Today I've decided to build a small free trader. I'm NOT going to follow the current BBB method of selecting a hull size, installing appropriate power, maneuver, and jump, and then adding the rest of the components.
I'm going to create the basics first, and only then will I install the actual drives. This is just an example, to give you an idea how I think it should actually work.
The method should work for any ship. I'll start with a TL-10 version, and eventually I will "upgrade" to a TL-16 version. That will cause the price to go up, but it'll show how the TL stage effects work.
The basics - I want at least 80 tons of cargo space, room for 6 passengers, and 20 low berths. It'll have a 4-person crew, and simple medical facilities. We'll include a small crew lounge, and a slightly larger passenger lounge. Hmmm...better include luxury life support. Keep it simple with landing skids, default sensors, a basic computer, and be able to wilderness refuel. Finally, I want the ship to have Jump-1 and Maneuver-1. This will require Power-1 as well. We'll make it a streamlined hull, with plate armor. Oh, and probably a steward's station as well.
OK, lets turn that description into a layout of the basics, using the BBB for the components. We'll start with payload, since this is the critical component of the ship. This tends to be the lions share of the tonnage from the description, too!
Looks good so far. Pretty simple, and crew should be happy with separate staterooms! Now we need to look at the physical requirements of the ship, including controls, life support, and other basic hardware.
I don't like mishaps, so my personal preference is to include the purifier. YMMV. So far, we are at 161 tons and 19.8 Mcr. Not bad, but now comes the fun part.
I'm going to create the basics first, and only then will I install the actual drives. This is just an example, to give you an idea how I think it should actually work.
The method should work for any ship. I'll start with a TL-10 version, and eventually I will "upgrade" to a TL-16 version. That will cause the price to go up, but it'll show how the TL stage effects work.
The basics - I want at least 80 tons of cargo space, room for 6 passengers, and 20 low berths. It'll have a 4-person crew, and simple medical facilities. We'll include a small crew lounge, and a slightly larger passenger lounge. Hmmm...better include luxury life support. Keep it simple with landing skids, default sensors, a basic computer, and be able to wilderness refuel. Finally, I want the ship to have Jump-1 and Maneuver-1. This will require Power-1 as well. We'll make it a streamlined hull, with plate armor. Oh, and probably a steward's station as well.
OK, lets turn that description into a layout of the basics, using the BBB for the components. We'll start with payload, since this is the critical component of the ship. This tends to be the lions share of the tonnage from the description, too!
Volume Component Mcr Notes - see page 347 for details
80 Cargo hold - Subject to change - this is our minimum requirment
12 6 Standard stateroom 0.6 6 passengers
1 2 Shared freshers 1.0 Normally 4 passengers per fresher
15 Common area - Small passenger lounge area
10 20 Low berths 10.0 Are you feeling....lucky?
8 4 x Crew stateroom 0.4 4 crew in standard staterooms (nice for them!)
1 2 x Crew freshers 1.0 Again 4 persons per fresher, crew has it good!
10 Crew common area - Small crew lounge
1 Medical console 0.1 Typical workstation, required on any ship
2 Medical clinic 1.0 Counts as passenger space ??
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140 14.1
Looks good so far. Pretty simple, and crew should be happy with separate staterooms! Now we need to look at the physical requirements of the ship, including controls, life support, and other basic hardware.
Volume Component Mcr Notes
- Sensors - Pgs. 323 and 341, Default surface-mounted sensors
8 Bridge w/4 consoles 0.6 Pg. 345, 2 Control and 2 Operating consoles, all spacious
6 Engineering consoles 0.3 Pg. 345, 2 spacious Operating consoles
1 Stewards console 0.1 Pg. 345, went for console instead of workstation
1 Model 1 computer 1.5 Pg. 345, simple but effective
1 Life support, standard 1.0 Pg. 344, 10 people, 30 days
1 add luxury support 1.0 Pg. 345, this is IN ADDITION to regular support
3 Fuel scoop/intake/purify 1.2 Pg. 339, Scoop 200t, Intake 40t, purify 4t per hour
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21 5.7
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