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A Trip to the Extents


Absent Friend
I'm not quite sure which is the appropriate board for this one, but in the end I put it here for the 'venture into strange territory' aspect.

This is an idea for a campaign setting that I probably will never get around to writing up, so here are the bare bones of the idea. Anyone who likes is welcome to take the idea and run with it for any legitimate Traveller purpose, up to and including work for pay. No strings attached, although I would appreciate an acknowledgement (and a comp :) ).

The setting is the 4th quadrant of Gvurrdon (subsectors K, L, O, and P), a region that includes many non-aligned worlds plus the 40th Squadron, the Commonaility of Kedzudh, and parts of the Worlds of Leader Rukh, the Society of Equals, and the Thoengling Empire, plenty of friends and foes of the Imperium.

The Push is a job to find and rescue a group of people that have been sold as slaves. The PCs get a 400T free trader as a cover, but don't have to worry about bank payments, as the ship is on loan from the Patron.

The patron is Oberlindes Lines' Chief of Security and here is how he presents the job (the date is 1120):

"Some years back, just before the war, Oberlindes got into a tradewar with a company called Akerut. It's a Tukera subsidiary that covers the Aramis subsector the same way Ekatur covers the Regina subsector. We won that engagement, but Akerut has resented us since then and three years ago they tried again. This time the result was a draw, more or less. One of our losses was a team of private agents that I'd hired to do a raid on an Akerut facility on Aramanx. They got caught due to some really bad luck.

Some companies just keep captured opponents until the thing is settled and then ransom or release them, but Akerut plays rough. This team just disappeared.

Well, regular or temp, Oberlindes doesn't leave any of its men in the lurch if we can possibly help it, so I've been trying to find out what happened to them ever since. Recently I found someone who was willing to talk. Seems that the team was taken to a world in the Vargr Extents and sold into slavery -- by a third party, of course; Akerut wouldn't dream of engaging in slavery, hardy-har-har. Anyway, what I want you to do is track them down and pry them loose -- any way you have to!

I've shaken loose one of our tramps, the
Viridian Vampire. It's a 400 T armed jump-2 trader. You'll be its senior crew and you'll get a stake for trading. Any profits you make are yours to keep and we'll cover any losses. I want you to take the Vampire to <world> and get our people back. If some of them have been sold on, you'll have to follow them wherever the trail leads -- to the next world and the next, if that's where it takes you.

Any questions?"


The Viridian Vampire, a Golden Gryphon Class merchant.
A valuable cargo. [How valuable? What exactly?]
Letters of introduction to Oberlindes factors in Gvurrdon.
On Pandrin.
On the capital of the Commonality of Kedzudh.
On the capital of the Thoengling Empire.​
A ship's locker full of weapons and gear (second-hand, naturally).​
That's all I have so far. Use as you please.

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