then that's (one place) where law enforcement will focus.
"ok, where's this computer from?" "how should I know, got it from a guy on planet dingo 01." "look, if I get investigated I have to tell them something. where's it from?" "an A2 crashed, it's salvage, that's all I know. just tryin' t'make a livin' here." "hull number, incident report number, insurance investigation number?" "should be coming in on the next x-boat. geez, look, I'll give it to you for 10% of what it's worth, ok?" "ok, but if they come after me I'm pointing right at you." "gimme the cash."
two years later. scout swat team shows up, thundering through the door in full combat armor. "who? or we're confiscating this whole ..." "don't shoot it wasn't me it was benny fuzzball he runs the ics scowbucket through here twice a year here's his picture." "where?" "should be showing up on planet pinko 02 in two weeks he has a girlfriend there don't shoot I got kids." "you'll be getting an assessment notification in a few weeks, I suggest you pay it." they thunder out.