• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

A Random Subsector


- A rule that no starport, naval base, or scout base can exist if the tech level is less than 7, which is the minimum tech level required for space flight.


that could be a problem as some spacefaring
races would have rule over non-spacefaring races
and establish bases over those planets at least
in the traveller universe we know now...

if your making a strek trek like universe
that would be more like that...i would think

you might want to adjust that for traveller...
Q1) "Now you must connect names and planets, plus give a few sentences about a few!"
A1) All of which IS the ref's prerogative and duty! I have one system named "SP5210-A" next to a system named "Fred". Both are TL5 Ag systems, where the former is a strict socialist collective, while the other is best described as being in the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy & Co.

Q2) "How do you determine TL?"
A2) Roll 1D+1, then apply all DM's IAW book 3, except for the 'Starport' DM's.

Q3) "Where can we get it?"
A3) It's still in v1.07 and has no GUI functions. I won't be satisfied until it can accrete an entire star system right down to each balkanized nation on each world.

Q4) "A rule that no starport, naval base, or scout base can exist if the tech level is less than 7 ... could be a problem as some spacefaring races would have rule over non-spacefaring races and establish bases over those planets at least in the traveller universe we know now."
A4) It is consistent with MTU, in that it is a pocket empire called the 'Maranan Cluster' (after my wife's family name). It is a balkanized region of space, where the economy and politics are such that either the native system must design and build a space program on its own, or provide the planetside manufacturing facilities for someone else's designs. There are variations, of course (see A1, above).

All I have to work with are Books 0 through 8 and GURPS. I'm trying to keep everything as close to CT as possible, while adding features that make sense to me.

If 'Canon' materials were more available to me, then MTU would look more like 'canonical' Traveller. It would also be more predictable...

Made two more updates.

1. The map now shows all member worlds.

2. The UWP listing shows the members as "Gk". Heaven & Earth have hardcoded codes and this was the closest on. I figure Genesis Koalition is the be proper spelling.
How 'bout the Granise Coalition (or Koalition - it can be, and is, spelled both ways on different planets), for a bit of semi-originality?
On the GURPS Traveller Free Forum, a gentleman by the screen-name of Qoltar was asking about context. I put it up in both places to get others to help me come up with some, but my reply is as follows:

As for context, well, it's kind of a vague IMTU thing, yeah, but it can easily be adapted to the OTU. All I'm really sure about is that, IMTU, humans were the Ancients and managed to get very far from Earth (this isn't quite the limit, but you can see it from here), and managed to have a civil war of some kind after a few thousand years and TTL 18 or so (I'd say they were about G3TL 13), and had figured out hyperdrive/warp drive by then - though naturally they had Jump Drives before that. About the only aliens in this region of space are goblins, which are more like a combination of GURPS Yrth goblins and D&D goblins. (There are several different versions of genetically altered humans, but on all worlds except Nazgaol they have either died out or, more often, interbred. On Nazgaol there are also some remnant populations of wild genetic experiments.)

The current polity, the Granise Coalition (or Koalition - it can be, and is, spelled both ways on different planets), is TTL 11/G3TL 9, and originally came about because of the three Class V ports signing a military pact and then a series of economic pacts several decades ago, and settling some worlds (most of the non-travel-zoned Class 1, 2 and 3 ports in blue, plus the lower-population Class IV ports, e.g. Tabitha hex 0709) and buying the rest with port upgrades, defense contracts and other economic incentives such as trade favors. Those that are not members either refused to sign or aren't seen as immediately viable for treaties. Special case: Larissa, hex 0103, has TTL 12/G3TL 10, and has been successfully holding off both economic, diplomatic and military advances by the Coalition. The Coalition has been focused more on internal trade and integration for the past decades, but is now gearing up for a new wave of exploration and colonization. And who knows? There may be more people, human and alien, out there! (So you have an excuse to make, and if you desire post, more subsectors for this.)
More names, courtesy of sn0wball on the SJ Games Free Forum:


I don't know what planets he thinks they should go to yet.
Again, courtesy of sn0wball on the SJGames Free Forum:

Kalenodyn is 105.
Tyassa is 203, fits to Lianna.
Maflavon is 106.
Sidrakleva is an indian philosopher : 804.
Tantalos is 706. Pantigion is 707. Probably both ancient hellenes as well.
Malekusso is 0710. Sounds like evil magic.
Desarollado is 807, comes last.

I need clarification on something you recently posted.

1. Do the subsector humans understand, know, or suspect the Ancients?

2. What's the general attitude, understanding, and policy about psionics?
[Brackets indicate gaming notes]

Malekussu 0710 X766675-2 Ag Ni Ri R 311 Gk G5 V

Public and GK Knowledge:
Red Zone Warning! Native Humans, few animals, and other sapient life forms display extreme psionic powers of types not previously encountered! Landing is forbidden and enforced by a Koalition Naval Interdiction Squadron (KNIS).

Koalition Exploration Service (KES) noted three distinct humanoid species on Malekussu. The most prominent is similar to established baseline human with standard diversity of appearance and physical characteristics. Second is a more robust, almost bestial, humanoid with craggy features [Orcs]. The third race, even rare in numbers, is a shorter, stouter, hirsute humanoid [Dwarfs].

What No One Knows:
KES report on the species of Malekussu is wrong on several accounts. First only mammals have psionic potential. The observations they made of avian species were actually misinterpretation of slightly higher intelligence.

[Figure all species of birds have +1 Int/IQ in whatever system used, but none are considered pre-sentient like Terran primates and cetaceans]

Because the KES survey was cut short by violent dealings with the natives, the team only has a very sketchy knowledge on the nature of the psionic phenomena. From captured animals, they know the psionic talent will fade when a subject is removed from Malekussu, but they don’t know what on the planet is required for these abilities to manifest.

[Enhanced psionic abilities are linked to trace minerals and crystals found on Malekussu, which seem to radiate a psychic energy. When a native mammal leaves the biosphere, the psionic abilities immediately weakens as they are no longer in the slight background psi-energy. After about 12 hours the subject is pretty much a mundane.

Some individuals have been able to harness the crystals for further enhancing their psionic powers.]

Third error is the number of dwarves is way off. The area the KES team investigated just happens to have a low dwarf population, and they based their population breakdown on what was observed from the locals. The actual total dwarf population is higher by a factor of 50, but they are still few in number.

The final error is the one sentient race was not included because they blend in with the baseline humans, not to mention none were in the area of the survey. This elfish race is slimmer from baseline with fair hair, triangular face, and slightly pointed ears (the latter can be easily covered by hair). Their population is roughly 2/3 the size of the dwarfs.
More Planet names:
Ashera (or Ashtoret)
Circa (sp? that witch from the Greek Mythology who turned Odyssius [sp?] into a boar)
Serendipity (sp?)

Words that could describe a polity:
Originally posted by George Boyett:

I need clarification on something you recently posted.

1. Do the subsector humans understand, know, or suspect the Ancients?

2. What's the general attitude, understanding, and policy about psionics?
Okay. To #1: if this is an ATU, then probably yes, especially if my version is used where humanity is the Ancients. If it is somewhere in the OTU, as Employee 2-4601 suggested in another thread, then it depends on where it is: if it is rimward of the Solomani/Aslan/Hivers, then probably not, because it hasn't contacted them yet; if almost anywhere else, then maybe, if for no other reason than ruins.

#2: Psionics is a government thing. All psis must be registered with the government, and are liable to be called up for service by the government. Those who don't come serve are treated as dangerous fugitives, and those who don't even register are treated as at least felony-level criminals.

Also: there is a third modification of humanity there: a kind of "gracile" type that lives in forests. This version is smaller, thinner and lighter - but no weaker - with higher dexterity and intelligence; in addition it has pointed ears. However: the GES (Larissa finds it to be the GES after Granisa Exploratory Service) has not officially discovered them, and those Explorers who contacted them thought they were normal humans. The natives thought the Explorers knew the difference.
Originally posted by Jame:
#2: Psionics is a government thing. All psis must be registered with the government, and are liable to be called up for service by the government. Those who don't come serve are treated as dangerous fugitives, and those who don't even register are treated as at least felony-level criminals.
Smells like Babylon 5's PsiCorps. I like that

Be seeing you...

EDIT: What are the relations between Larissa And Lianna?
Here's the list of polity names/types I came up with while doing some creative contemplations one day. Just replace the asterisk with an appropriate name.

Hope this helps,

* Accomodation
* Accord
* Accordate
* Accordment
* Affiliation
* Affiliate
* Affinity
* Aggregate
* Alliance
* Amalgam
* Amalgamate
* Amalgamation
* Arbitration
* Ascendancy
* Assemblage
* Assembly
* Association
* Authority
* Autocracy
* Birthright
* Biumvirate
* Brotherhood
* Cabal
* Cartel
* Circle
* Circuit
* Clanholds
* Clanworlds
* Coalition
* Colonies
* Combine
* Command
* Commission
* Commonality
* Commonwealth
* Commune
* Communion
* Compact
* Compromise
* Concord
* Concordate
* Concourse
* Concurrence
* Confed
* Confederacy
* Confederation
* Confines
* Conglomerate
* Congress
* Congruity
* Conjunction
* Consanguinity
* Consolidation
* Consortium
* Conspiracy
* Constellation
* Consulate
* Control
* Cooperate
* Cooperative
* Coordinate
* Corporate
* Council
* County
* Covenant
* Crusade
* Delegation
* Democracy
* Demos
* Dependency
* Desmense
* Dictatorship
* Directorship
* Disjuncture
* District
* Domain
* Dominance
* Dominate
* Dominion
* Duchy
* Dynasty
* Ecclesiasty
* Empire
* Enclave
* Exchange
* Expanse
* Extent
* Faction
* Factors
* Federacy
* Federate
* Federation
* Fraternity
* Free Worlds
* Fusion
* Group
* Guild
* Harmony
* Hegemony
* Hierate
* Indentureship
* Integration
* Interacterate
* Inquisition
* Judicature
* Judiciary
* Judiciate
* Junction
* Juncture
* Jurisdiction
* Kinship
* Kinworlds
* Kithworlds
* League
* Legacy
* Legate
* Legion
* Magistracy
* Magistrate
* Mandate
* Manifest
* Merger
* Ministry
* Monarchy
* Monopoly
* Mutuality
* Network
* Occupation
* Order
* Organization
* Outlands
* Outworlds
* Pact
* Partnership
* Patronage
* Polity
* Possessions
* Power
* Predominance
* Preeminence
* Prepotency
* Prerogative
* Presidency
* Primacy
* Principality
* Proletariat
* Protectorate
* Province
* Radius
* Range
* Reaches
* Realm
* Reconciliation
* Regency
* Regime
* Region
* Regnum
* Reign
* Republic
* Rimworlds
* Ring
* Scope
* Settlements
* Signatorate
* Signatory
* Society
* Sodality
* Sovereignty
* Sphere
* States
* Stronghold
* Subjugacy
* Subjugate
* Superiority
* Supremacy
* Suzerainty
* Syndicate
* Synthesis
* Sweep
* Technocracy
* Territories
* Theocracy
* Throne Worlds
* Trade Association
* Trade Coalition
* Trade Confederation
* Trade Federation
* Trade Union
* Transcendancy
* Treaty
* Tripartite
* Triumvirate
* Trust
* Tyranny
* Unanimity
* Unification
* Union
* Unity
* Worlds
* Zone
Grand Duchy of *
Great *
League of * Worlds
Lords of *
New Worlds of *
Stellar Kingdom of *
I think this is either the Granisa Coalition or Granisa Consortium (as above, it can be spelled with a "K" due to spelling differences on different worlds, although the Larissan version has a "C"). Consortium kinda sounds better, because they're consorting with each other to explore, expand and defend.

Kinda the motto there, isn't it?
History beforehand, history of the Granisa Coalition, that kind of thing.

Keep in mind that while there were Ancients, they were most likely humans or someone who discovered and "uplifted" humans, in a technological sense. This brought humanity into an interstellar age. Eventually, they reached higher than TL 18 and developed warp engines which could travel faster, further and for longer and shorter periods than Jump Drive (though it requires at least TL 18 to build
), but had some sort of civil war which brought everything crashing down.
Human ancients keep things simple, but an ancient alien culture could be interesting too - especially with creepy remnants lingering behind and trying to rise again and/or manipulate the "younger" races, ala the OTU's Hivers or Babylon 5's First Ones/Shadows/Vorlons.

How bad did the old culture crash? down to early stellar tech (as in the OTU's "long night")? Down to an early industrial era? Down to the Stone Age?

And how far into the past is the Recovery?

These issues would have a major impact on the Koalition's history.
The crash itself is several thousand years old, and most of the planets went down either to preindustrial or, at most, pre-stellar (e.g. Lianna); when it did it took out almost all the ports. The Recovery is only a few hundred years old.