MT has the Special Duty addition to the Classic character generation system. I'm wondering what folks think about this.
I see it as a way to make the Classic characters competitive with the "Advanced" characters.
Also what do folks think about using the school/academy system for CT?
As a thought, the Megatraveller character generation system produces characters with more skills than the Book1 system, closer to the number of skills an advanced character generation system like that in Mercenary might create. It works much the same as the CT system.
Another option I used quite a bit with the CT system was to give the player a number of points equivalent to their education that they could buy background skills with. These could be pretty much anything they could write into a reasonably sane back story.
- 1 point for a level 0 skill
- 2 points per level from 1-2
- 4 points per level from 3+