartment for everything else. All drives and power plants must be located in the engineering section, and only drives and power plants may be placed in that section. All other ship components, including fuel, cargo hold, living space, and computer must be located in the main compartment.
For a 600 ton Long Merchant the standard hull carves out 85 tons for drives, 14.5% of the hull. With C/C/C drive you get J/M/P 1 and you engineer is used optimally, but you are losing 50 tons to space reserved for drives. Cargo-wise I think your looking at about 385 tons, which starts to get to the higher end of the available cargo on smaller worlds.
Skip the standard hull, and take the extra 50 Dt payload:
Standard hull:
L1-6211111-000000-00000-0        MCr 115         600 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=4
batteries                                           TL=12
                         Cargo=405 Fuel=70 EP=6 Agility=1
Single Occupancy    LBB2 design                   405       127,3
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined      600 Dt          6          600           
Configuration       Cone               2                     54 
Scoops              Streamlined                                 

Engineering                                        50           
Jump Drive          C                  1    1      20        30 
Manoeuvre D         C                  1    1       5        12 
Power Plant         C                  1    1      10        24 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      70           
Bridge                                      1      20         3 
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                  4      16         2 
Cargo                                             405           
Empty hardpoint                             3       3         0,3
Nominal Cost        MCr 127,30           Sum:     405       127,3
Class Cost          MCr  14,00          Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 114,57                                   
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     2
Passengers            Mid     0           4       Engineers     1
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                 No subsidy         
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
       MCr 114,57       kCr 22 914          kCr 477              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 229 140          High           Cr       0
Fuel                Cr  35 000          Middle         Cr       0
Life Support        Cr   8 000          Low            Cr       0
Salaries            Cr   8 160          Cargo          Cr 324 000
Maintenance         Cr   4 583                                   
Berthing            Cr     600                                   
Summa              kCr     285                        kCr     324
     Income potential per jump     kCr 39                   
  Yearly yield on down payment      4,2%

Custom Hull:
L1-6211111-000000-00000-0        MCr 125         600 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=4
batteries                                           TL=12
                         Cargo=455 Fuel=70 EP=6 Agility=1
Single Occupancy    LBB2 design                   455       139,3
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             6          600           
Configuration       Cone               2                     66 
Scoops              Streamlined                                 
Jump Drive          C                  1    1      20        30 
Manoeuvre D         C                  1    1       5        12 
Power Plant         C                  1    1      10        24 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      70           
Bridge                                      1      20         3 
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                  4      16         2 
Cargo                                             455           
Empty hardpoint                             3       3         0,3
Nominal Cost        MCr 139,30           Sum:     455       139,3
Class Cost          MCr  15,32          Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 125,37                                   
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     2
Passengers            Mid     0           4       Engineers     1
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                 No subsidy         
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
       MCr 125,37       kCr 25 074          kCr 522              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 250 740          High           Cr       0
Fuel                Cr  35 000          Middle         Cr       0
Life Support        Cr   8 000          Low            Cr       0
Salaries            Cr   8 160          Cargo          Cr 364 000
Maintenance         Cr   5 015                                   
Berthing            Cr     600                                   
Summa              kCr     308                        kCr     364
     Income potential per jump     kCr 56                   
  Yearly yield on down payment      5,6%

And as you pointed out you can't fill them very often with the trade system.