Prefer the term 'mag gun'!
I use "zip gun", as in, "he's been unzipped".
I didn't create this, but don't remember where I saw it...
Prefer the term 'mag gun'!
Heartily agree about the gauss rifle. How do you pronunce that? For us it was 'gorse', but I think technically it should be 'gows'. Prefer the term 'mag gun'!
Book 1 Vacc Suit skill has that (zero-G) covered. And (again iirc) to the earlier "What? no VaccSuit skill for Marines?" issue:
a) VaccSuit is one of the suggested zero-level skills, I see no issue with allowing any PC or important NPC to have VaccSuit-0
b) Using the char gen as written suggests that not all Marines are Battle Dress (elite) troops or even CATs (Combat Armour Troopers - special forces, but not elite). Just the best of the best are turned into BDTs and CATs. The ones who rolled VaccSuit at least once. The rest are possibly more prosaic support elements or simply fighting Marines.
Heartily agree about the gauss rifle. How do you pronunce that? For us it was 'gorse', but I think technically it should be 'gows'. Prefer the term 'mag gun'!
b) Using the char gen as written suggests that not all Marines are Battle Dress (elite) troops or even CATs (Combat Armour Troopers - special forces, but not elite). Just the best of the best are turned into BDTs and CATs. The ones who rolled VaccSuit at least once. The rest are possibly more prosaic support elements or simply fighting Marines.
LBB4 predates LBB5 (bit of an obvious statement that)
It was LBB5 that really started to define the naval organisations that would become the norm for the OTU.
LBB4 marines are ship based troops.
LBB5 introduces planetary, subsector and Imperial navies.
There could well be the same designation for marines.
Then you agree it would be coherent to house rule some discrimination about Imperial Marines, Subsector/Reserve Marines and Planetary Marines?
BTW, I cheated a little, while is true in Bk4 the various levels of the Navy had not yet been defined, but I included MT in my post, and by the release of MT they were well defined (even if the conversion/discrimination, is not clear, from Subsector Navy to Reserve Navy created some confusion). And in MT there's no such discrimination among Marines.
Bk4 Marines are part of the Imperial Army, just one branch if you go by Chargen...
Hiver Lord, AIUI, the term 'zip gun' has a different meaning, and refers to 'home made' weapons produced by and for resistance groups etc using materials to hand, but I could be wrong there.
I use "zip gun", as in, "he's been unzipped".
I didn't create this, but don't remember where I saw it...
Hiver Lord, AIUI, the term 'zip gun' has a different meaning, and refers to 'home made' weapons produced by and for resistance groups etc using materials to hand, but I could be wrong there.
Zip gun = definately homemade gang firearm
It's very clear about them being two separate but similar services... just like the US Army and the USMC.
US is a bad example,
Marines were naval-carried separate sub-service from inception, which predates the US Constitution, and were originally ship-boarding specialists. Naval Infantry were Naval personell seconded to ground combat duties, and were usually ad-hoc units.
See the "US Navy Landing Forces Manual" which google books has...
Never heard that one before; I'll have to remember that one. Thanks!
Sorry, but wrong.
Many nations have separate marines or naval infantry services from the army, and have them trained for ground warfare. Spetznaz, USMC, Royal Marines, RoK Marines, Troupes de marine...