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A couple of ships from my TU


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Here area couple of ships from my homebrew game in case anyone is interested. The first is a Scout Service support tender that acts as a roving base for scouts out on the far frontiers. A home away from home so to speak.

Next is a Gas Giant Refinery inspired by a player's idea of getting rich by setting up a series of refueling stations in systems that don't have rock worlds, but have gas giants that can help bridge the larger gaps between Mains so Free Traders and the like can travel farther.

Last is another in my never ending quest for a speculative/exploratory trading craft that can be manned by a small crew (read: small player group). This particular version has some modifications that were added by the grandfather of the player who inherited it unexpectedly as a way to kick off a side campaign I'm running concurrently with the main one I started a few months ago. Eventually both groups will hook up and begin a new chapter in the campaign arc.

This model has a had a surplus Fire Can beam-rider system added to the avionics bay which allows for a +1 to hit with missiles. To put that in perspective I require a raw 8+ for a missile to hit unless it has some advanced design. It may be heretical but its better than having players get annihilated by "Robotech Missile Swarms".

Anyway, I'm bored tonight and thought I'd post these for merciless criticism.
Oh, forgot this one:

Pegasus-class Deep Survey Scout TL-12

400 ton streamlined wedge w/ scoops and fuel purifier

Jump Drive (3) Jump-3
Maneuver Drive (3) 2-G (Agility 2 / Emergency agility 3)
Power Plant (7) (EP=7)

Fuel = 136 tons Cargo = 27 tons

Computer = Model 5 (CPU-12/ Storage-25)

Vehicles = Grav Carrier (equipped with VRF Gauss Gun)

Weapons = 4 turrets:

Staterooms= 26

Crew: Captain
Executive Officer
Chief Medical Officer

4 Gunners (Marines rotate watches with the Scout gunners)
3 Midshipmen
3 Services Techs (cooks, etc.)
2 Medical Orderlies
Chief Engineer
4 Engineer Mates

Marines: Captain
Gunnery Sgt

Squad One: Lieutenant
10 Marines

Squad Two
: Lieutenant
10 Marines
Murmansk-class Scout Support Tender (type SD) TL-15

40,000 ton close structure w/ scoops and fuel purifier (High Guard design)

Jump Drive (5) Jump-5
Maneuver Drive (1) 1-G (Agility 0 / Emergency agility 1)
Power Plant (5) (energy=2000)

Fuel = 22,000 tons Cargo = 850 tons

Computer = Model 6fib (CPU-15/ Storage-35)

Vehicles = 2 Shuttles
2 Cutters / 2 extra modules (typically 2 passenger and 2 cargo)
100 ton Assembly / Maintenance Deck
Docking facilities for: 15, 100 ton type S & S(b) Scoutships
10, 150 ton type S(k) Scoutships

Crew: (126 Staterooms)

>Command< >Engineering<
Captain 1 Chief Engineer
XO/2nd Pilot 50 Ratings
Pilot >Flight<
Navigator 4 Small Craft Pilots
2 Medical Officers 4 Small Craft Nav/Gunners
Communications 60 Ground Crew

Medical Facilities include 4 Autodocs (16 total capacity) and 5 Emergency Low Berths

The Type SD (Scout Tender) Murmansk-class is designed to provide a mobile support base for scoutships operating throughout the Terran Empire. The ship carries enough supplies and has the facilities to repair and maintain scout ships of all 3 classes, and also acts as a transport to carry the shorter ranged scouts rapidly to areas where they are to be deployed.

The vessels are considered fleet tenders and not armed, but since they carry up to 25 scouts and are not considered a warship of the line they don’t need to be. The ships carry entertainment and relaxation facilities for the scout crews, and are available for use by “detached” scouts on a limited, first-come basis.

Ships in class include Murmansk, Portsmouth, New Bedford, Nantucket
Gas Giant Refining Platform (GGRP) TL-13

50,000 ton dispersed structure

Maneuver Drive (6) 6-G (Agility 1 / Emergency agility 6)

Power Plant (7) EP= 3500

Fuel = 3500 tons Dry Cargo = 1915

Computer = Model 6fib (CPU-15/ Storage-35)

Vehicles = 20 Fueling Lighters
3 Shuttles (Personnel)
3 Shuttles (Cargo)

= 0

= 550

Low Berths= 100

Emergency Low Berth= 0

Crew: 547

Bulk Fuel Capacity: 20,000 tons (refined)
5,000 tons (unrefined)

Docking Facilities for Refueling
: Ships (refined only) x50
Small Craft (either) x50
Incoming Pump Stations x20

Crew Detail:

Captain / Manager Engineering 120
Pilots 2 Fueling Crew 150
Navigator 2 Service 150
Commo 2 Flight Crews (including Ground Crew and extra pilots to aid
Medical Section 20 refueling operations) 100

The GGRP is a maneuverable refinery for processing L-Hyd fuel from Gas Giant atmospheres and acting as a refueling station for ship traffic with that refined fuel. The platform’s carried Fueling Lighters operate of a round-the-clock schedule maintained by the GGRP’s computers scooping raw fuel and returning it to the incoming pump stations where it is transferred for processing. Processing begins with storage in the 5000 ton raw tankage storage, from there it is refined and transferred to the refined fuel tankage. As adjustments to the schedule are needed based on demand the computer makes those adjustments in the Lighter schedules.

Starships can refuel at the standard prices for refined fuel at any of the 50 docking stations, but size will dictate priority. Each station can accommodate up to 500 tons of ship, so a 5000 ton ship would require 10 stations to dock and fuel.

Small craft refueling stations can pump either refined or raw fuel depending on the customer’s needs, though small craft can use raw fuel without the ill effects it has on jump drives.

The GGRP has massive 6G maneuver drives to help it maintain position over the gas giant’s powerful gravity well. The GGRP can also use the drives to move to any orbit in its system to help deliver fuel should the need arise. When the GGRP is under acceleration to a different orbit it cannot perform refueling operations except by launching and recovering its own Fueling Lighters.

Fueling Lighter 55 MCr TL-12

600 ton streamlined wedge w/ scoops and processors

Maneuver Drive (C) 1-G (Agility 1 / Emergency agility 1)

Power Plant (C)

Fuel = 10 tons Cargo = 500 tons (fuel) / 38 tons (dry)

Computer = Model 1bis (CPU-4/ Storage-0)

Vehicles = 0

= 0

= 4

Low Berths= 0

Emergency Low Berth= 0

Crew: Captain /Pilot
2 Engineers
(Second engineer helps w/ fueling operations)

The standard in-system refueling craft is the 600 ton Fueling Lighter. The ship is used to supplement refueling operations for starports by servicing ships not capable of atmospheric re-entry, for scooping and ferrying raw fuel to Gas Giant Refueling Platforms (GGRP), and sometimes carried onboard bulk carriers to allow them to scoop and refine raw fuel.

Because of the craft’s unfortunate official designation crews often call this type of lighter a “Zippo”, “Torch”, or similar nickname. The official Ramship LIC (the primary builder) record shows, however, that there is no greater incidence of onboard fires or explosions than in any similar craft. Instead, the term “lighter” merely comes from the long tradition of designating ships and craft after wet naval terms. Lighters were small craft that serviced ships too large to dock for refueling and resupply.
Venture-class Frontier Trader TL-10

400 ton streamlined wedge w/ scoops and fuel purifier

Jump Drive (E) Jump-2
Maneuver Drive (F) 3 -G
Power Plant (F)

Fuel = 150 tons (J-2+J-1) Cargo = 120 tons

Computer = Model (CPU-5/ Storage-9)

Vehicles = Air/Raft

Weapons = 1 Double Beam Laser Turret
2 extra hardpoints

Staterooms= 10

Minimum Crew: Pilot
2 Engineer

One of a long line of exploratory merchant ships, the Venture-class is the first of a highly successful design. Other than the ubiquitous 200t Free Trader and Type-S Scout this is the most common craft found in known space. The ship is capable of frontier refueling with scoops and purifiers, 3 hardpoints for turrets and has a large cargo hold for transport.

This particular Venture has already been fitted with a double turret containing 2 Beam lasers and a 10-ton ATV cradle installed in the cargo spaces (the cradle does not deduct from cargo volume unless used to hold an ATV or smaller vehicle).

The ship also has a surplus Fire Can Beam-rider targeting system installed in the forward avionics which allows for a +1DM to hit with missiles. The system still requires the Launch program to be running in the ship’s computer in order to launch missiles, but is otherwise self-contained.