Here is the final build I just completed. Took about 45 minutes total. This does NOT include the cost of the ships boat or G-carrier. Note my math may be wrong in spots - did this by hand.
TL-12 Patrol Curiser (Type-T)
(400) Hull, plate armor 26.0 AV 12
- Skids - Flat landing only
24 Power plant 24.0 Power-4
16 - plant fuel - 30 days
16 Maneuver drive 32.0 M-4
30 Jump drive 30.0 J-3
120 - jump fuel Up to jump-3
- Sensors - Standard surface-mounted arrary
2 Fuel scoop 0.2 400 tons/hr
2 Fuel intake 0.2 80 tons/hr
2 Fuel bin 0.2 40 tons/hr
4 Fuel purifier 4.0 16 tons/hr purified
3 Model/3 ships computer 10.5
4 Basic bridge 0.8 4 typical control consoles
2 Life support 4.0 20 crew, 30 days
60 Hangar - 10t Gcarrier, 30t ships boat
12 6 x single stateroom 0.6 Pilot, Nav, 3 Eng, Medic
12 6 x double stateroom 0.6 4 gunners, 8 troops
1 2 x shared fresher 1.0 Officers
1 3 x shared fresher 1.5 Enlised
0.5 Medical console 0.5 Required
2 Medical clinic 1.0
2 4 x low berths 0.4
30 Crew common area - Includes wardroom
50 Cargo bay -
4 4 x Hybrid triple turret 8.0 Hybrid S/L/M
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399.5 145.5
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