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A Random Subsector

One question that needs to be answered, then, is why Lianna didn't use its technological edge to establish an empire of its own.

Which worlds survived the Crash with any amount of population?

Also was there a phase of STL colonization before the discovery of Jump Drives?
1: No jump drives. Its only real out-of system colony was made during a phase when it was friendly with those who had jump, and the colony has broken away. And relations have soured...

2: Lianna, Larissa and the A-ports, plus the populated D, E, and X-ports.

2: I don't know. Was there?
Originally posted by Jame:
1: No jump drives.
TL12 and no jump drives? Or did they climb from TL7 to TL9 only after the establishment of the Larissans?

By the way, with all the relics lying around, it is quite easy to imagine a megacorp specializing (among other things) in archeology (think Babylon 5's IPX). Or will the government control these fields?

And if there are inhabitated which aren't relics of the past Empire or Jump-era colonies, they are STL "sleeper ship" colonies.
Yes, TL 12 and no jump drives. The one area of technology that they never re-developed, and couldn't build anyways - B-port, not A-port.

The government controls archaeology; any orgs which do this stuff MUST report everything to the government.

I have no idea which are sleeper-ships, aside from knowing that Lianna and the A-ports, plus most of the B-ports, aren't.
Got your point about Lianna...

"Sleeper Ships" are STL colony ships carrying large numbers of colonists in low berthes.

So, from a military standpoint, Lianna has very good defenses (TL12 SDBs, not to mention TL12 ground troops with PGMP-12's for fire support...), but very little offensive capability (no Jump-capable interstellar transport). Fits them perfectly as the "isolationist high-tech world" you wish to create.

So the centers of the Koalition are Orilla, Marissa and Larissa, with their Starport-As and TL-B. They don't try to annex Lianna as it is too well defended and far easier to trade with than to invade.
You misunderstand about the sleeper ships: I know what they are, but not which worlds if any that they were sent to. If there are any low-pop poor ports those have a chance of being them.

Everything else is correct. ;)
So, is there a world with more prominence than the others in the Koalition (such as Larissa)? If so, did it dominate them economically and politically, or was there a war of subjegation somewhere in the past?
I dunno if there was ever any war of subjugation during the Coalition, but they do remember (a.) here in Lahng subsector but they certainly remember that there was a war with some planet called Croker, nearby in (b.) Lord Croker subsector (which I'll detail soon). That's what caused the collapse to fully take effect once the sector got cut off from Earth.
OK, I'll take a crack at one... ;)

Racine 0502 D75657A-2 S AG, NI 402 GK K8v-M5v(f)

(Note changes to PBG and Stars)

Racine is a lost colony from before the Crash. Racine is a cold, inhospitable world that is at the outer edge of the habitable zone. There are 6 planets in the system and no planetary belts. Four of the planets orbit the primary star (Phedre) and a far companion (Andromaque) contains both Gas Giants. The scout base has been established on one of the moons (Esther and Athalie) of Racine to study this primitive society.

The inhabitants of Racine all inhabit the region around one large equitorial sea. This area is the only truely ariable land on the planet. Ruins of the previous civilization dot most of the planetary surface, but several thousands of years of ice and wind have heavily damaged them. The GES has done only a preliminary survey of the ruins and determined that they are of Human origin dating from the time of the Crash.

The planet has almost no native life on it. Analysis of the ruins shows only standard bacteria and mosses. The Iphigenia Sea, where the natives are located, is the only area on the planet where higher life forms can be found. All known life is derived from standard Larissan/Human types. Goats and Sheep are the dominate meat animals (horses are unknown) and the standard grain types are grown by the primitive natives.

The natives of Racine, all 411,000 of them, are divided into four major city-states with the area between them being the realm of robber-barons and independent settlements. Most trade is handled by a powerful Merchant's Guild that is the balancing power to the expansionist City-States.

The high law level reflects the primarily feudal society that does not allow anyone other than nobles and soldiers to carry weapons (and merchants of course). Gunpowder is unknown, but in most other ways the society is similar to historical Near-Eastern Caliphates. Only preliminary contact has been made with the locals as their knowledge of interstellar society is very likely to destroy the existing societal structure. While not formally intedicted, the Scout base strictly controls what types of materials may be traded to the locals and how these trades take place.

The natives of Racine are living at about the 15th Century with the dominate culture being similar to Bizantine with a lot of Asian influences.

The natives know full well that there is an interstellar civilization about to engulf them. The Merchant's Guild has much stronger control over the various city-states than the Scouts believe. The TL of the guild is much closer to TL3, although they keep many of those secrets to themselves (gunpowder for example). Since the Guild controls almost all trade and travel around the Iphigenia Sea, they are the defacto world government. Their telescopes have discovered all the worlds in their system. They are not the primitives that the Scouts believe them to be. Their history is filled with stories of Demons from the Sky coming to kill and pillage; their version of hell is located on Andromaque. The Merchants are on the verge of consolodating their power into a single corporate type government (or perhaps a Feudal Technocracy). Players on the planet would probably get caught up in the opening rounds of the consolodation wars...

Here is the System (done to Book 6 Standards):
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Orbit Name UWP
0 Empty
1 Racine D75657A-2 AG, NI
8 Esther YS00000-0
15 Althalie F100268-B Scout Base
2 Bajazet Y310000-0
3 Empty
4 Mithridate Y7A0000-0
1 Ring YR00000-0
12 Boileau Y200000-0

FAR: Andromaque M5v
0 Moliere SGG
4.4 Fontaine LGG
1 Ring YR00000-0
8 Seine Y100000-0
20 Oreste YS00000-0
30 Jansen Y314000-0
</pre>[/QUOTE]How's that for a start?
Per some previous posts here, several of the worlds that you identify as "Unnamed" have been named:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
0105 Kalenodyn
0106 Maflavon
0203 Tyassa
0706 Tantalos
0707 Pantigion
0710 Malekusso
0804 Sidrakleva
0807 Desardlado
</pre>[/QUOTE]I suggest the following names:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
0204 Asra
0205 Marijampole
</pre>[/QUOTE](Extra points for identifying the reference)

Marijampole is a former colony of Asra. The two factions on Marijampole are pro and anti Koalition. Only one of the governments is pro (with the starport). The anti Koalition government is pretty isolationist and is a quiet backwater.
Plankowner: thanks - map and pdf updated!

And I'm not gonna google the reference - I don't know it!

I'd like to do the writeup for

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">0305 Unnamed B626884-A 111 Gk </pre>[/QUOTE]If I may.
Name: The Park (official name HP501-944)
UPP: B626884A

Planetary details:

Starport class B, Good quality installation. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing non-starships present.

Medium sized world. Surface gravity of .84 G. World diameter is 6000 miles (9600 km).

Very thin, tainted atmosphere. Combination mask needed.

60 percent water. Cloud cover is 20 percent.

Hundreds of millions of inhabitants.

Civil Service Bureaucracy. Government by agencies employing individuals
selected for their expertise.

Law Level 4: Light assault weapons (sub-machine guns) prohibited.

Tech Level A: Interstellar community.

Trade Classifications: None.

The Park, a megacorporate hydropetrochemical extraction hub named 'HP501-944' before the Crash, is an ironically-titled world indeed.

What once was a thriving, entrepreneurial workforce serving a lonely, toxic landscape of industrial megastructures is now little more than a subjugated and disspirited culture clinging to a bleak, broken and hazy planet - its thin and tainted atmosphere mirrored by the corrupt, ineffective bureaucracy in control. The Park's government consists of and is dominated by what remains of a number of major megacorporations and commercial entities, 'nationalized' into a civil bureaucracy in the aftermath of the Crash.

With a priority towards shareholders as their constituency, the government of the world's hundred-plus-million inhabitants is often impersonal and thoughtless - any decisions on global policy matters are only reached after endless cycles of defiance and consensus-seeking, deception and compromise, often well after the urgency has passed. In this way, a sort of status-quo is maintained and the inhabitants learn to accept what they are given and to avoid 'rocking the boat'.

While many of the planet's inhabitants (company workers of every stripe) live in various sprawling artificial-atmosphere residential platform complexes scattered across the scarred and fetid planet, the leaders of the executive boards of these groups act in 'healthy competition' to administer and allocate a workforce of approximately 100 million workers. These 'Executive Bureaucrats' live in opulence in horizon-splitting megastructures like the Koblis Tower.

An additional 10-30 million that make up the remainder of the world's population are not employed by the corporations, and so are not administered by, nor formally entitled to the benefits and services of the employed class. Many of them inhabit the cities, but colonies have been reported throughout the now-deserted petrochemical processing facilities that stretch for miles across, above and below the acrid shorelines.

The abject poverty of the 'unemployed', especially when contrasted with the technological luxuries available to the wealthy, has created a very strong impetus for most of the population to remain gainfully (if not always equitably) employed. Everything from transportation to medical services to information are only available to those possessing a 'business card'.

In addition, employees in good standing are able to 'increase their slice of the pie', being eligible to try for a single-point increase in their SOC during yearly corporate evaluations (roll 12 on 2d6). Employees are rarely able to receive more than 2 or 3 point increases over the course of their tenure - and any such SOC increases are immediately forfeit if their employment should be voluntarily or involuntarily terminated.

Increasing violence in the past few years has been of great global concern. Among the most spectacular of these violent incidents were a number of raids by armed attackers, some ending in death, aimed primarily at recreational and residential platforms in the easternmost part of one of the planet's primary continents. In one series of brutal attacks the atmospheric integrity facilities of a major recordkeeping complex (and the adjacent corporate housing structure) were sabotaged and nearly 600 Siiriani employees were killed.

In the wake of the attacks Kashdukan Metalworks CEO Irthas Maliu, who had been personally identified as sponsoring a radical 'unemployment rights' faction named as responsible, has stepped down to stand trial. Kashdukan's stock price has plummeted nearly 600% in the months since his resignation. Maliu's former rival, Siiriani CEO-Imperatore Count Rax Arbanthus of Larissa, has ignored mounting evidence that Maliu was in fact framed - and has militarized the company's holdings and activities in response to the attacks. Siiriani declared in their last earnings report that they have dedicated an unprecedented 10% of their yearly profits to development of a new corporate mercenary organization. Siiriani hopes to have this 'for-hire' military force online within the year, with contracts to provide defense for belters and mining initiatives planned elsewhere in the subsector. If Arbanthus is successful in his ongoing negotiations with representatives of the Larissan Polity (some of whom are in fact relatives of the Count), Siiriani would be poised to become the dominant corporate power on the planet, and Arbanthus could ascend to become a significant figure in subsector politics.


(how's that?)
Thanks Jame - and thanks for opening up this subsector to the community to imagine together!

Plankowner - I really like your world description a lot. I could see folks insinuating themselves into the culture from off-world, if only to play 'King Arthur' for a day
Hmm... For 0201, I think HP 363-047 would go well, to have kind of a theme. But the space in between HP and 363 is important.

For 0110, Kriegaline sounds good (unless someone else wants to make a suggestion).
mickazoid, thanks for the compliment. I REALLY like your writeup as well. I am NOT an art person but I really like the planetary image that you put up.

Yes, I thought that there might be a nice little underground group that wants to play in the locality. But, I envisioned more of an Arabian Nights rather than King Arthur. I also want to point out that the locals know what is going on and allow it to happen, at least for now.

Reading over the last couple of writeups, I get the impression that the GES may not be a smart as they think they are. At least two of their surveys are missing some critical data about the worlds they have surveyed.
Jame, are you going to do the writeups on the structure of the Koalition Government or is that up for grabs too? What about the various departments, branches, Megacorporations etc (although Mickazoid has given us a couple of those)?

How much can we play vs how much is yours?
You can put up as much as you want, but I may have some things for the government (or not, but I gotta think on it).