From MgT Starports (pg 51):
[M;]Edited to avoid copiright violation[/m;]
From this, I take it that starship/boat/small craft construction capability is potentially independent of Starport Class.
A Shipyard (Spacecraft) (the smallest facility to build Starships) costs 5 billion credits, constructs 500 dTons of craft per week (26,000 dTons of starships per year), and can build anything up to, but not over 5000 dTons (which would require 10 weeks of the yards full capacity to build.
I had simply posited that a pirate might not need 5000 dTon maximum ship size or 26,000 dTons per year production capacity ... and might build a hypothetical 1/10 scale "Pirate" Shipyard (Spacecraft) at a cost of 500 million credits, a maximum ship size of 500 dTons and a 50 dTon per week (2,600 dTon per year) production capacity.
Object lesson:
I self-reported a post that I was unsure of.
I was wrong in my copyright assumptions.
An Administrator fixed it.
So without quoting, I can still paraphrase important ideas:
Based on the MgT Starports book, there are three different 'modular shipyards' that can be purchased.
Shipyard (Small Craft) is typically found at Class C starports, costs 2 billion credits to construct, can build non-starships up to 100 dTons and can construct 100 dTons of ship per week (5200 dTons per year).
Shipyard (Spacecraft) is typically found at Class B starports, costs 5 billion credits to construct, can build starships up to 5000 dTons and can construct 500 dTons of ship per week (26,000 dTons per year).
Shipyard (Capital Ship) is typically found at Class A starports, costs 20 billion credits to construct, can build starships of any size and can construct 1000 dTons of ship per week (52,000 dTons per year).
Useful reference data for this conversation.
[and now completely legal]